Saturday, August 18, 2012


I Shutter to Think
Last night my friend Deidra gifted me with a pair of double shutters.
Much like those in the photo above. Two pairs of tall 6 feet!
They are older but unpainted. Currently raw wood ready for whatever paint I choose.
She'd used them as a room divider but didn't need them any more since she moved.
At first I thought I'd paint them distressed turquoise and use on either side of the window
in the dining room. 
But after looking for inspiration...they may end up in my bedroom.
So many uses for old shutters.
Love the color of these.
They add interest to any room.
They provide texture and interest to a wall.
I would have never thought to use them in a nook like this...but they totally work.
Love the color of these too.
This got me to thinking of turning them into a closet....lord knows I need more storage.
Perhaps matching closets on either side of the bedroom window?
I'll probably paint them turquoise but maybe white.
Shutters in their intended use.

Anyway...another project here for me to do. 
Why don't I ever come up with anything that just comes in the house and is left as is?

Everything always involves paint or remaking them.
I love that...but sometimes it would be nice just to walk in the door and plop something in as is.
But then what is the fun in that?

Anyway...I felt I was pretty lucky to acquire a nice set for free.

My friend Deidra has the most eclectic home.
I must go over and take photos soon.

She's from New Orleans and her decor shows it.
I was there last night and I said..."Your kitchen has become a shrine to New Orleans."
It really has...wait till you see. 

Deidra practices the decorating theory of more is more and for her it works.
She has amazing things in her condo.

I must take my camera over there soon. I meant to last night but totally forgot.

Have a great weekend. I plan to!


  1. Oh you are gonna do something grand with those shutters I know it!! I love the PB bedroom advt showing the aqua shutters...its so cool and peaceful.

  2. Nita, I "shutter" to think how long it's been since we've had a good chat...but I miss it my friend :( life is crazy no? Anyway, I LOVE the shutter craze here...we sell the heckoutta them at our shop whenever they come in from our pickers. Awesome and inspiring post my dear, hope you are well?! :)

  3. Lucky! I looooove shutters, and I'm always on the lookout for them during big trash week. Have scored a few that I have hanging around in the garage. Love the inspiration! I'm gonna see what you do with yours before I decide what to do with mine :) xo, Andrea
    p.s. I think I'm going to give in and buy the cute sisal owl at Pier 1. Honestly, I woke up thinking about him in the middle of the night!

  4. I love those shutters, Nita- I am a shutter fanatic- just LOVE them all. They are SUCH a pain in the butt to paint though- UGH!

    I can't wait to see that New Orleans style kitchen. Blessings and have a great week. xo Diana

  5. Free is always good :) I love the closet idea! I enjoyed all the shutter pics-fun!

  6. Hi Nita,
    What beautiful inpiration, esp the white divider! Thank you for sharing, I forgot how pretty they can be. Doing a giveaway tomorrow for the e-course Creatively Made Home, hope you pop over:). Have a great night,

  7. Looking forward, Nita, to seeing what you will do with those shutters and where you will put them!


  8. I can not wait to see what you do!! I love everything you come up with!! Have a pretty weekend!!

  9. What a beautiful post, Nita. So neat that you have some shutters to work with now, and I look forward to seeing what you decide to do with them. I have a single one that's been sitting around in the garage forever, and I've been looking for ideas for it. I'm now thinking maybe cut it in half and use the two shorter pieces in some way--we'll see. This post was very inspirational, so thank you!

  10. Wow! All the shutters photos are great! They are such a great decor element! Wanda

  11. I love shutters of any kind! How lucky that you have them! Thanks
    Faux Wood Shutters Houston


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