Friday, September 28, 2012

Barn Sale in Oklahoma

I'm Excited!
The first ever Sugar Moon Barn Sale is next weekend.
October 4, 5 & 6.
This show is put on by Denise and Heather who have great taste and serious transformation skills.
I'm sure this show will be full of ultra fabulous stuff.
Antique, shabby, colorful, vintage stuff.
I'll be there for sure.
It will be in this barn where they teach classes too.
If you want more information on the show go to 
Denise's blog and find out more.
I know it's going to be great.
Hope to see you there!


  1. Looks like fun! There is, or used to be, a similar barn show here in Tulsa. They asked me to set up there but it wouldn't work with my schedule...maybe next Fall!
    Have fun and take lots of pics to share!

  2. Oh I just love Bella Dreams blog. I wish I lived closer. Share lots of photos please!

  3. That sounds so fun!
    There's a lot of nice art fairs and flea markets and some of the small towns around here are having city-wide yard sales. Just blocks and blocks of bargains with craft booths set up...One of the things I love about Fall. But I might stay home since $$$ are low. Darn, maybe next year.
    I will look forward to a post about the your adventure there!
    :) - Cindi

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