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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Silver Spice Rack

I finally changed all my spices over to matching glass jars.
When I went to search my files to see when I'd first posted about this spice rack
I made from silver casserole servers, I was shocked that I'd done this project back in June.
This is how it looked back then.
I searched all over for glass spice jars and finally settled on salt and pepper shakers 
I bought at Target.
I covered the holes in the top of the shakers with clear packing tape on the inside.
I just cut a square of it to go over the holes.
Much better, don't you think?
I made the labels on my computer, printed, cut them out and covered with 
clear packing tape making them water proof.
This was really a simple project. I would have had it completed long ago if life hadn't 
gotten in the way and if I'd found the bottles sooner.

This project started with the silver serving pieces I found at a thrift store.
A little wood made the shelf I attached in the middle.
The small molding piece is from Michael's Crafts and the small piece of wood that makes the actual shelf came from Lowe's. 
They have tiny pieces of wood...who would have thought?
I used tiny tiny nails and wood glue to attach the molding to the edge of the wood plank.
Then painted all with metallic silver paint and then rubbed on a bit of black paint.
The shelves turned out looking just like the actual servers - like tarnished silver.
I attached the shelf to the server in two different ways.
The bottom shelf I was able to attach using very small screws that went through the fret work of the silver tray and into the shelf.
But the smaller tray...the fretwork was covered where I needed to attach.
So, I drilled two small holes through the shelf and wired it in place.
Both ways worked equally as good.
I love having my spices easily accessible and it's pretty too.

sharing at


Julie said...

What a clever idea! I see that type of silver serving piece all the time at the thrift stores. Would never have thought of doing this. They look great.

Carol-Anne said...

Seriously brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Loved the project when you first blogged about it in June. I didn't think it could be improved but I was wrong! Looks even better with the new matching jars. Love it! Jana in Texas

Terry said...

I do so love this project! Loves wonderful in your kitchen!

Tanna said...

That is absolutely fabulous, Nita!! Love those matching jars, too. WELL done! blessings ~ Tanna

sharon said...

This looks so wonderful! And its a clever idea to up-cycle those casserole caddies. Don't you love how small details can make such a big change.

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

This is a great idea Nita! I love the way it looks on the wall!~Hugs, Patti

PAINTORDIG.blogspot.com said...

This is such a clever idea. I love the salt shakers you used.

Amy Chalmers said...

What a hug difference this makes in your kitchen~~!! Brilliant is right Nita! I love the jars, they look simple and vintage and so do the labels. You have to send this idea to Country Living magazine!

Bonnie@ The Hopeless Romantic said...

Great idea Nita, sorry i missed the origional post back in june....I love this idea. I found 2 of these and stashed them not sure what to do with em........i was thinking of tryin to make some picture frames???....Great job, thanks for sharing!...........Bonnie

Teresa said...

I've always loved your spice rack....looks fabulous

Ricki Treleaven said...

*WOW*, Nita, how pretty! I love this project. It is so fancy, yet useful at the same time! I think it is smart to have your spices close because you are much more likely to use them in your cooking.

Tammy@Beatrice Banks said...

These are just awesome! You're going to start a trend! I agree with Amy. This belongs in a magazine! Beautiful.

Korrie@RedHenHome said...

This looks SO good! What a fun, beautiful kitchen accessory.

Kim said...

Your spice racks look wonderful in your kitchen. What a great idea.

Letters from the Shore

vintage girl at heart said...

The new look with the new jars hit Pinterest already..I was like oh look Nita's spice rack!!
Love it!

Chris at Red Gate Farm said...

LOVE this idea! I even have one of those silver servers.... now if I can just find one more....


Cindi Myers said...

I love it. So classic and elegant!
Cool labels!
Do you really use all those spices?
Wow! I'm so lame, I only have MAYBE 5. Now I want MORE!
Not to cook with of course, just for pretend and because they are so pretty.
:) - Cindi

Debby said...

Very nice. Great idea. So nice to have them close to your stove as well.

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

What a clever idea!!!!!!!!!!!
Mind if I share this on my blog sometime soon?

:) Becky

Debra@CommonGround said...

LOVE this! You had such a great idea for this, perfect with the s and p's!! magazines should jump on this!!

Anonymous said...

This project has been one of my favorite 'repurposing' stories in all of blogland. It was genius, well executed, and adds just the right touch of vintage to your kitchen. Love, love, love it! -- HollyM

Renee said...

So simple, but yet so practical and pretty!

La Vie Quotidienne said...

Very cleaver and so pretty...who wouldn't appreciate a little addition of silver in a room.

JoAnn S. said...

wow, they look terrific, you did a great job, they look like a great addition to your kitchen, way to go girl.
hugs JoAnn

Cindy said...

