Saturday, April 19, 2014

Thinking Easter

 via I adore Easter.
It's full of all my favorite colors.

I didn't decorate this year....I just had too much going on.
I did buy a little bunny the other day at Hobby Lobby on sale.
She'll be pretty added to my things for next year.

You can see what I did last year on this post.

And here too.

Since starting the new job...I've met so many nice and interesting people...
I've decided I'm going to start sharing their stories here.

We'll start with the 65 year old man that came in the other day to purchase two twin beds.
He and his new wife were adopting two teenage boys.

He met his new wife on Facebook a little over a year ago. 
Seems they knew a lot of people that knew each other. 
They had both lost their spouses to illness a few years before
and decided after visiting on Facebook to meet up.

They met at a Denny's and that first date lasted four hours.

After marrying his new wife, he learned that she had two great nephews whose parents were
involved in drugs and in prison. 

The two boys had been in different foster homes since they were little, now 15 and 18
they were coming to live with him.

He said in his previous life...he had two grown. 
The boys have already come and stayed many weekends with him and he was so excited to 
have them come live permanently. 

He HAD to have the twin beds by the weekend for their new room at his house.

He left telling me about all the activities he had planned for them and how he'd already
arranged for one of them to have a car to drive. 

He was so excited to have these boys in his life and filled with hope to bring happiness 
to them. The two boys grew up apart. This will be the first time they've gotten to see
each other every day and live in the same house since they were like 5 and 8.

The least I could do was help him find the right beds.

Oh...I love the stories of the people I help each day. 

More to come....


  1. Such a beautiful story and perfect for this time of year. As Jesus said - "Love One Another"
    I wish you and your family a very Blessed and Happy Easter.

  2. Oh Nita, What a touching story!
    I can't imagine choosing to have teenagers again. What a gift for these boys! and you had a part.

    I can't find my Easter bunnies I stored last year. Your images make me want to whip up a centerpiece for the table and that door wreath. LOL! Like there is time now. I still need to get groceries and prepare food for Easter dinner tomorrow. Making my mind grasp REALITY instead of a new craft...

    Thanks for the beauty!
    ~ Violet

  3. What a beautiful post and story dear Nita! Let's be kind to one another and practice our sweet Jesús teachings.
    Wishing you and yours a lovely and blessed Easter.

  4. Loved hearing about the boys and the beds. It was a great story to read about this morning. Have a good Easter!

  5. What a lovely story! And what a great guy to take on two teenagers. I hope it goes well for them all. :) Kit

  6. what a wonderful story and your pictures make my heart sing.
    Easter has always been my favorite holiday. I love the colors,the family get-togethers and most of all it renews my faith that Jesus loved me enough to give me eternal for today and bright hope for tomorrow.

  7. What a lovely story! And what lucky boys to be getting two loving parents :)

  8. That is such a feel good story!! With all of the terrible news on tv it is soo nice to hear about people doing wonderful life changing things for others! I'll keep them in my prayers that all of their lives will be changed for the better!
    Happy Easter and thank you for sharing your story and theirs with us!

  9. What a wonderful man. Those boys are going to be so happy. Yes, share these nice stories.
    At least you have a bunny to look at. Your house kinda looks like Easter with all your pretty pastels. Happy easter to you and your mom and the weinies.

  10. Now this was the best of Easter Stories! Thank You, CeCe

  11. How wonderful is the story of the two boys being adopted and you got to have a part in selling their new Dad twin beds! Great story and I'm so glad you are enjoying your new job and meeting interesting people! Beautiful pictures btw!
    Happy Easter!
    Miss Bloomers

  12. I'm glad the new job seems fullfilling. I had no time to decorate for Easter... yet... I'll do at least a table today! I love your inspiration. Happy Easter!

  13. oh that is the BEST story!! Especially for Easter~what a cool guy and lucky boys. I didn't get to decorate for Easter either except pull out one vintage easter postcard and put it on my dining room table. xo

  14. That was a lovely post. That story was just wonderful--a perfect story to tell on Easter. Also, those pictures were great! Really spring-y and pretty.

  15. That is a great story Nita! I'll bet people love having you help them with their purchases because they can tell that you care so much about them. Happy Easter to you dear lady,

  16. Thanks for sharing that wonderful heartwarming story! I'm so glad the boys will be together. What a great couple.

    I simply adore each and every picture in this post! I usually do, but these are especially sweet! So Spring-y!

    And I know I'm late to the party, but hey, congratulations on your new job!!!



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