Saturday, September 29, 2012

White Pumpkins

It's a very Fall-ish day here.
I worked early in the day and now....I'm home enjoying
pumpkin scented candles and a marathon of 
Jersey Shore.

Yes, that's awful, isn't it?

Last season of Jersey Shore starts next week.

It's a cloudy rainy Saturday and the dogs have no interest in doing anything.
Just sleeping.


  1. I like the clean, light look you have created here. This pumpkin arrangement can be easily taken through Thanksgiving.

    Love your 'extra' header! We have been giving on a regular basis. I am praying for our country. xo

  2. oooooh, pumpkin scented pumpkins and that first image are my idea of fall lovely!

    smiles to you.


  3. Love the White pumpkins of course.
    White and Black, always love that.
    I worked this morning too. It was absolute craziness. (I covered the front desk) and I'm grateful to be home. Low 80's today. I was wishing for more Fall like temps.
    Maybe tomorrow!
    I like rainy sleeping days with the pups, that's the best!
    XOXO - Cindi

  4. Love, love, love white pumpkins! I'm thinking of using them this year...never have before, might be fun.
    Ginger is sleeping the day away here too, but it's sunny and beautiful outside! She's pooped from keeping me awake all night, no fair that she gets to nap!
    Enjoy your marathon... ;)
    xo J~

  5. White pumpkins are so elegant in their own homey way. These are some gorgeous images. Feeling sad that I haven't done any fall decorating, but I just don't have the time right now. So, I'm reading and enjoying everyone else's decor!!

  6. I love guilty pleasures. :) Have a great weekend. Kit

  7. I love white pumpkins! Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, cindy

  8. The white pumpkins with the green and orange touches are my favorite. Did you see the pumpkins I posted on my white dishes with the split peas?
    It was about 97 degrees here so I am struggling to get the fall feeling but I am trying. Glad someone is getting fall weather. My love to the weenies.

  9. Love the neutral colors, little pumpkins and pistachio nuts...great texture.

  10. Whit pumpkin *love* :D I hope you enjoy your Sunday, Nita!


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