You're right Nita, it's very pretty! I love it, the shelves look just like the silver.
Hugs, Cindy

NanaDiana said...

That turned out so cute...and it looks great with all the matching glass bottles. xo Diana

Jane@Cottage at the Crossroads said...

I absolutely love this idea! These look fabulous in your kitchen. I just passed on some of these yesterday. Wish I had them now!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I love this! How unusual and pretty it looks there!

Katie @ Wildwood Creek said...

Love this project! I'm looking for some silver serving pieces to copy this project.

Dixie said...

perfectly amazing!

Anonymous said...

I remember this project as I love it (I am a frequent reader and very infrequent commenter) and am glad to see you found cute bottles!


Sharon Rexroad's Bringing Creativity 2 Life said...

Nita! Simply spectacular! I'm thinking you could even use the shaker tops w some of the spices - cinnamon toast anyone?

PCovi said...

Now that is genius!

donations charity said...

I really impress by this project.It really wonderful.This type of situations make Kitchen clean.We can easily search any kind of jar.

Robin Johnson said...

Your spice rack is such a great idea. I looks amazing.

annie@mostlovelythings said...

What an interesting idea...really beautiful and creative.

Unknown said...

Love this, Nita!

Shabby Marilyn said...

Fantastic, so nice in Silver, I also remember those trays. Pretty Spice Rack. Great Idea to give those trays a new purpose!

Cherise said...

I absolutely love your spice racks! You're so clever! Now I'll have to keep an eye out for these to make one of my own! Thanks for sharing! :)

Unknown said...

Totally LOVE this. Pinned it. Thanks for sharing it at SNS!!

Beth said...

This is so clever and looks so amazing! I need to figure out where I could put one of these.

Debra@CommonGround said...

Hey Girl, so glad you linked this up to VIF, I'll be featuring this post on VIF tomorrow!! xoxo

Cottonridge said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I come across these all the time and finally a good idea for them! Hope you don't mind I pinned it.


French-Kissed said...

I remember liking this project when you first posted it, but now with the matching bottles and labels you have hit this one out of the ball park...your fine tuning really paid off! Might be cute to do it for a collection of nail polishes, too. Have a wonderful weekend Nita!


Bliss said...

Saw your idea featured at Common Ground and had to stop by and check out the rest of your blog. Too cute!


Rita's Recipes said...

This is a great idea. I featured it on my blog with a link
back to you. Check it out .

Christina at I Gotta Create! said...

Such a FABULOUS way to display spices. BRAVO!!

Funky Junk Interiors said...

Seriously amazing! But then everything you do is!! :)

I shared this on FJI Facebook and pinned for SNS 124. :)



Darleen @ Places In The Home said...

These are fantastic! I shared on twitter and my facebook page- simply gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Hello Nita! You've done a lovely job with your spice rack - it's beautiful! I've linked it to my spice racks post too today, well done!

Shannon Fox said...

Nita, I missed this post somehow? but thanks to Inspire Me Heather, I came by for a peek. This is so cute and the way you "silvered" the trim is brilliant ;) Hope you and the pups are all well!

Tracey Ayton Photography said...

Found ya via Inspire Me Heather. What a fabulous idea. Way too adorable. I am going on a search for those footed trays. Lovely blog.

-Lisa said...

I love this! I haven't looked through all the comments so someone else may have already said this but I think it would look great in a bathroom with perfumes on it!
Thanks for sharing and for such great vision!

Debbiedoos said...

This is one of my favs Nita for the Whisperwood Cottages feature. Best of luck to you. One of my facebook friends asked me if I knew how you did the shelves...I will direct them to your post.

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

Just saw you made the top 10 at WhisperWood Cottage. Way to go! They couldn't have picked a more deserving or talented blogger. If I were judging you would be the winner for sure. :o)

Ethereal PLUS what I Love said...

Love this idea!
New follower, Francine
Ethereal PLUS what I Love

Lessandra said...

What a clever idea! They're very pretty - especially with the new bottles.

Moy said...

Love this!!! I wanted glass spice jars but couldnt afford them as I have lots of spices. The S&P idea is GREAT...I pinned this so share w/all.

Unknown said...

Just saw this on pinterest and so clever and beautiful use of those casserole servers. I've collected 2 in hopes of putting a solid bottom in them and using as letter trays on my desk, and now think I will repurpose them from what I originally was going to re purpose them, and use as spice shelves..terrific and creative idea. I searched all through the info posted, comments, and may have missed where and what brand of spice bottles you ended up using ?
Just love what you did !

WizzKnits said...

This is so amazing! I love it!!! I see these a lot at thrift stores and always wonder what they could be used for...thanks for the idea!

Alessandra said...

Lindo demais!!

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