Friday, September 7, 2012

Fall in New Mexico

Last night my friend Petra shared with me some photos she took last fall in Espanola, New Mexico.
I could just smell the pinon wood burning and feel the crisp air when looking at these photos she snapped of a fruit stand.
Mountains in the background
I love those big hanging strands of chili peppers.
Petra goes to Santa Fe, New Mexico at least once a year and I'd love to go soon.
It's been a very long time since I've been there and it's fabulous.
Anyway...just looking at these photos reminded me that it would be cooler here soon 
and there will be pumpkin stands everywhere. 
Meaning, I can go do one of my favorite things which is Pumpkin Shopping! 

How about you?
Do you like to Pumpkin Shop?

Oh...update on my water heater. I need a new one and new pipes and fittings.
Has to be done.
At least it was discovered it was leaking before it leaked all over my house.

I have Franklin to thank for that because he ate or hid the gas bill for a couple of months.
Which resulted in my gas being turned off.
When they came to turn it back on...they asked me if I knew it was leaking.

No....I didn't know it was leaking.
So it actually turned out to be a good thing that Franklin ate the mail.
Or did whatever it is that he does with it.

See there was a silver lining in my bad luck of late.
But then...there is the cost of the water heater and the water heaters wear out.
They just do.

Now I won't need one for a long time.
At least I better not.


  1. yep, sometimes you just have to laugh so that you don't cry.

  2. Franklin! You causing trouble again?



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