Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Stockings Are Hung

This morning the sun finally came out and I shot a few pics before rushing off
for a busy day at the store.
The weenie's stockings are hung all in a row.
A few weeks ago one of my long time readers, Karla sent a surprise for my dogs.
Handmade stockings for each!
And they were full of gifts!
I've been keeping these hidden ever since they came.
Aren't they cute? All sewn up using strips of different ribbon and satin.
 They add to the candy colored effect of my Christmas decor.
It's not Christmas without Hermey the Elf wanna be dentist.
This year he got a spot under my pink tinsel tree. 
My sister surprised me with another tinsel tree
similar to this one the other day...but in white.
That's another tree to decorate...not this year but next.
See the sorry state of my woodwork? 
That is going to be a job.
 I intended on taking more photos but I was running short on time before work.
Story of my life...
 Just a couple of shots of ornaments on the tree.
 Love these ornies. I need lots more!
 Really like the look of this over exposed photo...it looks so vintage!
 Isn't it amazing how Karla picked up all the colors of my Christmas stuff and included them in these handmade beauties? So very sweet. I can't imagine how many hours it took to make them.

Thank you Karla! I'll post photos of the weenies opening them.
 Now that my Christmas is all arranged...I just want to sit in the room but I have to keep going places. 
So many last Holiday things to do.
 Like I said in a previous post...those twinkles lights are soooo staying inside the fireplace after Christmas.
 I wanted to get some perfect shots of the tree but not enough time.
The chandelier all done up for Christmas.
See how much better all looks with my new wall color?

I'm in love with this room again!

Now I just need to paint the windows and hang drapes.
I really think the room needs some neutral colored drapes.

Tonight after work cause I won't have much time I'm going to make some 
simple Christmas treats like these...
tortilla rollups with cranberries, feta cheese, cream cheese and chives
but I'm hoping to stack them like this on a cake plate.
We'll see if I get that far.
These will be sooooo easy to make...

Making these too but using a red velvet cake mix to do them.

Merry Christmas to You!!!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

sharing at


  1. Stopping in on a rest break, hah. I wanted to wish you and the weinies a Merry Christmas. What a great friend to make those beautiful stockings and send gifts to your babies. How sweet. Your photos would make beautiful Christmas cards. So beautiful. Have a great holiday. ((((((HUGS)))))

  2. Merry Christmas to you too! Everything looks so lovely. Hope work isn't too hard today. :) Kit

  3. Your home looks so pretty with all of your gorgeous Christmas decor. I wish you and your family a very Blessed and Merry Christmas. Hugs, Marty

  4. Just got home from work and now I must wrap some presents before going to my step-mom's house for Xmas Eve dinner!
    Wishing you and your fur-kids a Wonderful Christmas!
    I love your house and all the pretty sparkly decorations!
    Those stockings are so cool!
    You lucky girl! LOL!
    XOXO - Cindi

  5. Merry Christmas, Nita, to you and those darling doxies! May all your stockings be filled with only good things for 2014!

  6. Your home looks perfectly happy with all the decorations and the stockings are so adorable. Merry Christmas to you and the weenies!

  7. Hope your day was lovely....
    Your blog certainly is....
    Brings me joy!
    Thank You!

  8. The doggie stockings are so pretty, they go perfectly with your beautiful holiday decor. I hope your Christmas was very Merry. Blessings to you throughout the New Year.

  9. It is all breathtaking and the stockings are perfection! Can't wait to hear what the weenies thought of them :)

    Happy Christmas!

  10. Your Christmas decorations are beautiful and they look great against the new paint color. The stockings are really pretty and filled with dog goodies, too. It doesn't get any better that that.
    I hope you and your four legged friends had a happy Christmas.

  11. I love this post. Especially the dentist stuffed animal. The postcard with your wienie dog.

    Miss Stacy Blaise

  12. Nita! As always your mantle is gorgeous! I love your blend of old and new ornaments, and chic it all looks. We went for more "vintage" Christmas at the Casablanca this year. You can see some of our decorations in my latest post! Your white tree looks dandy with the new lights you wired into it. Merry late Christmas and Happy New Year!

  13. Thanks so much for hosting and have a great New Years!

  14. I can't figure out how I missed this post, since your blog's on my sidebar and I follow it through bloglovin'. Weird. Anyway, I'm so glad I noticed it today. I wouldn't miss your Christmas decor for anything, though I don't know how you pulled this stunning holiday display together with all else you had going on. All I can say is: simply gorgeous. Your signature unique creative and fun style shines through every little detail.


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