Thursday, July 5, 2012

Chintz Ware

I'm Chintzy!
I hadn't had this collection out in a very very long time.
It's my collection of English chintz ware.
A small collection. A few dishes, a set of salt and peppers and my favorite of all....
The little ashtray. I don't smoke...(of course) but somehow I just find this little ashtray
I went to a small flea market a couple of weeks ago and came home with this 
rose china gravy boat.
It has a small chip.
But at only $2 I brought it home with me to join my other mix and match rose china.
Maybe one day I'll get it all out of the cupboards, set the table and show it to you.

I  collect many different types of china as I'm sure many of you do too.

I'm depressed as usual now that the fourth is over.
It's like the summer is down hill after that.

I can't stand feeling this way...

sharing at


  1. BeeUtiful collection~even if small!
    Don't be sad the holiday is over-look ahead to the next fun thing in your life! That gets me through the sad times.
    Thanks for sharing-have a good day!

  2. Hi Nita,
    Gorgeous collection you have! I adore chintz. Go for a walk through a garden or a path through the woods, that always cheers me up.


  3. i just love chintz and only have a small cup and saucer, everytime I find a pierce it $30 - $40

    I am always on the hunt and have found some fabulous old dishes with delicate roses on them I am going to set a table soon with them
    your chintz is wonderful

  4. There are boxed sets of china & ironstone in my attic. You make me realize for decades.

    Time to get rid of or use!

    Our heat wave turned cruel today. Deep humidity.

    At least the days are getting shorter.

    Will keep my flags & bunting out till Saturday.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  5. The Chintz ware is so fun and girly! Doesn't it just make you happy looking at it? It does to me! Hope you cheer up... It might be fun to plant some cute little succulents in that gravy boat!


  6. Love chintz also! Think about Halloween and your fabulous decorating when you get the depressed.

  7. I feel the same way about summer solstice as it is when the days start getting shorter. I so look forward to winter solstice, though! :)
    Thank you for sharing your collection. It is very pretty.

  8. Very pretty, I can just imagine your table set with it.

    Don't be sad, the best season of all is on it's way, though it doesn't feel like it!
    I feel sad after Halloween. I love the cool air and the Fall colors.
    I plan on starting to work on Halloween things NOW, so I will actually be ready this year for it, rather than feeling rushed and not accomplishing it.
    Myabe that would help you too?
    Take care and give your pups XOXOXO's, they are bundles of Happiness.

  9. Nita, the chintz is wonderful and chin up summer needs to wind down or I may collapse in this heat. fall never looked better to me. hugs, olive

  10. Hi Nita: Your chintz china is just beautiful. It's tough when you feel a let down after a fun event. Sometimes what helps me is to begin a new project of some kind--it could be anything small or large that I'm drawn to at the moment. It also helps to see your friends and do something fun--maybe just hang out and drink lemonade and talk--that sounds like fun to me! Take care, and have a super weekend with the weenies (ps--I hope there is a weenie post soon--they are so cute!)

  11. Perk up! We've got a BIG surprise out in our direction coming this fall! Something you won't want to miss!'s a secret!
    Love your chintz ware. It's one of those things that is just timeless in its beauty.

  12. Lovely chintz my dear it's always so happy and bright! I must admit I don't own any chintz myself...I've gotten hooked into Japanese Majolica's sort of an addiction actually. Chintz would actually look quite nice with it however....uh-oh...I feel another addiction coming on! :) As for summer? Ours has literally JUST begun with the 4th being the first day in a stretch of sun in over 2 months! Feel sorry for us over here in the Pacific's been dreary :( Hope you can enjoy the rest of your summer my dear :)

  13. Your pretty chintz would cheer any heart!
    The ashtray is sweet..could be used for jewellry or bon-bons :-)
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  14. wow! what beautiful pieces! happy pink saturday! xo

  15. Hi, I came over from Pink Saturday . I was attracted by you chintzware. I have a lot of china too and am rearranging things so that I canhave it in a cupboard where I can see and enjoyit more easily! Think I'll become a follower so that I can see more of your china!! Joan

  16. Your chinaware is absolutely gorgeous and so beautifully presented. TFS. I am now a follower of your blog and look forward to return visits. I invite you to join me as well on my blog at
    Hugs, Gayle.

  17. I love chintzware myself! its so gardeny...and pretty. I onlu have two pieces. Sorry you got neglected by your mom, she must have really been trying to be a great teacher and didn't realize what she was doing by focusing on that so much...


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