Monday, December 30, 2013

Mod Mix Monday #133

A great big vintage junk bar cart to get the party started for the New Year.
It is that time....time to start a new year....or almost anyway.

the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
Yes, I've been gone for so long some of you worried something was seriously wrong.

I just had too much going on with trying to get ready for Christmas and working and 
I got a serious cold and flu too.
I'm still sniffling but much better.

It was all I could do to put one foot in front of the other for a few days there.
Posting seemed impossible.

I could go on and on about how my holiday was.
It was weird.
I tried to make it the best but it just turned out strange.

I was going to tell you all about it...but it might be better left unsaid.
I did get to spend it with my Mom although it was rushed, I was sick and it was weird.
Mom didn't care. She is a trooper.
We'll try again next year.

I could talk quite a bit about my observance of how people were acting this Christmas.
I'm afraid I'd sound quite a bit like Charlie Brown talking about the over commercialization of it and all.

I will say....sales at the store were slow...and people were in a bad mood but as 
soon as the holiday was over...sales were brisk and people were in a very good mood.

What does this say?

Before Christmas I'd decided that everyone was in a bad mood because they were having 
to spend money on others and not themselves.

I'm afraid what I've noticed after has confirmed my hypothesis. 
People were unhappy and mean before Christmas because they were buying for others and
People were happy after Christmas because they were spending money on themselves.

I hate to say it but I'm glad its all over.
I'm very tired.
I even thought about quitting blogging.
But you know what?
 The only place that things are really perfect in my life is here on this darn blog.
So....let's get this party started!!!!

Here are my favorites from the last time I held Mod Mix Monday!
 Laurel of The North End Loft finished her kitchen remodel.
It's so lovely. Open and airy and they kept all the vintage details.
 Over at Home Coming they finished their master bedroom. 
It's so fresh and modern!
Look what Karen of Somewhat Quirky Design came up with for Christmas.
A Christmas tree made of stacked light globes!
Karen by the way is an old sorority sister of mine. We reconnected this past summer
after not seeing each other since college. She wrote me one day and said...
"I think I was a Delta Zeta with you." 
Yep, we were sleazy DZ's together. small world
Karen of Elderberry Street shared her Christmas Home Tour.
I fell in love with this little corner. It's everything Christmas should be.
Ok, I am in love with this image. It invokes the perfect Christmas by the Sea and it comes
via Mary of Boogie Board Cottage. It's so divine.
Mary also made this wonderful lampshade for one of her lamps this Christmas.
So special.

I feel better already...back in the groove.
Time to start thinking about projects to do in the next year.
Let's look at what your up to now.

Link up below!

Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. Nita,
    I am right up there with you and glad that this Holiday season will be over. That is so unlike me as i LOVE Christmas but this year, I got behind schedule with everything in the Fall and could not get caught up. Too many things on my plate and with working, It was just too much. I did not get to decorate like I usually do and that upset me and I guess I just did not get over it for the rest of the season. i put too much pressure on myself and then work gets in the way of everything too!! LOL!
    We give Money to everyone for Christmas so they can then and get what they want after Christmas. Same goes for me. I enjoy the after Christmas sales myself.
    Thanks so much for the party!!


  2. Your observations about before and after Christmas are very interesting, probably accurate and (if so)very telling!

    Ours? VERY low key. I'd like to repeat it next year.

    I enjoyed seeing all the photos you highlighted. I pinned that glass Christmas tree. (I wonder if I'll actually get around to doing it.....)

    Happy New Year.

  3. I'm so sorry that you were bitten by the winter illness bugs. Glad you're feeling better. Take care of yourself and were missed and Christmas comes again.

    Wishing you a Blessed New Year!

  4. I love that bar cart. Just discovered your blog. New follower by email.

    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

  5. I feel your pain, Nita! I got hit with both an upper respiratory bug and a stomach flu bug this Christmas. The whole holiday is pretty much a blur for me, but I do have some sweet memories tucked away. I hope you're feeling better and appreciate you hosting MMM today! Now I'm off to check out that Christmas corner at Elderberry Street. Great features!

