Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Fall at The Feathered Nest

One day last week when I should have been doing something constructive - I instead went browsing at one of my favorite shopping spots. The Feathered Nest in Warr Acres near Oklahoma City.
 This place never disappoints. Here is their Facebook page.
Lots of pretty fall displays to get you in the mood for cooler weather.
It's still in the 90's here.
 Love that gray cubbie.
 Lots of cream, greige and wood tones in this booth.


I considered buying that little alabaster lamp for my kitchen but in the end left it. It was too yellow.
 I'd never seen this china pattern before. It's Spode. I love that it has dogs on it!
 If I had money to burn this would have come home with me to set a Thanksgiving table!

 That mossy green ribbon really does it for me in this vignette.


  1. That yellow lamp is adorable. do you remember how much it was? Your taste and mine are very similar!

  2. I love the color of that mossy ribbon too! And the bottle looks like it might have a slight greenish tint. I've been noticing alabaster lamps ever since you wrote about loving them. I like that little one, was there nowhere in your house you could have used it? I would love to visit that shop!

  3. Michelle - I"m sorry I am just now answering you. I have been away from the computer. I tried to email you but no email attached to your comment. I think the little lamp was $20. It was nice. If it had been a whiter color I would have bought it. But it might be just the right color for you.


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