Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Mom swears the dogs are aiding in her recovery from heart surgery.
She's got a bed full of them most of the time.
These are her two, Daisy and Rosie....they are Violet's full sisters.
When I took these photos the other day, Franklin was outside chasing squirrels.
Harvey was at the end of the bed trying to take a nap.
Sally has been sequestered in my bedroom.
Her and Marcus have issues.
That's Marcus, Harvey's brother.
Those two are the gruesome twosome together.
I call Marcus, Moose. He is a big old Moose.
Rosie is a prima donna. I tell Mom she's not a dachshund, she's a poodle.
You can't help but smile at the lot of these.
See Mom's scar? That was several days ago.
It is so much better now. 
She'd kill me if she knew I'd put this out there for the world to see.
Oh...maybe not...she's at the point...where she really doesn't care.
A pretty shot of Violet and Marcus.
Yes, a bed full of them. Marcus doesn't like Franklin very much.
He barks at him constantly. Franklin ignores him.
Franklin pounces on Harvey a lot and that makes Marcus mad.
He loves his little brother Harvey and never ever gets mad or barks at him.
He is his great protector.
That's good. With Marcus around Harvey can rest easy knowing his big brother is 
on the job of HIS homeland security.

So, new plumbing is being put in on Wednesday.
Fences will be torn down.
That means I will be walking dogs one at a time on a leash out the front door.
With seven dogs, this should pretty much take up my whole day.
Thank goodness I'm off work that day.

Life is never easy, is it?
I thought...if I could just get through Mom's surgery....everything would settle down.

But then...here we go with more craziness.

Mom and I are talking about hitting the movie theaters soon, though...and seeing all the movies 
we've missed. 

I have not gotten to see American Horror Story in weeks.
I think I've missed three episodes.
I keep thinking I'll watch On Demand and catch up one night after work but I keep falling asleep
when I sit down to do it.

Maybe tonight...maybe tonight. 

Pier 1 is still having it's store wide clearance sale.
I got some good things for next year's Thanksgiving table at a fraction of what they cost originally.

Mom and I are itching to get out and go shopping together.
One day...soon...
We can't wait.


  1. I hope your mom recovers quickly. Animals do help us to feel better, that's a known fact. Hugs, Deb

  2. OMG that is just the sweetest pic ever!!!! I'm glad to hear your mom is making a speedy recovery! Good luck with your dog walking adventures :o)

  3. I LOVE it!!! Of course the dogs are helping with your mom's recovery. You'd have to be a pretty cold person not to be cheered by all that puppy love!

    I tell my dog, Sam, he is the best blood pressure medicine and antidepressant I could ever have. :)

  4. Aweee...so sweet! The dogs are really taking good care of your Mom! She looks really good!!! I hope she continues to stay on the mend! You're a wonderful daughter! Embrace the craziness! ;)

  5. So much love .... you're all so lucky to have each other!


  6. You're mom looks great! With that loving sea of wet noses & cute faces, anyone would heal faster and it looks like the dogs ARE good medicine.

  7. Wow! She looks really good- her color is great. I love that she wants the dogs on the bed with her and I really do believe they ARE helping her in her recovery. Of course your relationship with your mom is sooo heart warming!

  8. Nita,
    Mom looks great!! And as far as the dogs helping her, we have "Therapy Dogs" that come in to brighten our patients spirits so Mom has a whole bunch of "Therapy Dogs" with her all the time!!


  9. I agree with you mom that the dogs are helping her to heal faster. They are such cute little guys. I hope you get to go shopping together again soon too. Patti

  10. I love the pictures, your Mom looks good and a bed full of sweeties has to make anyone feel better!

  11. Your mom looks like she's thriving on all the attention from the adorable dogs!

  12. I love the picture where your mother is really laughing. That is a bed ful of doggies.
    That Marcus is the funniest dog. I can't believe his face. Reminds me of someone. So darn cute.
    Yur mom's scar looks good.
    Good luck with the walking. Can you put a lead out and attach it to the houe. That's what we do with our dogs. We attach it so we don't have to even lean over to get the lead.

  13. Your Mom looks like she's feeling great! The pup's are taking great care of her for sure. Marcus has the funniest, sweetest face! It really makes me smile. He's so photogenic. Hope you catch up on all of that missed sleep soon.

  14. Your mom is beautiful! I love these pictures and I also love reading your blog. Many prayers for a complete recovery so you can shop and go to the movies together!

  15. Thanks for sharing those warm, fun pictures. I love them all, especially the one with your Mom laughing! Your Mom is beautiful and all of the doggies are precious. They know just how to help!

