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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Waverize It!

September is National Sewing Month
and it's Waverly Fabric's 90th Aniversary!
To celebrate 
Jo-Ann Fabrics and Waverly are having a Waverize It Challenge.
They sent me 2 yards of Waverly upholstery fabric
to get my creative on!
They challenged bloggers to come think out of the box and sew up something 
out of the ordinary. To transform something in our lives through sewing
and Waverly fabric. 

Well, I decided my market umbrella that I recently got from LA Shop
could use a slipcover. 
Making slipcovers for umbrellas is thinking out of the box that's for sure.
The fabric they sent me is Waverly Blossoms Boutique.
It's big and bold and the fabric is a nice weight and super easy to sew.
It flowed through my sewing machine like butter.
I let the Waverly fabric inspire my table for two in the garden.
Hot pink damask plates and roses...all that is needed is cucumber sandwiches and lemonade.
Those melamine outdoor dishes came from target several years ago.
I have twelve of them and have never used them.
Back to the umbrella....
It really adds a garden party vibe to my umbrella! 

Ok, so I cheated...Jo-Ann sent me 2 yards of fabric but this project took four yards.
I had to purchase two more yards....oh well...

I have instructions on how to make your own umbrella slipcover at the end of this post but 
first I want to tell you about the Waverize It Contest.

During September 1 - 22, Jo-Ann and Waverly are hosting a Waverize It! Facebook
contest open to all consumers. I hope you are inspired by my project to create something of your own.
The grand prize for this contest is $1,000 
in Waverly fabric and a $250 Jo-Ann gift card!
I am not eligible for this contest as I'm in the official Jo-Ann blogger contest.
So you won't be competing with me.

More details here...

Follow that link and the Jo-Ann website will tell you exactly how to enter.
Now, on to how I made that crazy slipcover.
It's not hard...it's just big!

I hope you accept the challenge.
I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

sharing at
Saturday Show Off


InMyOwnStyle said...

WOW!!!! WOW WOW - Amazing project and your tutorial is stellar! Following it - the way you broke it down step-by-step lets you see that it is a do-able project.

Patty Rumaker said...

I love that umbrella! Yes, definitely thinking outside of the box. Loving those plates also.
Thanks, Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

Andrea at Opulent Cottage said...

Well that is just beyond clever! I'm kicking myself for getting rid of my old PB umbrella now. Love it!!

LJ said...

Oh my goodness Nita, this UMBRELLA! It is the prettiest and most charming umbrella I've ever seen. I love your creativity. :) Sharon

Ivy, Phyllis and Me! said...

Good Afternoon Nita, Well, how fortuitous, my garden umbrella has torn and I was thinking about making a new cover. I was going to choose a plain fabric, but after seeing your beautiful fabric, I have changed my mind. I am going to copy out the information and save it to cover my garden umbrella during the winter sounds strange, I know, but it will be ready for next summer. I just adore the material you have chosen, but because I live in England, I know it would be too expensive to buy and get sent over, so I am going to have a look for something similar..... maybe a Cath Kidson fabric. Thank you so much for the inspiration.
I have really enjoyed my visit and I have become a new follower. I am now going to catch up on your other posts.
I would like to invite you to visit me at Ivy, Phyllis and Me! when you have the time as it would be lovely to see you there.
Best Wishes to you,

Sonny G said...

Oh wow, you did GREAT.. I didnt even use my umbrella this year because it was so faded.. but because of YOU I'll sure know what to do for next year..
thank you so much. I'm saving your detailed instructions.


Shannon Fox said...

Nita that is so cute. And so YOU! The fabric is adorable and the umbrella looks so romantic and pretty now. I hope you enjoy it!!

Susan Freeman said...

I love your umbrella and you did a great job!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

Leslie @ Lamberts Lately said...

I absolutely adore this project...what a great way to revive an old umbrella! This would be great to link-up to Create It Thursday for this week…it's live now! Hope you'll join us!

Unknown said...

I love this idea. It adds so much color to your patio area and you could use it to refresh a tired umbrella. Super cute!

Scribbler said...

This is just way too cute! And of course, I love all the haute pink.

I would never have thought of this. That proves you are way more creative than I am. You win! I bow to The Master -- or is it The Mistress?

www.mysoulfulhome.com said...

Brilliant & lovely! Nice job Nita!

Sharon Rexroad's Bringing Creativity 2 Life said...

I'm so glad we didn't see pillows today! This is just FAB!

Patricia said...

I too kept my fingers crossed hoping you could finish your "mystery" project and we wouldn't see "pillows"!

Your umbrella is fabulous! I've already looked up the fabric and plan to stop by my nearest Jo-Ann Fabrics store and pick up some.

You won't believe it but I have three faded umbrellas in the garage begging to be recovered that I've never thrown out because the rest of the umbrella still looks great.

This is a great project now because here in Miami we won't be able to use our patios and backyards until November when the temperatures cool down and the rains stop.

Debra@CommonGround said...

oh Nita, what a fun idea, you really came up with a great project! Love that wonderful floral fabric!

Pondside said...

What a sweet and clever idea!
I have a soft spot for Waverly fabric since I bought it for the first set of slipcovers I had made for our (then) brand new camel back sofas way back in 1979. I still have the slipcovers and bring them out every summer.

"Create Beauty" said...

LOVE it!!!!!

What a marvelous idea!
You are so clever : )

~ Violet

Curtains in My Tree said...

fabulous girl just fabulous and love the fabric also

what a great job and challenge and you conquered it

Cindi Myers said...

This is the best sewing tutorial ever and this is coming from someone who does NOT sew.
I'm so happy you did this!
I was just thinking about my market umbrella and worried about it fading over time and now I know what to do if and when it happens!
Great post.

Bring Pretty Back said...

LOVE the bright colors!!! The pink dishes from Target - LOVE! Love the whole thing!!!! Wish so much I could sew!!
Have a pretty day!

Unknown said...

OMG! That is so clever and so cute, Nita! You did an amazing job and I bet you just started a new trend.

Little Wandering Wren said...

oH ME OH mY! I love your market umbrella and all the detailed instructions, thanks my summer is just going to get a whole lot brighter!


Heather Coody said...

That's a fabulous print - reminds me of an english garden... pretty!

Susie Q said...

I adore that fabric! I love big splashy florals.

One question...did you sew the slipcover to the old faded cover?

Chris said...

I have two umbrellas that need slipcovers. This looks like a good project for me to undertake maybe this winter when I'm dreaming of spring. The thing is not all Market umbrellas have eight panels. Many of the 6' and 61/2' ones have six panels. So a good idea to count how many panels you need before proceeding.