Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thinking About This

My den office has floor to ceiling shelves much like this.
How I wish my room looked this good.
My shelves are a jumble of books, art supplies and miscellaneous.
The shelves pictured here are a jumble but they are a good jumble.
Mine are a bad jumble.
You have said that you appreciate how real I am here on this blog....if you saw 
my room you would wish for me to be less real.
It has really gotten out of hand with projects everywhere and 
the weenies lounge in this room all day too.

Which means I could never ever have a white slipcovered sofa in there.

Right now there is fuzz all over the floor because 
Franklin pulled all the stuffing out of the big dog bed.
Yep, I need to do something about that.

Today the plumber is on the way over to look at my leaking water heater and 
I'm working on a painting for a friend.
Both projects in near proximation to the other.

Poor planning on my part.
It's too big to work on in the office so it's on the dining room table right now.

Looks to be a crazy day.

Hope you have a good Thursday....I'll try my best.


  1. Oh for a wall of gorgeous shelves like that!!!! And I like how there is that opening for the furniture piece. I know what you mean about how projects can get away from us and clutter up the place, and the doggies just add to the mess at times. At least it is a happy mess (your dog was quite happy pulling out the stuffing I am sure : ) Oh I can relate!!!

    ~ Violet

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  4. That is one gorgeous room!! I love the shelves.


  5. I bet with a bit of fluffing you can make yours that great too. It is the personal stuff that makes it cozy I think.
    What are you painting for your friend and can you show us??
    Just had to throw away our doggy bed 'cause they chewed the stuffing out too..someone needs to make one that is chew proof!
    Hope the water heater is a quick and cheap fix.
    Enjoy this cooler weekend weather too.

  6. I'd love to have a room like that one day ~ a nice big room with a long wall of floor-to-ceiling shelves full of good things. Just beautifully eclectic. I have several rooms that still need a bit of fluffing. I'm using the whole I moved a few months ago and am still redecorating excuse. :)

  7. I have a small bookcase for my art supplies, but I've just taken up water colors, so now I have all the tablets and more paints and more paints. Plus I won 245 tubes, which is a lot of paints. Can' wait to see what you are painting. You must share w/us. That wall is beauitful and I'm sure yours is, too.

  8. I hear you, Nita. I think we all have places like that- Real life creates real messes and we can't always have everything perfect- xo Diana

  9. I worked on my spare bedroom for days and rearranged the shelves and set up tables and organized the room until it was perfect for creating. And I've been creating lately...but it's all downstairs on my kitchen table! I say to Hell with it. As long as I'm painting, I don't care where it is and that is what I say to you.
    Let that room be your catch all room, you can carry your paintings back in there if you have company over but I think it's better to be happy and the pups messy than have every room be perfect.
    I'm sending you positive thoughts that the water heater leak will be something he can fix quickly and cheaply. Hang in there my friend and please post the painting when you are done.
    XOXO - Cindi

  10. Those shelves are pretty cool. Totally stuffed, but amazing not messy feeling. Look at all the furniture in there too, a desk and chair behind the couch, a dresser in the middle of the bookshelves, and lots of other chairs tables and a big couch...a LOT of stuff...Nita if anyone can do it you can. And I did have a white slipcover with three little boys and a big hairy dog and a (now ex) landscaper husband...and they were great for years and years...washing with bleach and back to bright white!

  11. Those shelves and rooms are wonderful...
    Guess what.... the beauty of slip covers is they wash!
    Hope your water heater gets fixed for next to nothing and hope your project brings you joy today. I love your blog which means I would probably love to have you as a friend. I would have to be a senior friend but that would be O.K. :)


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