Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Styling Open Shelves

My Kitchen Shelves
Over the summer I've been changing things up in the kitchen.
Last you saw it, my open shelves looked like this.
I love these dishes. My Mom gave them to me but I finally had to just face the fact 
that color does not work in this kitchen with it's black countertops and white backsplash.
I would have never chosen the black countertops but that is what was here
and I needed to embrace it rather than fight it.
I love these seafoamy green dishes but the color just didn't work.
Besides...I never used them when they were all stacked up here.
Come on...does anyone ever really use the dishes stacked on open shelves?
Mine get dusty so they have to be washed every time I go to use them.
So, I put them away inside a closed cupboard and guess what?
I actually use them now. Which is really much better.

So now I have the open shelving for display only.
It really makes the kitchen more interesting.
Here's where I am after a summer of collecting.

Way better....isn't it?

Lots of this I already had and other things were bought on sale.
The inside of the shelves I took stainless steel contact paper and covered
foam core boards cut to fit in back.
It looks so much better than the rough wall that used to be there.
Let's see what I have here. Some of it from Pier 1.
The top left bowls were on clearance at Pier 1, so was that cheese dome with carrerra marble plate.
I want carrerra marble on my kitchen island but this will have to give me my marble fix for now.

The mercury glass pear I got at Marshall's several years ago for $5.
The small fern and white pot have been around the house for quite awhile.
I wanted a nice white teapot. Found this one at Ross for $7.
The cupcake dome behind it also came from Ross and was a birthday gift from a friend.
I was with her when she bought it for me...$10.
You can see in the first photo the new glasses I got at Pier 1 last week for $1.98 each.
I bought twelve of them but displaying all of them...was a bit much.
One of my white china plates creates a backdrop on this shelf.
Someday soon, hopefully I'll have a white platter there.
The basket had Xmas goodies in it last year from a friend.
The backside of that linen liner has a santa embroidered on it.
Shhhhhh...don't tell.
The mercury glass candle holder came from Pier 1. 
We still have them.
I stacked my salad plates and covered with a cake dome I've had truly forever.
I love the domes the most.
Right now we have this great dome at Pier 1.

I want it pretty badly. I already have a cloche this I keep telling myself no.
But it's pretty grand.
I planned to show you the kitchen island today too.
I finally have a spot for my white enamel kitchen colander that's been put away forever.
It now sits on the island filled with apples from of course....Pier 1.

Anyway, I planned to show more of the kitchen but Violet is not feeling well and 
I have to run her to the vet.
She's had an ongoing bacterial infection in her nose that just will not go away.

I'm very very worried about her.
More on the kitchen later in the week.

Sharing at


  1. Violet is now on our prayer list. :) Doggie illness is much harder on the owner than on the doggie. So you are on there too.


  2. I hope Violet is feeling better, poor baby! I love the look of your open shelves. I have a hutch, and I use the stuff occasionally, and I always have to wash the dishes before using them.

    That Pier 1 dome is so cute! I LOVE Pier 1, and I tell ya that they have been kicking Anthropologie's butt with cute designs. Yes, they have!

    Have a great afternoon!


  3. I like the white dishes better. Stainless contact paper......nice.
    Poor Violet. We just got back from the vets. My baby has the problem at the other end....yuck.
    Do you like working at Pier One.

  4. love the shelves and keeping fingers crossed for Violet!

  5. Can't go wrong with white, silver, glass and little wood.. It always looks great in whatever combination.

    Hope Violet is okay.

  6. That is just a great display. I love what Ricki said about Pier 1 kicking Anthro's butt! You showed several things I would love to have. Smooches to sweet Violet, I sure hope she feels better soon.

  7. Looks great, Nita. Hope Violet feels better soon. xo Jami

  8. Nita, I do hope Violet is okay. the open shelves are pretty with that combination on them. I am a fool for cloches. Olive

  9. Oh I adore your shelves and that mercury glass pear!! I have been looking for a HUGE cloche for my kitchen but can not seem to find one a decent price- I do love them though!! Sending good thoughts your way for Violet.

  10. Your shelves looks so much more interesting now and is probably a lovely focal point in your kitchen.
    I'm a new follower, Mary Alice

  11. loving how the white works and i so want that pear! a great find!



  12. Can they give Violet a medicated nasal spray? Is she on antibotics? What are they doing for her?
    I hope it clears up quickly and her "smell-er" is back to normal soon!
    I must say that the change on your open shelves is HUGE. What a great difference. Just beautiful.
    xoxo - Cindi

  13. You do such an amazing job of mixing the old with the new. Just beautiful.....

  14. What gorgeous styling, love the textures and greenery! Hope your fur baby is well soon!

  15. Great display Nita, you are right it adds way more interest to the kitchen. I want to see the domes too. I hope Violet made out ok, let me know...I'll be teaching my first workshop in Boston tonight so wish me luck. Gonna be a 16 hour day today.

  16. Nita, your kitchen shelves looks fantastic. You've done well at Pier 1. I have a friend who worked at Tuesday Morning for years just so she could have first pick of what came in. Looks like you are taking advantage of a good thing too. :)

  17. Hi Nita: I hope Violet is feeling better very soon. I love your pretty collection of whites, glass and mercury in your kitchen shelves. I think the salad plates under the cloche are so very pretty! And I love the swirly above the shelves and the swirls in the brackets holding the shelves in place--lovely. Glad that you are using the gorgous seafoam green dishes more now--sometimes just having easier access to an item makes it more attractive for me to use routinely.

  18. Makes me giggle just thinking about the mess behind my cabinet doors.


  19. Hi Nita, love your new display. It looks gorgeous.I have a love affair with cloches and Pier One so I know how it is to talk yourself out of buying everything LOL. I hope Violet is better soon.

  20. I liked it before but it really is beautiful now. The stainless looking back is genius. You are so handy and creative and unafraid to try things, I am sure you must have at least considered using one of those countertop paint/refinishing kits, if you really don't like your counters?

  21. Your shelf looks so great now. Love it.

    Have a nice thursday.

  22. Nita, your shelves look so pretty!! The stainless backing is shows off your treasures beautifully! I'm surprised that hasn't been done more...I'm sure it will be now!
    Thanks for stopping by a while back...Miss. Ginger and I are together once again, I missed her so much!
    Hope all the weenies are well...
    xo J~

  23. Very lovely collection!I think your shelves look Teriffic!

  24. I hope Violet is okay, Nita. Will keep her in my thoughts. I love what you've done here! I've been thinking I would like a Pier 1 "fix" soon.

  25. Oh my goodness. Dear Violent is in our prayers. Wishing for the best! I am loving your amazing Pier 2 finds. This is such an awesome post. I would love it if you would share this post at our WIW linky party. Hope you can join us. :-)


  26. This post was just so so inspirational! I love all your great touches on your open shelves! So beautiful!

  27. Ahhhh! The goofy thing lost my comment. Just stopping by to say Thank you, Thank you, for featuring me at Mod Mix Monday and mentioning the barn sale. I really appreciate it. I LOVE your open shelving!

  28. Awwww So beautiful. I loved all the pics. Beautiful kitchen and awesome decor of shelves and crockery. Great job dear

  29. Those infections can be difficult to treat! I hope she's on the mend soon so she can thoroughly enjoy your kitchen update, too!

  30. Love your restyled shelves! Everything is so pretty! Wishing you a wonderful 2013!


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