Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fall Decor

Time to Start Thinking about Fall
Hard to believe, isn't it? That fall is just about upon us.
It's still super hot here but by the end of the month things will cool down greatly.
Funny how I dread the change in weather each season.
I get used to going without a coat and having on cooler clothes and next spring
I'll feel weird about giving up my coat and sweaters and tights.
Especially tights...I love them...because they keep my legs warm.
Right now I can't imagine ever wearing a pair again. 
But I will.
It's time to drag out all my fall stuff and change the house up.
It's hard for me to feel like doing it when it's still so hot out.
But I know the urge will hit soon.
Gosh I wish I had a huge white urn like that to fill with pumpkins.

I just love this porch. You can almost feel the cool crisp fall air in this photo.

Have you been following Amy's journey over at 

She opened her second store location in Boston over the weekend and it's a huge success!
Interior of Maison Decor - Boston
She's a retailer for Annie Sloan Chalk Paints and Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint.
Dogs are welcome in the store and they came in droves.
Dogs are very into french decor it seems.
The other day when I talked about fake Mr. Perfect Blogger Husbands....I didn't mean
Amy's husband. He truly is the perfect blogging husband.
He's up for every idea of her's and provides the support she needs to get her ideas accomplished.
Which usually means transporting furniture and stuff she buys for the store.

Amy has said she knows how lucky she is...because she's had it the other way.
I'm so happy that someone I know really does have a great husband.
She has said in the past that she is almost hesitant to mention him on the blog for
fear people will think she is overly romanticizing their relationship.
She knows she is very very fortunate.

I hope Amy didn't think I was lumping her in with faux blogger husbands when I wrote the other day.
I really think there is probably a higher percentage of supportive husbands on the blogs.
Not that many don't embellish or leave out the bad stuff...but the husbands that enjoy 
renovation and vintage things are going to be the ones with wives that also share
that interest and blog about it.

But then there are others that wrote to me and said they don't mention their husbands on the blog
because they aren't supportive. 
And they feel like they are struggling to be creative in spite of their spouse.

I've been there too....trying so hard to accomplish what I want to do with a partner 
that is totally against everything you are trying to do.

Right now....I'm just glad that I can do what I want and there is no one to tell me different.
No one to keep happy but myself.


  1. i am so excited for fall! and i live in boston so i can't wait to visit maison decor! thanks for letting me know about it :)

  2. Not me! I think this just might be the longest summer of my life!
    I can NOT wait for it to be over!
    and of course the fact that Fall is my favorite season doesn't hurt!
    I just hope it stays Fall for a long time and doesn't go right into Winter. :(
    I popped over to your friend Amy's blog, Wow! a second store and I'm so glad it was such a big hit. It looked like she has a great clientele. And I adored seeing dogs in the shop. Very cool.

  3. I love Fall and am finally ready to see the decorations up and around me. I love Amy and she has such a good spirit about her. Her hubby truly is her work mate AND her soul mate. She is a lucky gal.

    Blessings to you, Nita, for always keeping your blog so real- xo Diana

  4. hey Nita, what a nice thing to do...putting me on your blog, and giving Dave his due...he really feels like you are part of our family. Its funny how that works, when I talk about your ups and downs, he truly worries for when your heater was acting up....he would be over in a flash to take care of things like that. I have cut back my hours at my shop now that Boston is up and open every day but Tuesday...that way I can try to do things around my house and even blog about it. I want to have a little more time to do that. I wish I could help you get that chandelier up...and I want to see your shutters too. Maybe a phone call is in order??? xo


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