Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Drop It or Swap It

 I've got a new sponsor over there on my left hand sidebar.
Check it out this week...

Ann of Tarnished Royalty started up a new party.
Each Wednesday you can link up anything in your house, wardrobe, garden, etc...that you've
decided you don't want any more. Link it up and see if someone wants to swap
you something for it.
Sounds like fun...doesn't it?

Here are some of the things that were listed in last week's party.

I'm diggin those shoes, myself.

So I had two days off this week.
Day one...I slept. That is it. That is all I did.
Oh...fed and watered and let the dogs out but other than that....
I moved from the bed to the sofa.
I watched TV I'd missed but dozed through most of it. 
It was the first day of nothing I'd had in about two months.

I don't now how you women do it that have kids to take care of and husbands to feed.
I just have to every once in a while have a day where I do nothing but sleep.

Good news is...I'm not depressed. 
Sleep is my drug if I'm depressed. I just go to bed and hope that all will be better when I awake.

This time I was just bone tired. 

Today I'm better and trying to get things done around here.
Plan was to paint the dining

Well, that didn't happen. Did anyone really think it would?

I hoped I would...but I was just too tired.

I don't know what I'm doing for Easter. I might be doing nothing.
Which makes me sad...but sometimes that is the way things go.

I haven't talked much about the weenies lately.
They have been very understanding of my new work schedule...
they were happy to sleep all day with me yesterday.

Franklin is getting sweeter and sweeter. He's two now...and that is when they start
to settle down and really be dogs.
He's still full of fun...but paying more attention to me.
Kissing me more...which is always good.

I found a new food for Violet and she's doing really well on it.
She has terrible allergies. 
Right now I'm feeding her Wellness Dog food...grain free.

She didn't sneeze once yesterday. 
And she's good today too. 

She seems to be allergic to grain and chicken. 

Wish I'd known this when it all started happening.
I spent at least $1,000 trying to figure out what was wrong with her.

Only to discover she got immediately better when I switched her food
which was done really by accident.

If you have a dog sneezing a lot and coughing and her nose is all snotty, get them checked at the vet
but if the vet is perplexed....try going grain free and chicken free. 
Poor Violet suffered for six months before I knew to do this.

Hope you are having a Happy Wednesday!


  1. sleep is sooo good.
    the weenies sound like snuggle bunnies and i am glad V is feeling better.
    happy humpday. :)

  2. glad you were able to gear down and recover. your dogs sound so cute. glad the sick one is on the road to recovery.

  3. my advise - just paint one wall of the dining room at a time. That way you don't spend a whole day off on it, but in a month or so you will have it painted. Don't you love a day when you just completely indulge yourself?

  4. Thank you for sharing this info about your dog with food allergies!
    One of our dogs has been having these same symptoms and we have been to the vet several times and tried a few meds, beginning with allergy pills, to no avail. But allergy pills don't correct food allergies do they? It won't hurt to try a different food for my dog, why didn't I think of this before?!? (or the vet?)

    ~ Violet

  5. The vet gave me a list of foods to try and the Rachael Ray salmon and sweet potato ,no grain was the food that helped my Sophie ! No more sneezing, dirty eye gunk, scratching all the time, it's gone!

  6. Thank you for the great big shout out Nita! My timing is bad though, Drop It or Swap It is taking the week off for Easter. It will be back in full swing next Wednesday! ~Ann
    Tarnished Royalty

  7. OH poor sweet Violet so glad you figured out to switch her food, and happy Franklin loving you up LOL I had a lazy tired weekend a couple weeks ago I just slept for 2 days also ate a little in between naps


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