Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Day Trip

to Guthrie, Oklahoma
 Last weekend I took a little day trip to Guthrie, Oklahoma. This town almost seems as if time has stood still. It was the original Capitol of Oklahoma till 1910. I had always heard the state documents and state seal were stolen in the middle of the night and the move was made. But I just read up on it and apparently an election was held to decide where the capitol should be and Oklahoma City won the election. Although Guthrie was not happy about it. Guthrie is only about 35 minutes north of downtown Oklahoma City but seems a world away. There are many housing developments outside of the town but the downtown of Guthrie and town proper seem to still be in the Victorian age. I had not been there in many years and was surprised to find it much the same. 
There are many Victorian homes in this town and the Victorian downtown still stands.
 This is just one of many amazing Victorian homes in Guthrie.
 But this was my main reason for making the little trip. I'd seen this vintage garden gate on Facebook Marketplace and knew I had to go get it. I have been in desperate need of a new gate. I wanted a wood one but just have not gotten around to building one. I have patched my existing gate many times to get me by and it's on it's last legs. It was never a nice gate to begin with.

I remember the day I bought this house my Mom exclaimed -
"What a nice gate and carport!"
Both things that were just awful. But that's my Mom.
She only sees the good.
The carport has long been gone. Thank goodness. It practically removed itself.
Falling apart a little more after every bad bit of weather.
 Here's the gate setting in it's new home. Now I have to buy poles to install it on and hinges.
Another project. But I got this gate at a good price and I think it's pretty. I will probably paint it and add some metal scroll work to it to make it prettier. The main thing is it's very sturdy and will keep those pesky weenie dogs in their yard!
 Back to Guthrie - Another lovely large home.
I'd love to sit on the porch of this one and have a glass of ice tea.
 Now for some photos of downtown. I went in and out some of the antique stores while there.
 Very unusual architecture. It's Victorian but rustic at the same time.
 Look at the details!
 It was hard to get a good photo of this one. The sun was behind it. This town is a mix of Old West and Victorian sensibilities.

And finally, I had lunch with a friend last Wednesday - Elaine. She gifted me this lovely scarf.
She knows I have a thing for flamingos. It's almost too pretty to wear. I draped it in the living room for a few days as I like to pretend I live in a place by the ocean during the summer and display flamingos and shells. It's still hot here. But I'll be getting the fall stuff out this week.
Today when I was out watering I thought geez it feels as hot as ever! 
Looked at my phone and it said 91 degrees but feels like 98. Well that would explain it. 
It is still hot.


  1. I love your gate! My husband found one very similar to yours for me. I want to install a gate between my hedges out front. 😊 Kit

  2. I love your gate! My husband found one very similar to yours for me. I want to install a gate between my hedges out front

  3. I love your gate! My husband found one very similar to yours for me pimpandhost


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