Thursday, August 2, 2012

Birdcages in Decor

Don't Put a Bird In It!
I'm not into birdcages inside much.
But I ran across this image and think it's just divine.
I've had them before inside and put in plants or flowers but I never thought
about using a large one to organize a desk.
Outside as lanterns is really nice too.
Just put a candle in it.
This is very cute too...use them on an outside wall to hold plants and knick knacks.
I love the use of this one overhead as a chandi!
I usually pass over birdcages when I see them on sale.
Thinking that's one more thing to collect that I don't need.
But they are nice when used creatively.
I won't be passing them up any more!

In other news...
I got my air fixed. My Mom fixed it by replacing the fuses in the unit's fusebox outside.
I thought perhaps that might be the issue.
It's never happened before but guess that is why there are fuses because it does happen.

It's still 96 degrees in the house....the unit is struggling to get the temp back down.
But maybe by the time I go to bed, it will be ok.

Crisis averted.
Mom and I were so happy when it came on we danced around the yard.
With my Mom hollering "Girl Power"!
"We fixed it ourselves"!


  1. Beautiful birdcage inspiration,

    Marie @
    Lemondrop ViNtAge

    I am having a fabulous giveaway right here.

  2. You and your Mom rock! I fixed something on my computer the other day without having to call a grandkid over and I felt the same way! It's so hot that my house starts getting hot about 5PM and gets hotter until 10! It was 78 last night. Our units just aren't made for 113 weather! Glad you have a/c!

    Slightly wilted (from the heat) wave from Bev

  3. I have been thinking of you all day after I heard that there was going to be record heat in OKC today ! I hope you are cooling down! Love the birdcage ideas - so very pretty!!
    Hugs -
    Have a pretty (cool) day!

  4. Lovely bird cages, I think they are very pretty used in so many different and interesting ways.
    Good for you and your mom, girl power indeed!
    Hugs, Cindy

  5. Featuring you on my blog today. Wanted to have a pic of your fireplace but wasn't sure it was okay.

    Cheery wave from

  6. Love the pretty outside lantern! Enjoy your weekend! :)

  7. Yay for fixed ac GIRL power go MAMA!!! & Birdcages! Love 'em collect 'em!

  8. Yea! Girl Power!
    That the only power that I've got over here! LOL! Oh well, at least I don't have to suffer through football. :D
    I've got several birdcages and similar looking things that I've "collected". A couple are hanging on the Weeping Willow. I plan on hanging the others on the fence as lanterns...maybe for Fall, when it's cool outside?
    Anyway. Glad you finally got some air!
    XOXO - Cindi

  9. A few more months and here in Minnesota I'll be beeching about the cold! Can't please me.

    We have the same taste in frying egg photos by the way.



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