Friday, September 21, 2012

Obie - 77lb Doxie

Have you heard about Obie?
Several people have sent me links to Obie's Facebook page.
He's a five year old 77lb standard size dachshund that is on a diet.
He is big but isn't his butt cute?
He was given up by his elderly owners so that someone could help him.
They were feeding him snacks constantly because he loved to eat.
This is Obie's new owner who is working hard on slimming him down.
She's set up a Facebook page for him
See it here....

This is Obie walking outside.

I don't know why so many people thought of me when they saw Obie's story.
Of course it's because of my Harvey.
Although, Harvey has slimmed up some since Franklin came to live with us.
Scares me that someone obviously loved Obie very much and he was taken away from them.
I would die if someone took Harvey away from me. 
Granted he's not as fat as Obie...but some of you have said I was killing him with love.
My other dogs are of perfect weight. 
I do not overfeed my dogs. When they get a is instead of food and it's a healthy treat.
They do not get dog treats out of a bag...because that is the equivalent of cheetos.
They just get little bites of apple or beans or rice..things like that.
Never large quantities...just a bite or two.

Harvey walks all over the yard...he runs and plays with Franklin.
This is just his body.
I had another dachshund before these that lived to be 17 and was of perfect weight her whole life.

I tried diet dog food and it made Sally sick and Harvey just ate more of it. 

Anyway....Obie's story hits home with me and then I think....darn...I could have been
on the Today Show and be doing a PR tour if I'd only set up a Facebook page for Harvey.
We'd be famous. But you know what?
I would never take Harvey on long trips
on airplanes and in to TV studios surrounded by hot lights and lots of people.
I just think that is way too much stress on a dog that is making new adjustments anyway.

Obie seems like a wonderful boy. I hope he's not being exploited.

Harvey is really not that bad.
Harvey is only 30 pounds in comparison to Obie's 77.
They say Obie needs to lose 40 pounds.
Harvey needs to lose 10.
Actually, Harvey might be like 28 now. He is a little thinner.

Thanks to everyone for all your concern about Violet.
She has been battling a sinus infection for months.

The vet says she has Snuffles. A disease usually found in rabbits.
He says it is not curable just manageable.
I have no idea how she got this...he says it's probably always been in her system.

Anyway...she is doing fine. I've just been running her back and forth to the vet
every time she starts to sneeze a lot and cough.

She's good right now.
I can't find out anything about this illness in dogs on the internet.
I can only find out about it in rabbits.
In rabbits, it is NOT good.

Just worries me that it may become a very serious thing.

So I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

When on YouTube looking for video of Obie....I came across this video of dachshunds swimming.
It's quite amazing. They look like seals or otters.

I gave all my dogs baths last night.
It was really a wet experience. I ended up as wet as them by the time I finished the last one.
But all clean puppies now. All of them were good...even Harvey who did not want one.

Have a Great Friday!


  1. Actually, I had never heard about Obie this before. It was quite informative post and also interesting. I like the way you introduced this facts to us. Thanks dear

  2. Oh that poor little chunker ;) Hope he gets some lbs off to make walking easier.

    I bet your pups smell and yummy and clean now!!

  3. I love the stories you write about your fur babies. I also think it is mean for people to tell you you are killing your dog with love. It is unfortunate that their mean spirited comments made you feel you had to justify yourself in your blog. It is obvious you take good care of your dogs. Some animals, just like people react differently to foods.
    Hugs to you and your fur babies. They have a good life!

  4. I have the same problem with Lola! She has always been "big boned". She eats just what Charlie eats and he has never been overweight! Lola has a big tummy that she has always had. I think she is part shih tzu and part pug. She has that barrel body. At any rate, I had to send you this link. It's the weiner dog pop stars who have their own record deal! Piper and Scooter! Their hits include, Let Me Outta That Crate, Letz Go Make A Litter and more!

    Cheery wave from Bev

  5. I think I would get a second opinion about your female.
    Did the vet culture this?
    Harvey is so cute. Do you walk him every day?

  6. Nita, don't worry. You're an excellent dog mama.

  7. Poor Obie! Oddly enough, the online version of my local newspaper (the Vancouver Sun) had a picture of a 41 pound cat from Texas named Skinny. Skinny was up for adoption. I hope she finds a good, loving home.

    You sound like a wonderful dog mommy!

