Thursday, July 26, 2012

Let's Cool Off

Of course it's beastly hot here. Oh it's been I'm counting my blessings.
Only 101 today. 
I'm working on my hutch turned potting bench...painting it. 
Hope to reveal next week.
I thought I'd post photos today of pretty cooling fountains.
I don't have a fountain in my backyard but so wish I did.
My friend Petra called me Saturday and said she now has a pool in her backyard.
I posted about her yard here.
This is Petra's pretty little backyard.
I feared that the pool would take over.
But it's placed out of range of this the very back of the yard.
It's a large blow up pool.
I had to immediately go over and see.
She said they were on sale for $39.99 at Ace Hardware and that she and two neighbors
each got one. 
I guess the heat has gone to their heads!
On Sunday she was in and out of it all day pretending she was on vacation.
She had drinks and music and was having a very good time all by herself.

It was like she was at a redneck resort.

The things us single middle aged women do to entertain ourselves!
At least we don't need any approval to do such silly things.
She warned me she didn't think it a good idea for me to get one with all my dogs.
No worries...I wasn't tempted. 
It looks like this - sans kids.
Crazy! Good thing she got it after she was awarded yard of the month.
I teased that we were going to revoke her award.
Anyway...back to my potting bench...
which looks like
but will look something like this when done.
The walls of my house are even the color of the walls in the photo.
And since my potting bench will sit against the walls of my house...I think this will be nice.
I had been thinking of painting it this shade of blue green but when I found this image...
I knew for sure.

Back to fountains...
All that green coolness surrounding
I did have a wall fountain but filled it with plants last year.
It was doing beautifully but is struggling now in the heat.
This is a bit of it here.
The creeping jenny is now growing way down the sides.
But the flowers are not so pretty.
They'll come back though when this heat subsides.
I'd love to feel the splash of this water.
I bet the dogs would too.
A few years ago I bought the weenies a mister thinking they would enjoy the 
fine mist cooling their little bodies.
Nope...they hated it.
They blinked their little eyes against the mist and ran inside.
They wanted nothing to do with it.
silly dogs
I love the look of this formal garden.
Ok, back to painting for me.

I hope you are staying cool.
Do you know anyone with a redneck resort in their backyard?


  1. what a great post, Nita, you had me laughing! I could just see the weenies running for the house. Something about that running water, just cools off the old brain. can't wait to see you potting bench. love the color!

  2. well..........
    you know that I'm going to comment on this one! :D
    I called the City at the beginning of the summer JUST to find out what hoops I would have to jump through to have an inground pool and it was unbelieveable the things I would have to do.
    Besides that, I couldn't afford it anyway BUT next year I plan on joining the ranks of the redneck resorters. I'll put up a privacy fence first though so that the neighbors don't have to see my fish-belly white body from their kitchen window :D

  3. Why yes I do. Our neighbors at the old house have a blow up pool but we ourselves are pretty redneck with no paint on our old house. Joe declares they will raise his taxes and he is right. See why I need the yellow house? I would love a fountain too-the sound of running water might make me feel cooler.

  4. I just love coming to visit you, Nita. You have such wonderful photos but your words put them over the top! We have a mini-redneck resort that I set up when the kids come over...and empty it when they leave- xo Diana

  5. What a fun way you have with words, Ms Nita! And I'm drooling over your inspiration potting bench -- good thing the weenies aren't with me cause my drool might hit their weenie heads and they'd go a-running!

  6. I burst out laughing when you called it a redneck resort!! I did something similar last year when it was so darn hot, we bought a rectangular blow up pool at Kmart. When Dave Scott and I tried to get in all at once it was hilarious...and it was on a slope in the yard and the side of the pool buldged out...finally got a hole in lasted one week. But it was fun! And we did feel like white trash I have to say!! WHEN are you going to write a book Nita???WHEN??

  7. I enjoyed each of these photos, Nita, and your storytelling chops are tops! Take care--have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Hello, I just like your blog and it reminds me so much of my little niece. When we used to swim in a pool. :) I really love your blog. Big thanks for bringing this post with us.

  9. How I love your garden and I think having that kind of garden would be feel great. I do enjoyed your post. Thank you for bringing this with us.


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