Friday, January 18, 2013

Vintage Kitchens

A Winter's Dream
Isn't this a great vintage kitchen?
I love everything about it.
I'm dreaming of kitchen renovations here, 
although it will be awhile before I am able to do a thing about it.

Things are not going as planned.
I'm so ready to get moving on some projects but with seven dogs and a sick Mom,
it's just not happening.

I had gathered things for a winter's mantel last week and it's still to be put up.

Maybe tomorrow.
Today I have to run errands.

The plumber called early yesterday morning and said it would be 
Saturday before they could start work.

He was very apologetic for the inconvenience of this.

We are holding are own....barely.

So...I finally got caught up on 
American Horror Story just in time for the finale, next week.
 I think Jessica Lange is a sure win for another Emmy.
She deserves this one even more so...if that is possible.
I feel bad for her...all the trauma this show has put her through this year.
My...the stuff that has happened on this show.
It totally wore me out.
It's a bit much...too much...especially what happened with Kit's family.
I was like...oh...come on!
Let him have some happiness.

No telling what horrid thing will happen in the last episode.
I love this show and am beginning to hate it.
It's like they are throwing everything into the pot. 

Have to say...I did love the end to Dr. Arden.
Sick, Sad and just right.

I also missed a bunch of Million Dollar Decorator's.
I did see the last episode the other night.

I'm sorry I missed so many of the episodes.
I do love this show except for the fake clients and time constrictions.
Please, Bravo... just let those guys be themselves and decorate.
We don't need the fake deadlines and fake pressure.

The show would be better without it.
Love Nathan Turner the best.

Speaking of Million Dollar Decorator's and Kitchens....
I'm always pinning vintage kitchens into my kitchen file on Pinterest.
Joni of Cote de Texas had a great recap on Million Dollar Decorator's a few days ago
and posted this photo of Martyn Lawrence Bullard's kitchen.
I'm crazy for stove nooks.
I sort of have one but I wish mine looked like this...minus the black and white tile work.
Love that vintage stove.
I wonder if he ever cooks on it.
I'm betting not.

I still want a vintage stove but I do cook quite a bit and don't know if I could put up
with the inconvenience of an old stove.
This one from Big Chill would keep me happy.
This is Kathryn Ireland's kitchen in her own home.
Classic white with some bright color thrown in.
So homey and fun.
I adore this kitchen credited to Heather Bullard.
Flawless...except the dining room chandelier is hung too high.
Something I'm sure Heather would never do, so this makes me think that far room
is not normally used as a dining space.
I love that big pot with the lemon tree in it.
Love the windows instead of cabinets.
It's just all so pretty.
I recently pinned this newer stove nook from a kitchen cabinet builder website.
Can't remember which.
That is an awesome stove!
I believe it's new.
Does anyone know what brand this might be?
I'd be happy with this stove even though it's has a great feel to it.
Look at the mirror used as a backsplash!
Isn't that ingenious? Really lightens the room.
Once upon a time I had the idea I was going to line my upper counters with 
an eclectic mix of mirrors to cover my backsplash that I hated.
(instead I ended up doing this)
But before I did this...
I tried with a few mirrors to see how I liked it.
I DID like it but since I have black countertops...the mirror just reflected a lot of darkness
and did not make things better.
If I'd had light countertops it would have been a great look however.
Another cutesy stove nook.
I really love this one minus all the brick a brack.
All that art totally distracts the eye from the lovely shape of the arch.
It's just too much. 
But I do love the bits of silver everywhere.
Even the big basket holding vinegars and utensils.
One thing about pretty kitchens, every time I spy one of these bridge faucets...
I'm stopped in my tracks.
I've pinned this same image over and over.
I just love them and have wanted one forever.
when I happened upon this one on Ebay one night at the cost of $80.
I could not resist even though I should not have been buying a thing
or even thinking about a kitchen project.
It was just too good a buy to pass up.
You can find this same faucet on Overstock right now for almost twice what I paid but it normally
goes for well over $300.

See why I just could not keep my bidding finger from hitting the key to place a bid?
It has not arrived yet but should soon.
Another project added to the mounting pile.

I hope to be back soon with a new mantel display.
At this point I'll get it up and have to take it down right away Valentine's.

Mom says she is in no hurry to go home.
That is fine with me...but it's hard for me to do any projects with her and the dogs around.

She has no idea I bought that faucet.
I would not have...if I'd known I was going to need a new sewer line right away.

But too late's on it's way here...and one day soon it will be in my sink.

sharing at


  1. I think I might strangle you.
    I FINALLY decided to paint my kitchen Grey. I told myself to STOP thinking about and just DO it. I planned to do it this weekend (maybe)
    and now?............
    CRAP! I want ALL White with a mirror back-splash and a tile floor with dashes of bright green plants.
    OK, I guess you saved me some work.
    I mean the kitchen is ALREADY White, so I can just do some touch-ups..and good buy some mirrors and...
    Love you! xoxox - Cindi

  2. I am dying for a kitchen overhaul! When we bought this house we thought that would be the first (and only) thing we'd change, but now 14 years later and we've literally rebuilt most of the house except the kitchen! Argh!

  3. Being the kind neighborly Okie that I am, I would be willing to take that faucet off of your hands for what you paid for it! :) HAha! You're going to love it!

  4. I'm with you on the decorator show drama. I gave up watching home decor shows. It was so annoying. I quit watching and started doing. Plenty more inspiration on blogs. Love all the great pins. You will be so glad to have the faucet once you get over the initial financial hit. Hope your projects all come together and your mom is well soon!

  5. I have to say, this post really made me laugh - and sympathize. Don't worry about the piles, enjoy the dogs and your Mom. It's a great time in your life; one you won't forget!

    LOVE The faucet. I laughed and laughed at that wee tale re:eBay. I felt like I was reading my own writing and hearing my own thoughts!!

    Thanks for leaving me with great visions and a good laugh before my head hits the pillow. Will be thinking of this if my first baby (now 6 months) wakes up in a few hours. Ill rock her back to sleep with visions of the 7 dashunds and that faucet!!!!

  6. Oh what lovely kitchens! The stove you asked about is indeed new. It's an AGA...I recognized it immediately! It comes in quite a few colors, too.

    Here's a Link:

    Jan ♥

  7. Glad to hear your mom is still doing well, good for you for going for that gorgeous faucet, you'll get it in one day and you'll be so happy every time you look at it!
    Hugs, Cindy

  8. I love it when you post pictures of kitchens. I think I've always liked the ones you like. That first one is my favorite although I sure wouldn't mind having the big lemon pot from one of the others, especially if there were Meyer lemons hanging from it. The faucet will make you smile every time you see it so I hope you get it put in soon. If only we were neighbors I'd have our oldest son put it in for you pronto. He's never happier than when he has a repair to-do list in his hand. Aren't I lucky?

  9. Those kitchen are truly inspirational and a dream for me who basically have a sink in a room that I use as a kitchen!!! I believe the range cooker you ask about is from Leisure, not sure though, but as I'm planning to redo the kitchen one day... I spend lots of time researching thinks about kitchens!!!
    I also love the pictures of your mom and the dogs!

  10. I have a copper colored faucet but oh man! I am loving those beauties you shared. The stoves are amazing. You are so right, there is something about the stove in its own little nook. Completely charming!


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