  8. OK, yesterday one of the dogs that sometimes boards with me, had to be put down. His housemate, a beagle mix had died a couple of months ago from diabetes and Harley was a basset mix weighing 70lbs. He was huge! and struggled to walk on his fat short legs. He had so many health problems and all were related to his weight. A comment was made that if someone brought in an underfeed dog equal to this weight extreme, that it would be viewed as abuse but instead jokes were made and affectionate names were given to him such as "coffee table". My heart broke for him. The owners swore that they were careful about what they feed them. But with both dogs being so obese, they obviously were getting more than they needed. I know how hard it can be when you love your dog and they love food. My own Blue hit an all time high of 174lbs. I never realized he was THAT fat because it crept on slowly (he's a Great Dane MIX) but the shock out of it got me to religiously measure out his food. The cup I was using held more than I realized. He is now down to 151 lbs and his sides curve IN like they should. My little Ruby weighed in at 12 lbs and when they did a dental on her there was so much fat that they had trouble getting her "tubed". I was told that if she ever had surgery and they had to tube her again, there might be a life or death problem because of the fat. Ruby has a thyroid problem as is on medicine for it, but she was still very overweight. She needs to be 7 lbs. Now 5 lbs sound like nothing but each pound is HUGE. So I am trying to let you know that Harvey's 10 is MAJOR issue. I now have Ruby on "Satiety Support" which is a food that is more filling. So although she only gets 3/4 of a cup A DAY, it helps her feel fuller. I love my dogs more than anything and I know you do too. You are a WONDERFUL momma. Your heart belongs totally to your little furry kids and with the worry of Violet's current health problem and the tragic loss of Newman, I am writing this long comment to try to help you and Harvey before he has something pop up and they need to put him under for surgery. I find each type of food has different amounts to be feed. So with some research you could find something he likes and an amount that he is comfortable with. I have to feed several of my dogs separately and honestly it's a bit much at feeding time but I do it anyway. I view it like brushing my teeth , it must be done, don't dwell on it, just get into a routine and you won't even notice the extra effort. It helps me to have Ruby feed in a kennel in the kitchen as the others eat their dinner and feed Blue in the laundry room. Please don't be mad. But you are going to have to measure out the food and actually walk Harvey. Running around after Franklin isn't going to be enough.
    Love you! That's why I'm giving you my honest opinion.
    XOXO - Cindi

  9. That poor pup! He is cute but looks like he really struggles. I have a disabled kitty who was huge when I got her (she can barely walk) I have her on weight control food but she's never lost an ounce! I KNOW without a doubt that you love and take excellent care of your dogs. Some of us are just a little more "fluffy" than others! Smiles to you!

  10. Wow! That is a chunky Doxie. We have one that needs to take off around three pounds and it isn't budging!

  11. We all know dogs don't live forever or as long as humans, so I just hope the plump pup has had love, no matter what his size.


  12. Poor Obie... those pictures make me absolutely sick to my stomach. The pain and suffering that poor dog has to be enduring is beyond comprehension and to me, it's a form of abuse. I don't care if you are elderly or unable to care for a dog, there is obviously a major issue going on here that many people ignored for a long time. I've had dachshunds all my life and have learned from my mistakes. Having to put one down because of back problems (due to being too heavy, jumping, running, etc.) has taught me so many things about caring for Famous. I monitor her activity (no jumping, chasing the ball, climbing on and off of furniture) and she only eats holistic dog treats and food (think sweet potato sticks). She is so happy and healthy and at ten years old, still acts like a pup. The only mistake I have made with her is that I wish I had taken much better care of her teeth. I didn't know that dachshunds were prone to dental problems because I had never had issues before. Famous had to have all but five removed because they were rotting into her sinuses. Two different vets diagnosed her with allergies (sneezing, coughing, etc.) and finally we found the root of the problem. She has been a different dog after having the bad teeth removed and hopefully she lives to at least 17 like your angel.

    Have wonderful day!


  13. Awww cute chubbie doggie. My mother in law has a doxie that she would regularly fry a loaf of bread in bacon grease and feed to, once he got to be about 14 lbs overweight the health problems came. His entire back end is permanently paralyzed. He no longer has an control of his bodily functions. She purchased another disabled doxie so he would have a friend. According to her vet it was somewhat common in that type of dog, to end up paralyzed due to over weight issues.

  14. I should probably mention though, that I think dogs are like people, some are just bound to be chunky despite their eating and exercise habits! It sounds like you take very good care of your pups! I am thinking the bread fried in bacon grease is what did my mil doggie in.


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