Saturday, July 28, 2012

Vintage Fans

Electric Breezes
A pretty room for a Saturday afternoon. 
I think the thing that really finishes off this room is the small vintage fan.
I love vintage fans, don't you?
They are the perfect addition to a summer time vignette.
mmmm.. a lemon yellow one.
Miss Mustard Seed loves em.
Fan is great in this photo but also notice how those little photos are displayed.
See this one? I had one much like this when I was a kid.
I'm sure it's still at my Mom's and still works.
This one was described as 12 inches high and mine was more like 16 inches high.
It sat on the floor in my bedroom during the summer months
up till we got central heat and air when I was in my early teens.
This fan was old when I came to have it. 
I'm not sure where it first came from but it dated back to the 40's.
Can you believe we had such dangerous items in every day use?
We were always warned to not ever stick our fingers in fans and
told horrifying stories of children who lost fingers doing so.

Remember sitting in front of a fan and going ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
and hearing your voice warble?
That was great fun.
So I had a fan like this in my room. It sat upon the floor.
During the summer, my parents always turned the window units off at night.
Why? oh Why?
I remember being so hot at night...that I thought I was going to die.
I'd raise and lower the sheets fanning them until I'd fall asleep from pure exhaustion.

A couple of times in the middle of the night...I heard twang...thud, thud, thud, twang...yelp!
My little dog Susie (the first of our many dachshunds)
 would get her tail in it while walking through my room at night.
Poor little thing. Thank goodness it never did any permanent damage. 
But this is something I'd never let happen, now.
I was a my Mom put the fan there and I thought a good enough place for it.
I remember even telling Mom that Susie got her tail in it one night...and she still didn't move it.
We were told not to stick our fingers in it and we didn't.
But she didn't give one thought to the dog's tail.

Thank goodness fans are safe now. But they are just not the same all made of plastic.
There is just nothing like a vintage fan.
Look at this fan turned into a light.
And this one turned into a hanging light.
Aren't those great?

I went thrifting fans to be found.
Actually, I didn't find much of anything.

I did get a great bargain at Hobby Lobby...I'll show soon.


  1. I have been looking too. They are hard to find since they have become more popular. I found a tutorial on pinterest that about painting new fans to give them an old look. (maybe something to tide you over until you can find one). Great post!

  2. My grandmother had one of those big black fans and, although she frequently warned me not to get too close to it, she's the one who almost lost a finger in it! It's so hot here (Oklahoma City) that I've been thanking God for air conditioning. So thanks for your comment. I do live in OKC. Where do you live? I make dog and cat collars for Pets and People. That's where I got Lola when they raided a puppy mill in Mustang and suddenly had 60 dogs to find homes for. I love your blog and your little doxies! Do you sew? We are having a giveaway for free fabric starting tomorrow. You should check it out! Have a great Saturday! Cheery wave from Bev

  3. I think you could say all of your followers are vintage fans.

  4. My living room and kitchen are connected and both have ceiling fans. The one in the living room shakes and sounds like a helicopter and the kitchen one doesn't spin out much air. I was so thrilled when I was given a very cool ceiling fan from someone who is remodeling. I'm putting that in the living room but I felt like it would be a good time to replace the other one too...but after this post I might just put in a light fixture and get a "vintage" fan to move the air!
    Thanks! :D - Cindi

  5. I had a very pretty pale green one, kind of small...but once I was in a purging mode selling a house and I sold it at my yard sale. I wish I still had post~

  6. I found one at an estate sale last year in Athens for five dollars. Joe has several of course because he is one click away from being a hoarder.

  7. I don't have one, but I'd love to!

  8. Yes, we had one of those old silver fans. I asked my mom is she still ahd it but she didn't. They look dangerous, poor doggie.

  9. Love the fans:) I am hosting a Giveaway to win a 50 dollar gift card to the store HomeGoods. It would be great if you stopped by and entered. Thanks Anu

  10. I loved all the vintage fans. I can't remember having an old one like these when I was growing up, but I sure like the ones depicted as light fixtures--a clever idea. I do find them all beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing them with us!

  11. I LOVE old fans!Had three or four but gave away two. What was I thinking?? One was MINT aqua too!
    I have one in my bathroom and use it when I am getting ready everyday ((hot flashes)). it's an older one with the cloth cord but is in good shape. I always unplug it after every use though...I am with you on all of the dangerous items we used during our childhood.
    I love the one you showed us with lights in it!! That is really cool. I want to find the Pinterest tute one of your commentors mentioned about painting a newer fan to look old!!

  12. Pinned that hanging light with the fan cage. Clever.


  13. My daughter has one from her grandmother's house... I had seen one made into a lamp before, but she didn't believe me. I'm sending these pix on to her. So darn cute.


  14. I found your site through Pinterest and loooove your style. Can almost picture your amazing home! Cheers from one SoCal to another.

    Nook & Sea


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