    Hope you get to catch up on your TV shows and can't wait to hear when you and your Mom get to catch a movie.

    take care

  16. I love the picture of the 4 pups and your mom!

  17. Thanks for the update! Glad your Mom is doing so well, and I know all those sweet babies are a big help. Thanks for the updates, and the great pix! FYI: My Dad used Vitamin E oil on his scars twice a day once they were closed, and not so angry looking. Within a very short time, there was only a very pale white line.

    Blogless Peggy (turtlemss@aol.com)

  18. Hi, Nita

    Glad to hear your mom is doing well. Pray she gains strength everyday. You dogs are beautiful.

  19. I love the photo, Nita! With all that love and devotion in bed with her she can't help but get well really quickly. Love is all she needs, all the song says.
    I hope you do get out and have some fun with your sweet mom.
    Hugs, Cindy

  20. Well she won't get cold that is for sure ;) Lots of love and snuggles to aid in her recovery! Hope you get to do shopping and movies with your momma real soon!!

  21. Tell that cute Mom of yours the scar does fade over time. Mine has -- one advantage of age is the scar just looks like one more wrinkle!

  22. Mom looks wonderful! Love to see the smile and all the pups.

    My son had a heart transplant 5 years ago and you can barely even see his scar now. I massaged it with vitamin E oil several times a day at the beginning. Every time he goes to the doctor someone comments how nearly invisible it is. Of course all the hair on his chest helps too :D He calls it his transplant "comb-over"!!!!

    thanks for updating us on mom - I've had her in my prayers!


  23. Your is looking great. I know what you mean about things settling down, I seem to be jumping from one stressful situation to the next. Let's pray for some quiet time soon.
    Love the pictures of the weenies. So many dogs to pet and so little time.

  24. Wow.i love me some weenie dogs. Marcus!!! i want him! he needs his portrait painted...what a doll face!!

    1. Oh...and i am glad your mother is recovering...guess i got carried away looking at all those beautiful dogs! :-)

  25. So glad your mom is doing well and with all that four legged love how can she not! I'm sure it doesn't hurt that her loving daughter is there to care for her either.

  26. The love of those cute dogs is the best medicine! I hope your mom is on the mend. It looks like she is enjoying every minute of her time with your babies!

  27. This just put a big smile on my face! Seeing your mom was awesome~she does look quite content and very healthy!! Those dogs are something else....it just occurred to me that YOU should have your own reality TV show! Weenieland or The adventures of Nita and the Weenies....it would always be something. Move over Honey Boo Boo....haaha!

  28. What sweet pictures, I do believe those wonderful dogs are helping with her recovery!!! She looks great, and the dogs are adorable! Isn't it interesting how they interact, and each has a unique personality.

    ~ Violet

  29. This makes me happy to see your mom so happy! What great dog babes for helping her!Dogs have a whole new way of lighting people up!

  30. I love Amy's idea of a show called Nita and the Weenies! :)

  31. What Great pictures!
    I love all the expressive faces! American Horror Story is starting to wind down so catch it soon...it puts me to sleep sometimes too. So if you're tired before you start watching, it will surely zonk you out. Have fun with all the walking and digging!
    Your pal,

  32. OH! I LOVE this post!
    That 6th photo down is the BEST.
    It's so great to see your Mom laughing with all her little buddies.
    They are definitely helping with her healing!
    and that little Marcus. OMG! he is ADORABLE! His little face made me laugh right out loud!

    (hope you are able to get some assistance with that dang sewer line!)
    Take care, xoxo - Cindi

  33. Everybody looks great! You're such a busy person, hopefully soon you girls can get a day out to enjoy some sights!

  34. Love your pics of Mom and the dogs! What a lot of love in one bed :)
    Hope Mom's recovery continues swiftly and well!

  35. Hope your Mom feels better! How could one NOT feel better surrounded by those little doxie faces?? My doxie ate cat poop today and threw it up on the rug. Yay! Still love him more than anything. Marcus has the best little face...xo

  36. Precious photos of your mom and the pooches! I hope she doesn't mind that you posted these, she is such a doll. I just can't believe you have seven of them there right now! Hilarious. We are getting a new cat (Maurie's mom's) next week and I am super nervous about it. Tell your sweet mama we all said hi and so glad to hear she is doing so well.
    xo, Andrea

  37. Your Mom's color is good. She looks well. Best wishes for a total recovery

  38. These are just precious pictures. Your mom looks fantastic. I just love her smiles with the dogs...you can see she loves them and they love her right back!!

  39. Lovely photos! I wish your mum fast recovery! Dogs do help... And great daughters! Unconditional love always does :-)

  40. Oh I just adore these pics Nita! Hope your Mom is doing well. Pets do amazing things for our health and mind overall.


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