Thursday, June 2, 2011

Garden Gate Antiques

Statuary in the Garden
I think a little statuary is very pretty in a garden. 
I like just plain old concrete aging naturally over time.
I went by Garden Gate Antiques last week and browsed their large collection of
new and old concrete statuary. 
I found several things I wanted to drag home. I have a fondness for floral and fruit filled urns.
I have three of them on the front porch pedestals of my house.
There is one of mine on the far pedestal. 
These urns were one of the very first things I added to my house.
I've trimmed the ivy way back since this photo was taken.
I love ivy but this is a bit much. I prefer it less wild.
My little wall fountain planted with impatiens, money wort, ferns and vinca vine is doing very well.
See how the vines mimic water overflowing. 
I'm not caring for the spikey plant however. 
I think I'll pull it out and plant it with something detracts from the flowing water feel.
My first thought was that it would look like splashing water but I think it would work 
better in a different sort of container.
I found some truly lovely container gardens.
Especially like this one.
I'm very successful at growing ferns on the backside of my house. 
They love the northern exposure.

Still lots that needs to be done back here in the yard...but I've been busy in the kitchen.
I'll show tomorrow. It's a work in progress. 
I guess I'll just show as I make changes. 
The big one was the tile but I added something today that I think just added so much. 
And am painting some things tomorrow.
Moldings planned to be added too but that will probably be next week or the next.
This photo just to remind you how much better it looks than it did. 

Don't forget my 
linky party is still going on.
It's so fun to see how you all have mixed things up in your own homes. 
Just click on above button to go there now.

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  1. Love all these shots and your kitchen is so pretty I can't imagine what you are doing.

  2. Your fountain planter's vines do mimic water. I really like is so cute! All of our flowers are burning up in this heat wave we are having!!! MEH!!!!

  3. Love your fountain. It looks so cool and refreshing. We are burning up in the southland - desperately needing rain.

    Your tile is fabulous. Love the way it looks.

  4. Nita, I love the shot from your porch looking out. It's so beautiful! I bet you love sitting there. I think I told you that our first house was a 1920's bungalow but we'd almost bought a home in Florence Park where the houses are so similar to yours. I love that area! Anyway, I miss having a spot on the porch to sit. I'm not sure why, but I've always liked being able to sit out on the front porch rather than the back. My husband is the same way and we neither one know why! Anyway, I love that photo!


  5. I love that fountain! is that a new fountain you bought or something you had for awhile (or even an old one?)..I would love to get one. The pics of the porch looking out are cool like Nancy said. Do you sit out there? sounds like you have been busy. I go in spurts and am kinda tired now. I am more interested in the garden this week.

  6. Do you have holes in your fountain for the plants? Or how do you provide drainage? I have a couple sitting around that I would love to do this with, but concerned about not having drainage.

  7. Beautiful photos....I need to think about adding some of those elements to my cottage garden.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. I love statuary in the garden also, but I have none. It can e pretty pricey here, I don't know about where you live.
    Your kitchen is looking so pretty!
    Hugs, Cindy

  9. Old cement statues are how do you say "da bomb".

  10. I LOVEEEEEEEE old cement statuary! You have given us some great eye candy today. Thanks for sharing!!!

  11. What a very pretty and green garden and luv the garden treasures. It adds the right jewerly for the garden. Thanks for sharing.....TALLULAH'S

  12. Brenda -
    No...this does not have holes. Which I know I was concerned about. I put in the bottom several inches of a broken terra cottage pot. The dirt stays moist so I am careful to not over water. It only gets morning light in the spot it is in on the northside of my house. So has been fine. I water every day out there and just have to remind myself not to water this unless the dirt feels dry. Its been there since Mother's day. Everything is thriving with lots of new growth. So I think it's going to be ok.

  13. To Nancy and Amy -
    I don't sit out on the front porch very much. Usually, if someone comes over they want to sit on the backdeck because we can have the weenies with us there.

    I do go out on the front porch by myself to admire my neighbor's yards and of course to water all my stuff every day.

    I'm thinking of adding another sitting area on the side patio but have not seen the perfect furniture yet.

  14. i looove all the green on your porch...


  15. I just found your blog and love it! I really like your ideas and posting--have to see more!

  16. I love creeping jenny and your garden fountain! and Scrolling down you blog, I see I must go watch my dvr'ed Million Dollar Dec!

  17. Everything is so pretty! Coming over from Feathered Nest Friday! Gorgeous blooms! xoxo, tracie

  18. What beautiful photos.....they really are stunning. I adore your blog header too!

    waiting to see that kitchen! :)
    I LOVE all that you've done in the garden! Just beautiful
    Very elegant!
    I saw a photo once of a LARGE dog statue holding a basket in it's mouth. I WANT one so BAD!
    I would plant flowers in the basket and put it to the entrance of my sideyard!
    :) - Cindi

  20. Hi Nita, everytime I buy a statue for the outside it seems to wind up inside...hmmmm... I just adore your kitchen backsplash, it looks wonderful. such a smart idea!! Thanks for linking up with VIF!
    xoxo Debra

  21. Hi there Nita~ Oh I just love old statuary too!! Your porch is so charming and love your inspirations at the shop~ those fruit topiary urns are beautiful~ Thanks so much for sharing this at FNF! :)

  22. those pic which u have uploded is looking so beatifull keepin uploing more pic :-)


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