Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Million Dollar Decorators- Recap

This Week
Mary met a new client who wanted to spend about a million and a half renovating a beach house.
This is the client, Dru. Dru has really bad taste.
This is Dru's house. She said it's like 8,500 square feet but it looked so small.
Mary said it looked like Taco Bell meets Taco Bell.
Dru wanted the dining room turned into a workout room.
This was Mary's assistant's reaction.
Everything that Mary mentioned that must be changed, the client didn't want changed.
The house really was awful...round rooms, bad windows, carpet and wood flooring in odd shapes.
At one point after seeing the bedroom spaces. Mary said, "I'm thinking maybe pastels."
"Yes", the client said, "like magenta"!
"No", Mary said exasperatedly, "Magenta is a bright color".
I think at this point Mary had every right to have an attitude.
Mary decided she had to break up with the client after receiving this fruit bouquet from her.
Apparently, fruit bouquets are the definition of bad taste. 
I always wondered how many chemicals are on them to keep them from spoiling before you receive.
Martyn went shopping in London for products to sell on 

His sale starts tomorrow...July 6.
I'm still not seeing anything good coming out of Martyn. 
I like him, but his design so far on the show
has been disastrous. Super expensive, tacky stuff.
Kathryn was also in London helping an old boyfriend decorate his country home.
She threatened to move in with her boys and dog and ex husband.
We didn't see very much of Nathan.
Jeffrey and Ross decide they are super models while doing a photo shoot for Jeffrey's new furniture line.
I'll leave you with this parting shot of Ross.

Everyone keeps asking what I thought about the new floors at Ross and Jeffrey's restaurant overhaul. 
I totally forgot to talk about that. Jeffrey hated the existing floors which included a penny tile with yellow 
accents around the bar area. A lot was made of the fact that they were suppose to keep the floor and 
work it into the design scheme. 

Jeffrey hated it. I liked the floor but could see how it would really limit the design and the way the whole 
place would be arranged. Seems to me though..that the tile could have been ripped out and the existing 
wood floor patched and refinished to the gray sort of color he wanted.

But when Ross comes by the job site...he discovers Jeffrey has told the construction crew to demolish 
the floors. They did much more than that. The tile was gone the wood was gone and the subfloor was gone. 
You saw dirt and trenches dug into the earth. 

I suspect there were structural and or plumbing issues that meant the floor HAD to be ripped up.
This is not how a demoed floor would normally look. Trenches and something else was going 
on and they were just making it like it was a big drama. 

They pitched a $50,000 floor to the restaurant owner saying it was all they could find on such short notice. 
But I think they actually...could get something local and create the look they were going for for much much less. 
But they were trying to make good tv.


  1. Thanks for the recap. I only caught the tail end of the show when Mary got the fruit, and I thought she was harsh. Now I know why! I wonder how Dru feels, if she watched the show last night. Ouch!


  2. I think Mary was unnecessarily rude. She didn't have to make fun of the poor woman on television.

  3. I think this show is hilarious! I love watching Mary and she is just being funny in her sardonic way...but seriously, kudos to Mary for walking away from money, she knew she would never please Dru, as Dru's taste was bizarre! It would have been a headache for both of them. Mary is just being funny for the show, I am quite sure, but she seems to ruffle a lot of feathers. I am liking Martyn more and more. It does seem he is incapable of looking for bargains! He is in another world~I was thinking he was going to snap at the One Kings Lane ladies....but he remained a gentleman the entire time. Good for you Martyn! And you were right to save the tray for sir Elton!

  4. I've never seen this show but now I am sooo interested!

  5. You forgot to mention Jeffrey having the floor torn out because he didn't like it, lol. I love this's so NOT what to do!

  6. Gayle -
    Oh! you are right I forgot about the floor. It looked to me like they had plumbing issues....why else would trenches be dug. I think there was more to the story than what we saw.

  7. Love these recaps! Mary is really growing on me, I think shes a good hearted person who talks like she does for effect, nothing more..think shes harmless and actually quite funny. Kathryn is so easy to like, her ex beau wasn't bad either though I cannot see them together. Martin grates on my nerves, his voice, his persona and to me, his lack of talent thus far, so agree with you. Jeffrey and Ross besides both being easy on the eyes are hilarious to watch in far I am really enjoying it.
    PS The only thing I liked that Martin got was the tray reserved for Elton!

  8. I love the show, but I think cetain scenes are made up for television. This show does seem more "real" than the other Bravo shows and the interiors are certainly better!!!

  9. I felt bad for Dru, especially now on nationwide television, having her taste put down like that. However, I agree with Mary. When a client won't listen to you and the project won't reflect well on your brand, you've got to walk!

    I'm doing a great give away on my 8 ft. round Flokati!

    Come by and check it out!

  10. What did you think about the tile debacle? Should they have left it? *I actually got to watch last night*

  11. Thanks for the recap...I totally forgot it was on, I wish I would have seen that part with Mary...sounds funny. Thanks for the parting shot of Ross...dreamy.

  12. The show is really enticing and then you just say "What the H!" I agree, Nita, much more going on here!

    Art by Karena

  13. I'm sooo obsessed with this show and am super glad you are keeping up with recaps! Mary is growing on me and I wished they'd show more of Nathan. He seems the most down to earth of the bunch (maybe that's why he's not on that much...less drama)


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