  6. I had the same experience this year, Christmas was just a little "off." I wanted to be happy but it seemed like everyone around me didn't! Even though I have been so thrilled to have Abby home, I just wanted it to be over. Definitely making some changes next Christmas. Oh well, it's almost a new year! Haven't blogged since 12/10, but if I get my post up today I'll come back and link up. Feel better!! xoxoxoxo
    p.s. And if you quit blogging I would be devastated :(((((

  7. It was a weird felt to rushed!!! I love your posts so please don't stop, you would be missed. Plus where would I get my weenie fix? I love your stories.
    Feel better Nita, it's going around. Let's all look forward to the new year!

  8. Thanks so much for featuring my bedroom remodel! I'm honored.

  9. Hey thanks for the feature! And for calling me sleazy... I totally agree that people don't like shopping for others - but I think part of it is because the receiving is not the same as it used to be. Grateful spirits are a little lacking, and people only want what they want, not what you would like to give them. The whole spirit of the season gets a little whacky. I'm sorry you were sick. Next time I come to OKC we must get together for dinner or something.
    Still sleazy after all these years,

  10. I worked in retail for years and I agree that customers aren't always their best at the holidays but I think it's the pressure to find that "perfect" gift that puts the cranky in them, not spending money on someone else. I think "the perfect gift" is the "Bigfoot" of the holidays and it's next to impossible to find although we are blasted with helpful advice and hints for weeks. That would make anyone mean.

    I read your blog everyday, as many do, so just take a breath and remember you are loved. :-)

  11. I agree with Karen, it seems nowadays that you are given a list of approved gifts and do no deviate from those. I went with my daughter shopping for her inlaws and she had $200 gifts that they put on the wish lists they put together for themselves. REALLY, these kids are starting out, new baby and she is going to college and you have the nerve to put several $100 + items on your wish list from them. Good grief! What happened to not knowing what you were getting and ending up with something wonderful you didn't even know you wanted! That was part of the fun! The other thing on those lists were gift cards, gift cards and more gift cards.

    Just seems like it is taking a lot of fun and spontaneity out of a magical time of year.

    I hosted a bunco party and put a few things I had crocheted and things I purchased from a little old lady at a church bazarre in the gift bags along with other items and a lady actually was upset! "who wants homemade gifts anymore? What am I going to do with this?" WOW! I love handmade things, it takes time and thought and true caring to go to the trouble.

    Okay off my soap box, and I hope you are feeling much better and please stay warm and keep those doggies warm. It is so cold today! (I work not far from you.) We frequent a few of the same shops :)

  12. Thanks so much for featuring my corner cupboard today! It is a fun spot to play with. Our Christmas is not over as we are away visiting family. So, I haven't blogged in quite awhile myself. I haven't even been on Instagram! Which is amazing. I'm so happy to hear that you are on the mend. Being sick over the holidays is the worst. Take it slow and have a quiet, peaceful New Year!!

  13. Thank you for hosting. I'm Connie at, a new GFC friend. I will link back to you, My hanging towel is my design from an old post, with a new look.
    Have a happy new year.

  14. I'm sure glad you didn't give up blogging because I'd miss you terribly!! I moved my youngest daughter back home over Christmas to nurse her through the flu, so I know what you've been going through. Worst time ever to be sick. I hope you're back to 100% soon. Thank you so much for featuring my new kitchen; boy, did I enjoy cooking Christmas dinner there this year! Cheers, and Happy New Year, Nita!

  15. Nita, so glad what you said about Xmas. I am afraid people will think me a sourpuss etc. It is just that when you add kids, grandkids and in laws to the mix, it just gets to be too much to handle. Mix in all the cooking and baking and decorating and the fun is well, gone. I am thrilled when it is all over. I don't even decorate at home anymore as the kids don't come home so why bother. I do decorate my little Tulsa house to the bare minimum, because the grandkids want to be home for Santa, and I have Xmas over at the Tulsa house.

