Friday, June 3, 2011

Small House Living

Life in a 320 Square Foot Cottage
I'd like you to meet Debra who lives in a precious little cottage with her husband and son.
She recently uploaded video on her blog giving a tour of her 320 square foot cottage.
You can view the video here.
She and her husband decided to simplify their lives so that they could live debt free and 
use their resources to travel and help others while not worrying about a huge mortgage.

She was inspired by the little shotgun houses built in New Orleans after Katrina.
Debra's cottage
Cute chairs on the front porch.
The pretty bench on the right serves as a sofa during the day and opens up to be a guest bed when needed.
This home is all about making the most of the space she has.
This cottage has everything a family needs but promotes living with only the things you must have.
I met Debra when she posted a photo of her bedroom in a linky party one day.
I fell in love with the quilt on her can just see the tip of it here.
The blue one..but it's just like the pink one, only blue.
I wrote to ask her where she got it and she said she could order me one through her business.
That was so super nice of her and I have it here waiting for my bedroom redo.
Which I will start working on very soon.
Recently, she painted her laminate countertop to look like stainless steel.
She was inspired by a counter with a built in sink she'd seen at IKEA.
Pretty impressive. She got the look she was after at a fraction of the cost. 
I'm all about that!
Kitchen also serves as dining room and laundry.
This is the before of the sink.
Please go by Debra's blog and watch her video all about living in a 320 square foot cottage.

I often feel like it's a bit ridiculous that one person lives in my 1,400 square foot house.
That person being me.
Of course the weenies demand this square footage.
If I had a husband and a son and no dogs...perhaps I could get away with it.

But really, I greatly admire Debra and her philosophy. 
I appreciate the things I have and really think about every purchase I bring into my house. 
I try to live debt free as much as possible. 
And I love having things that look very nice but didn't cost much. 
That is my idea of big fun. 
Go by and visit Debra's cottage and say hi.


  1. But that beautiful!
    Both the philosophy of life, as the house and their attitude.
    Love it!
    Kisses and good weekend!

  2. So cute~ and it looks a lot bigger than it is. She did a great job decorating. ciao...

  3. That is so cute! I could totally live that four dogs however may have other ideas! I had to upgrade to a king size bed just so we could sleep's crazy what we do for our pets.

  4. This is totally "enough" and very cute to boot. I'd love to find a place like this I could get away on weekends....and for the summer.

  5. very cute, i like what she did with the kitchen counters.

  6. I just watched the video a couple days ago. It's impressive to realize how little we can really get by with. If I could only confince my husband of that! He is a huge pack rat.

  7. This is sooooo darling! I would love this. I am feeling spacious right now in my 1000 sq ft. Cape house(excluding basement)! :)

  8. I cannot imagine living in a house that small with two other people. It is a precious cottage, though, isn't it! I am off now to view the video. :D

  9. Sometimes (or more often) downsizing sounds so wonderful. The freedom a home like this would bring is very inviting, and the fact that it's so beautiful to boot makes it even more enticing.
    In our laundry room, we used a laminate to mimic stainless steel, which is what we really wanted but it came out looking more like a soft gray counter. I'll have to find out what Debra used for paint because her 'stainless' looks amazing!
    xo J~

  10. laminate countertop that looks like stainless steel. did NOT know such a thing existed, and now i need to know more!

  11. I featured her shortly after she started her blog. And I SO want to do this myself! I could be quite happy in one giant room. And that's what I'm aiming to do one day. And a little porch would be the icing on the cake!

  12. Its so good to see people living life on their own terms. Their cottage is so pretty and well decorated, good for them. I'm going to go watch the video.

  13. I have seen these little houses and I just love them. They are more tasteful than a lot of bigger homes out there. And when you are surrounded by such beautiful taste, surely that is luxury!

  14. It is adorable but makes me a bit claustrophobic just looking at the pictures.


  15. I think Debra's cottage is really charming and cozy. She's done a great job decorating. I'm off to watch the video.

  16. hi nita,

    wow. i thought my place was small! i'd love a little place like this in the mountains as a getaway spot. thanks for sharing nita.


  17. simple living. i like. it's all about priorities, right?


  18. First I am in awe of what they have done..good for them! Second beautiful things come in small packages and I love what shes done, kept it very clean and airy...and its really beautiful. Sooooo charming. Thanks for sharing!

  19. OK, I just watched that video....
    That woman is so much NICER than me! I mean, she says "excuse me" as she and her family brush past each other all the time. I would be saying "Get the H out of my way!" She's a saint. I'm totally blown away how she can function is such a small space and keep it so pretty and clean! I thought that I lived "tiny" in my just under 800 ft. but I don't have a husband or child (lots of critters though)and I find it a daily struggle to keep it "nice"!
    Seriously, I am in awe! She's amazing.
    :D - Cindi

  20. This cottage is amazing! Wow!

  21. What an amazing cottage! I thought my house was small...but I feel like we live in a mansion now. I'd love to live in an even smaller house someday...but after my daughter leaves home. ;)

  22. Thanks for writing about the 320 square foot cottage. Reminds me that a) I have more than I need and b) that with a little creativity we can make just about anyplace home!

  23. Congrats on the Breeze Inn win!!!! Saw Layla posted it this morning. Have fun and take lots of pics for us.




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