Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fall Preview

Newly in at Pier 1 Imports
The Fall and Halloween stuff is in at
I thought I'd share some of my favorites that have come in.
There are lots more things than this. Lots of glittery goulish things kids would love.
But I'm keeping this post to things I'd bring home for myself.
Love the metallic pumpkins as seen above. We have glass pumpkins too.
This urn lantern with hanging tea lights I can imagine in a Fall or Thanksgiving vignette.
This one too of course.
Giant acorns are awesome.
Owls are all over the store but this pillow is a standout.

Velvet pumpkins. I've planned on making some of these forever and here they are!
Very cute and spooky pillow.
This apron for the cooking witch.
Very cooky Halloween owls. These really are a hoot!

Halloween lanterns - perfect for your Halloween Party.

But by most favorite thing we've gotten in are all the new fall fragrances.
From left to right
Spiced Cake (smells like a pumpkin spice cake cooking)
Sugared Cinnamon (I burnt this one all last weekend at a friend's house. Smells like vanilla and cinnamon)
Golden Apple Orchard. (smells like the perfect apple cider)
Other scents available are 
Creme Brulee, Bountiful Apple, Maple Pecan, Creamy Caramel Pumpkin, Candy Corn and others.
I was most excited to find that we now carry wax melts.
They include these cute little pumpkin shaped ones and regular square ones for the all year scents we carry.
Perfect for putting in your scentsy.

Go by 
Website and check out all the new stuff.
You can now order online and have things shipped to your house if you wish.


  1. I was at pier 1 one last week,and loved everything. I just hung up two pictures above my fireplace that i bought at pier 1.They have the best fall decor.Take a look at my blog and check out the pictures.I'm a big fan of your blog.


  2. LOVE Pier One seasonal and always have! I have so many of their items and I especially love when everything goes on clearance!!! Thanks for showing all of these yummy items! I am pretty happy about the wax melts my fave scents are ready for my tart warmers. No more chopping up old candles to melt in them!:) I may have to go today for some of the Fall melts..I am so ready for Fall everything!! Have a great day!

  3. Oh, torture! Abby's last day at Pier 1 is Saturday, then she goes to college next week. I have resisted so far, and haven't even gone in the store, because I don't want to be tempted! I did have her bring home the black lanterns and a flounce pillow. I would want every single item that you showed though!

  4. I've always loved the the Pier 1 apple scented candles...they smell so fresh. I think I might have bought one every year I worked that they had a variation of the apple scent. When I first started working there 9 years ago, we never carried any boss would say we didn't want to carry corny Halloween things that one could by at Michael's or Wal-Mart. I guess the need for a piece of the lucrative Halloween action caused Pier 1 to rethink their strategy. They have come up with some very creative merch. I might get that Ghost shaped soap pump this year.
    Nita, just wanted to pass along I saw silver mercury glass pumpkins at HomeGoods this might need to check them out...prices seemed reasonable.

  5. Due to blogging and the decorating inspiration that flows forth from it, I have a feeling I will be putting out autumn stuff sooner this year!


  6. So many pretty autumny things. Fall and winter are my most favorite seasons...Can't wait. I'll have to stop by the nearest Pier that store. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

    Hugs and Kisses,


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