  16. It sucks not feeling well during Christmas here's to a better new year.
    Thanks for hosting.

  17. glad you're better Nita! I'd like to crawl under the covers for the next whole year, this was a super hard Christmas here. We'll be moving in January and I'm just not in gear for it, too much to do, and I have a case of the blahs. xo

  18. glad you are feeling better that crud jumped on us and made me want to cancel christmas... my life everything!!! it was some bad juju!
    loved reading you in 2013 and am always looking forward to your puppy antics crafts mmm etc.!
    here is to health and wealth in 2014!

  19. I am so glad you are feeling better - AND that you didn't quit blogging. I enjoy your posts so much. I love your little doxies 'cause I have one, too. She is blind and a recent rescue.

    Being sick during the holidays is awful. I had the flu last year and missed all the fun. (I seriously thought I was going to die.)

    Hang in there, sister, and take this blogging thing at your own pace. And don't beat yourself up about it. ENJOY!
    Love and blessings,

  20. Hi Nita! Thank you so much for featuring my tablescape and lamp shade, I feel truly honored! This year I tried something totally new by decorating and photographing everything for Christmas, except the tree, in Sept. and Oct. I don't decorate my home for Halloween, so it was the perfect time and made my Christmas holiday less hectic.Last year, It just took up too much time photographing everything, etc. and it seemed like it took away some of the joy of Christmas. Anyway, I hope you have a very wonderful new year and thank you for hosting this great blog party! Mary

  21. The end of our year was kind of bleh with health challenges, among other things that are tiring. But, I am SO glad you are blogging and hosting because I LOVE to link up and see what you are up too. Plus the weenies are so sweet, and my little weenie/jack russel mix loves them too :) Wishing you much success, good health and blessings Nita!
    xo, Tanya

  22. It is so sad to think that people don't like spending money on their friends and family. Any stress for me also comes from me. A gift can convey so much emotion from the giver and that puts pressure on the shopper. I hate shopping becuase I want to buy my firneds the perfect gift and sometimes even I don;t know what that gift is. This year my gifts were from the heart and something I thought the friend wood genuially enjoy and I want to send, All others got gift cards, I hope that they see some of my less stress shoppingg as part of their present too.
    I frequently talk about quiting blogging, And it is usually at this time of the year, We would miss you terribly if you decide to walk away from blogging/ If Christmas didn't go terribly well blogging can take the get the bulk of the problem blamed on it.
    I planned on giving everyone $ and changed that plan when I found something I really thought they would like. It was much less stressful to shop like that, you already have a backup plan. I had two ho hum holidays in a row but that was all my flaut, so this year I planned differenlt. We had a Uguly Sweater party with prizes and all manners of silliness. I wanted a hew and fun way to bring my friends together and have fun, the party was a great success. Planning, and getting ready for the party was the most fun I have had in four holiday seasons. After breakfast we whent to the movies with out son and saw American Hustle, Home once again we ate fried ham sandwiches and drank coke out of the little bottles. My husband showered me with gift showing me how much I mean to him. Christmas doesn't much better than that.

  23. oh God, don't stop blogging.
    If you do, then would I do?
    I have 4 must read blogs...
    and of course you are one of them.
    Take a break if you need it, but please don't leave.
    I made a suggestion to my family about just giving a gift certificate next Xmas that says a "donation has been made in your name to..."
    My niece Lily loved the idea. (I would donate to save the Wolves for her!) Just an idea.
    anyway, love the picks! Especially that kitchen reveal!

  24. Nita,
    I'm glad you are ok, even if tired. I also noticed that people didn't like spending time for their Christmas presents. I spent hours embroiding things in December for my Christmas presents and people I gave them to were amazed I had been willing to spend so much time... Have a happy new year.

  25. I'm sorry you were sick during the holidays and that you had to be around a lot of grinchy people Nita. I am exhausted from the last several weeks of holiday duties myself. You're right though, our little blogging world is the only world where everything can seem perfect, at least for a little while. I think you've helped me realize why I'm so drawn to it! Yikes! Is that good? Haha! Anyhoo, I'm glad you aren't quitting because I love your blog, I feel like I know your house and your mom and your dogs. I love linking to your party and I would just miss you way too much! I hope are totally recovered and feeling better now dear lady. Blessings, Patti

  26. I'm glad your still blogging because I just found this blog and I really like it:)

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