Saturday, July 7, 2012


I added this pillow to my collection.
Yes, bought at Pier 1. It's on clearance right now. 
It was just too pretty to pass up. 
I'm moving other things around in the living room too.
I'll show next week.
I just love the colors on that vintage globe. 
Although, everyone points out that it does not go with my decor.

Thanks to all of you who tried to cheer me after I said I was depressed from after the 4th.
I know why I get that way...and after all these years now...I just can't shake the feeling.
It's because my Mother taught school.
Fourth of July always meant that she would start thinking about going back to school. 
August first she would be in full swing preparing for it.
I hated when school started up because of this.
Personally, I liked school and didn't mind going back.
But my Mom going back meant all Mother duties went on the back burner.
My Dad was miserable. He hated when she went back and if Dad was unhappy...we were all unhappy.
Not that he did anything....but he complained and was irritable.
And Mom was tired all the time.

My Mom has been retired now for nine years, but I still get that dreaded feeling of 
the end of summer coming. 
I wonder if I'll ever get over it?

Back to School signs send shivers down my spine. 
I hate them sooo much.


  1. They're lovely Nina, just like you! i will be emailing you soon enough. Thanks for all of your love and support.

  2. I understand that feeling. There's a certain day in August when all of the sudden the angle of the sun is different. It still gives me a back-to-school stomach ache.

  3. If that isn't the prettiest pick me up I don't know what is! Can't wait to see you what eye candy you have in store for us! :)

  4. We can forget things but not feelings. I know with my adopted son things like feeling hungry, separation anxiety, being abused......those feeling are still there. It must have been hard on you while your mother worked. I am glad that I could stay at home with my kids. I always think that teachers have the perfect jobs for parents. But that didn't help with you. So sorry.

  5. That is a stunner. Love all the detail. I always wonder where Summer went? I love the lazy days and having my son home with me!!

  6. What a lovely pillow to treat yourself with. I know what you mean, I said to my hubs I feel like when the 4th is over summer is winding down. We always had a huge party when the kids were younger. School friends and parents and family. This year seemed a bit sad to me too. Kids are grown and off to do their own thing, no money for any big party, or small one for that matter. Just that bittersweet tug of times changing and good memories kept in the heart. Enjoy each day of summer, it doesn't have to end with back to school anymore, haha.

  7. Hey Nita, just saw your wonderful feature in Romantic Homes, YAY!!!! looks great!!

  8. I taught school....
    I had a daughter....
    We are not the same....
    I am sure I am older than your mother....
    BUT... I read your blog...
    I seldom comment ...
    BUT...your post touched me in more ways than one..
    Connecting.... Cheering your honesty....CeCe

  9. Hi Nita, I follow you from England and the children haven't even broken up yet for the summer holidays! Also I lost my mum 2 years ago this month, I would love to have her here with me in her retirement.

  10. Deep inside I guess we are all still children in some ways but I am glad to see that you did a little retail therapy. Fabulous pillow with all that gorgeous detail. Just yummy.

  11. How pretty,it looks handmade and embroidered. Good therapy when you are feeling low,shop for something nice.xx

  12. That pillow is incredible! Love it!

    I, too, have that dreaded feeling... I am a teacher. Love my job when I am there, but the thought of it in the middle of summer bliss can be so overwhelming. I do feel like my home-keeping goes on the back burner because I always am so worn down during the school year. I don't have children yet. If I do, I hope to be able to stay home with them.

  13. Nina the pillows are just lovely, I like them very much.

  14. congrats on the romantic homes shout out!

  15. Only recently discovered my mom went to a champagne brunch with all the other stay-at-home-moms the first day of school.

    XO T

  16. Found you in my fresh from the mailbox Romantic Homes. Loving your blog and REALLY loving that pillow. I have pillow ... issues.

    Thanks ~

  17. That is pretty!

    Congratulations on your Romantic Homes spot...saw that a few days ago!


  18. Oh I am so glad to be back and now to catch up on your posts...but so sad to see that you were bummed...I am sorry we missed each other on the phone while I was away. And I see that you are in Romantic Homes...I think my copy is sitting over in my mother in laws house as she took in all my mail!!! I am so excited to hear that you are in the latest issue!! Well I have a lot of catching up to do...I brought my pier one umbrella on vacation with me and it was a godsend. I love that pillow AND the globe!

  19. Why does the school year cycle still control us as adults? I taught school for two years and afterwards have always worked in jobs that are year round but I still think I need to slow down in June. Unfortunately I was really blue in June because it was THE busiest month of my work year. I can't wait to be retired (only 10 more years) so that June is slow.

  20. It's weird how certain times of the year can really bring the blues. I used to be sad ON the 4th of July. It seemed like everyone around me had big families and Huge celebrations and I was alone. But I think I'm past that now.
    I look forward to Fall, The cooler weather. Halloween, Day of the Dead, and the Art Festivals and other things that go on.
    Anyway, enough of that! Chin up!
    Love your pillow, can't wait to see what you are doing with the decor and I must go out and get that magazine! So cool! Be happy about that! XOXO - Cindi

  21. I love all those colors. So cool and calming. Glad you are feeling better. Memories are so strong aren't they?

  22. Oh my...I hope my kids don't think I neglected them because I'm a teacher. They're grown now, but I think I'll ask. I hope they appreciate that I did it for them--so we could afford gymnastics and class trips and college. My mom was a teacher, too--but I never felt like she wasn't our mom first and foremost. I am so sorry that summer is a sad time for you!

  23. The pillow is yummy and I can understand those memories. Seems like the older I get the more I think about the past...not that I am old...I am not.

  24. Your growing collection is so soft and tempting. I would be prone to lounging back on that assortment if I had them. The new one is definitely worth the "get". Love the stitching and appliques on it. I was thinking earlier today how it seemed like it was just the first of June. Everyone was excited and felt like all the Summer was wide open and waiting for them. Oh the difference a month and just the thought of the start of school can make. :(

  25. Love the new the other pillows....:o)

  26. and one more thing Miss is the potting bench coming along?
    Can't wait to see it....

  27. Hi Nita. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why your blog doesn't pop up on my dashboard. I lost a lot of stuff earlier but I thought it was all restored. I think I will try to stop following and then rejoin to see if that works.

    ANYWAY---I do a little bloggy love for some of the Romantic Home features. I noticed you were in there for the August issue so I am going to do a little promo and will include you in it. It should appear on Saturday. Hugs to you- xo Diana

  28. When I walk into Pier1 I have to slap my hands and not buy more pillows... yours is just beautiful...
    great find


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