Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summer Pastels

Pretty Pretty Pastels for Summer

How was your big July 4th Weekend? 
Mine was great. 
Action packed, ending with a cookout at my cousin/best friend's house and a trip 
downtown to watch fireworks from the top of a building.

It was great to be with family, eat and laugh and watch fireworks. 

I'm always a little depressed after the fourth because it reminds me that this summer will end
and it will eventually be cold again. 
Never mind that we still have a blistering hot July, August and most of September to get through.
Then October is nice and November usually pretty nice too. 
But I always have a feeling that the good stuff is over. Why is that?
So irrational.


  1. I feel like that too....once the 4th comes and goes seems like summer is just about over, crazy!

  2. That dishwasher shot is very pretty but did they really wash them in it? I am frankly tired and need a nap after all our goings on and it's just 9:49am!

  3. Not sure why you feel like that...Freud says only you can analyze yourself! The answer will come to you I am sure. I feel like it sneaks up on me, and then suddenly it is hot, and I need to get more gardening time in, so I can enjoy the whole summer!

  4. So pretty Nita, especially the seashell collage.

    Love your blog header!

  5. I had to come back to Phoenix yesterday from 10 days at the beach so I can't say I loved the fourth this year :)
    It was just too hot to be outside so we actually watched fireworks on TV!

  6. Loveee this post Nita. How was your break darling? Dawn Suitcase Vignettes xo

  7. I would love to attend a beach party where it's decorated just like the first photo you shared with us. How fabulous is that shot?

    Thanks for the sweet comment about my DIY conservatory. I was there a lot this weekend finishing it up.

    Glad to hear you had a wonderful holiday, and enjoy the rest of the summer...live in the moment!

  8. Beautiful pictures, as for summer ending so soon I agree here in chicago area I keep remembering snow storms and cold weather. I love the hot weather as long as I have air conditioning in house and car lol. at night I open window and shut vent. Never satisfied altho I think I do have that seasonal disorder lol. hugs JoAnn

  9. Love that first picture...how fun would that be to have a beach party like that =)
    and I so want to plan a trunk party....thanks for the ideas =)

  10. What a beautiful post. Wish I could jump into that first picture right around sunset, how magical! Gotta savor summer while its here, it goes by way too fast.

  11. Love those sweet dishes in the dishwasher! Thanks so much for the great ideas for my lr. I think I'm going for the can of spray paint for the lamps. That's some immediate gratification! I always love your insights, and btw, the clock is new and I'm over it.
    xoxo Debra

  12. We're about a month behind you here. Usually October is still a bitch, and there is some relief in November. Love the dishwasher full of pretty plates!

  13. I think the same thing every summer, especially since the kids will be back in school on August 15th, but then I remind myself that summer really only started on the solstice which was only about two weeks ago! That always makes me feel better. This post is so pretty. I love the silk pillows on the sofa. Thanks for putting this pretty post together for us, Nita!

  14. I'm thinking that Summer must be your favorite season. That you like it so much that you start missing it before it's over. Don't worry, there's still at least 2 more months of HOT left! :)
    I'm not even done planting yet! AND I need time to sit back and enjoy all my hard labor for a while,so... no way is Summer about over! LOL!
    Besides it's not the 4th of July, it's MY birthday in the middle of the month that marks the MIDDLE of summer silly girl!
    :D - Cindi

  15. Hey all....after I posted this, I realized my feeling that summer is over comes from my Mom teaching school for years and years and years. After the fourth she started focusing on getting ready for the new school year....so it did feel like the summer was ending right after the fourth. My Mom has been retired for 8 years now....and I still can't shake this feeling. I'm working on it though.

  16. Hi Nita,
    Your pictures are wonderful and ooooohhhh how I love nutella. Now I know to take it with me on a picnic. Looks like you had a fab fourth.


  17. You're not alone Nita...but I'm glad you figured out what might be the instigator in those after the Fourth blues. Here in Seattle, we have the same worries...but we don't know if we *will* have a hot July, August, or September...it's raining again now, after an 80* day yesterday...so confusing and I feel like fall will be here in no time again without us ever having had a proper summer. Here's to both of us enjoying the next three months no matter what!!
    Love the dishwasher image...that's what I want mine to look like inside, once we get one that is!
    xo J~


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