Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sunrooms on a Saturday

Each one of these sunrooms is prettier than the last. 
I do wish I had a sunroom although with the heat of the past few weeks,
a sunroom would be best avoided.
Still I love all these images. Especially that first one with the weenies!

Today I'm off to a family reunion. Not my family reunion but the family of a very good friend.
 Someone I've known all my life, my friend Pam.
We always say we've known each other like 120 years because our grandparents grew up knowing each
other and our fathers grew up knowing each other.
My father grew up in the house she was later raised in and I grew up a block away from 
her house.
Close ties you see.
Personally, we've known each other since kindergarten.
This weekend she came from Memphis to go to her family's reunion and invited me to come too.
Every year from way before I could remember, my family had a reunion every Memorial Day 
at my Grandmother's house. 
Unfortunately, the reunion's stopped when my Grandmother died and so many of our family 
are gone now that it feels like we only see each other at funerals.
Which is really a sad shame.
Anyway, growing up and especially after I was grown, the yearly family reunion was not 
really something I looked forward to. I thought I was too cool for it or something.
But just as usual, once something is miss it very much.
So tomorrow I will go and enjoy someone else's family and feel lucky to be included.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your own family.

Oh...more more thing...Pier 1 has most of their outdoor furniture on sale
if you want a good deal on some outdoor wicker.

sharing at


  1. These are so lovely,I love having a sunroom. We closed in our verandah with glass and spend at least 2/3 of the year there. The ones you posted are really lovely. I like the idea of having mirrors in there to reflect the garden. I think I might copy that. I hope you have a fun time with your friend. Maybe you could start your own family reunion? xx

  2. Love the sunrooms...I had a nice one once upon a time...I can imagine you at the reunion, I am sure it will bring back a lot of memories and you will feel wistful, thinking about your dad especially. have a good time though and I hope you share more on the event...with some good stories of days gone by.

  3. I would think I was in paradise for sure is I had a room like this.

  4. Yes those are beautiful sunrooms. I'd take any of them. Growing up, my best friend's grandmother had a sunroom and it was cooled by an old fashioned water cooler. You'd need that or more right now. Hope you 110+ days end soon.

    Have a great time at the family reunion. Sounds like they are as much your people as hers.

  5. We built our sunroom a couple of years ago and made it an all year one. It has windows all around and french doors. Air and heated so I spend most of my days in there. I love your decorating ideas in the sunrooms you showed--the pink one is delicious. Have a great time at your friends reunion.

  6. We built a sunroom on a house we owned more than 20 years ago, and when we left it I promised myself I'd always have a sunroom. Well, there has never been another one.
    Enjoy your friend's family reunion!

  7. I like the third one down with the clean simple lines.
    The house that I grew up in had a jalousied porch...I suppose it was a sunroom of sorts, though it was at the back of the house and never had much sun.
    That house that I wrote you about had a jalousied porch too...surrounded by a shaded backyard, sigh.
    Anyway! Hope you have a FUN family reunion that will make for some new happy memories!
    XOXO - Cindi

  8. These are just dreamy! I have nice back patio, and these are giving me ideas. Oh dear. My husband won't be liking that!

  9. Oh, Nita! I'd come visit you and the weenies in any of these gorgeous rooms! And have fun at the reunion and make some new memories.

  10. Gorgeous! I am playing catch up with Pink Saturday, didn't want to miss all the beautiful entries this week.

    My PINK
    Hope you'd come and see.
    Have a blessed Sunday.


  11. A beautiful selection! Funny thing about those family reunions.. I actually rather enjoyed them when I was growing they only seem to happen when one of the older family members dies. As long as it is one of the older ones, the funeral ends up being a wonderful reunion - a great time with family that softens the blow of the death.

  12. Beautiful rooms!
    Sure hope that you are in the "cool breezes" and that your AC unit is up and running....:o)
    Have an iced drink and pet those Wennies.....:o) Huggers from Idaho.

  13. These are very lovely sunrooms! White is usually the base color and the secondary ones are all light colors. This combination is so lovely and refreshing to the eyes, helping to make you feel so relaxed.

    Terence Watthens


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