Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tissue Paper Flowers

May Flowers
I love big tissue paper flowers and always admire them when I see them on other blogs
used as decorations at a party.
But why wait for a party to enjoy these paper flowers?
I've been needing some art on this wall and I love tissue paper flowers -
so I decided to create a bouquet of them to hang on the wall.
I found it very satisfying making these. Little effort...little cost...and great satisfaction.
They make me happy.

I can imagine adding to this over the next few weeks till the bouquet is huge.
Right now all of this is hung on one little nail using fishing line.

Because you asked for it...I'll be posting a tutorial next week on how I made the flowers and arranged.
It's really simple just like when you were a kid but I'll show.

sharing at

DIY by Design


  1. Great idea. I think I'll make a bonnet!

  2. I'm amused by the things I see others do that I would never do myself or even think of...but love when I see them in their homes!
    Very cute!

  3. Beautiful photos here!! So glad to have found you to follow!

  4. Heck, Nita! They make me happy just looking at the photos on your blog! They are too pretty and *neat* :D

  5. Those are just lovely. Will you be doing a tutorial?

  6. Yes, please a tutorial.
    I made them when I was little but now have forgotten how.
    They are SO pretty.
    I love looking at these photos, your home looks SO nice!
    Simply Lovely!
    XOXO - Cindi

  7. Nita, that is such a pretty pop of color on that wall! Thanks for joining my party.

  8. Ok, I'll do a tutorial. I want to make some more anyway. This will give me a good excuse. I'll show in a few days. I have to go buy more tissue paper. I would have made lots more if I had had more tissue paper. I used every bit of what I had. Which was 4 packages. But I do think this bouquet needs at least three more flowers. They are very very easy to make. I hadn't made them since I was a child. Tutorial to come......

  9. Very pretty bouquet--the colors are perfect in your lovely room! Patty

  10. Dear Nita, always so pretty. Love the paper floral piece and I have to go along with Kim..a tutorial would be great..always easy if you know how..but if not we can only admire..beautiful, and well done..

  11. Oooh, so soft and pretty. I like the different sizes and edgings you given them.

    I used to make these back in the day, too, but have also forgotten how. Looking forward to your tutorial. I think they would be great on gift packages and I have some pressies to wrap soon...

  12. Gorgeous!!!! My friend made tons of paper daffodils for a charity event...check out my post (the one before last). How fun are yours??!!

  13. Oooh, it makes me smile, too, Nita! So pretty. As a matter of fact, now that you've painted all that pretty furniture white, the whole room makes me smile. I love everything about the room now. ;)

    Thanks for linking to the party this week.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  14. YOU HAVE SUCH A LOVELY WORLD! How do you do it? I work full-time and barely have time to wash my dishes!!!! So lovely, Nita!


  15. Really cute! I'm looking forward to your tutorial and hope I can manage it.

  16. I'm glad you are going to give a tutorial. I love all the different shapes of your flowers. I've never seen any so pretty!

  17. So beautiful!! You are really talented..I just love the uplifting...and happy!

  18. Oh those are so pretty Nita! And the colors look perfect with your rooms. What a smart idea for wall art. You may have started a trend...I'll be excited to see the tutorial.

  19. Pink and green... my favorite combination of colors!

  20. Nita, these are looking very pretty. wonderful idea.
    Came here from good life Wednesdays...nice blog!

  21. How wonderful, colorful, and delightful!!!!

    And I LOVE the colors in your home.

    ~ Violet

  22. That is beautiful. There are so many possible uses for these. Weddings or showers but everyday too. Love the colors.

  23. Oh your blog is always so sunny to visit! Nita,your dear comment was a joy to read this morning. I am on my lunch break at school and have very limited time here, but I will look into making my email available. I am not great with the technology, but I think I just need the time to study where and how I press that button to make my email appear!!! GOOD TO HEAR YOUR COUSIN IS DOING BETTER!!!!! Thank you for taking the time to come by...Anita

  24. This is certainly a great idea and tissue paper is so inexpensive!

    Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  25. i have 3 of those hanging from the ceiling at different heights in a corner of my bedroom. i feel the same way about mine - they make me happy. every time i look at them it feels like a little party =)

  26. Well, I think these are the prettiest ones I have ever seen. Seriously Nita!


  27. This has to be the most stylish idea I have seen. Who would have thought they would look so pretty. Nice arrangement.


  28. They are beautiful! That's the whole reason behind decor... to make you happy! Love little touches like this. Thanks for linking to the Share the Love Link party!

  29. Cute idea and wonderful colors. Enjoying yourself is the best part. Thanks, Jenn (By way of Brambleberry Cottage Time Travel Thursday).

  30. Oh that's pretty. I tried to make some tissue paper flowers the other day...the kind where you have to cut out each petal...I got so mad it threw it away. Yes, it went that well :)

  31. i can't wait to get you instructions, sometimes the simplest things look very hard to do.

    thank you in advance

  32. LOVE your beautiful blog! What a delightful visit I had!


  33. Really pretty and love how they can brighten up any part of the room! Thanks for stopping by Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays and joining the party.

  34. I just found you and I love you!!
    Can't wait to see the tutorial.

  35. Hi Nita! Oh my goodness I am just absolutely loving your tissue paper flowers and that wreath!! How gorgeous!!! Can't wait to see the tutorial -thanks for sharing at my party this week! :)

  36. These are really cute! I love your color combination and attached to the wall is a very clever idea! Found you at SSS and have been browsing around in your blog and it is full of inspiration and great ideas. I am your new follower. I invite you to visit my blog.

  37. They are so beautiful - can't wait for the tutorial!

  38. Hi Nita,

    I love, love these flowers and how your bouquet turned out. I'd love to see the tutorial...looks like a lot of fun.

    Pink Sparkles,
    Stephanie ♥

  39. This is BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to see your tutorial. Visiting from DIY Showoff.

  40. Nita,
    That looks wonderful. I tried a rose and it looked so-so. I thought the more I made the better they would look. I'll be back to see your tute on how to make these. Thanks for linking it up!

  41. So pretty and I bet you had fun making them too!

    Susan and Bentley

  42. Love, love, love these! I'm visiting from Show Off Your Cottage Monday. I just love your blog - I'm your newest follower. Stop by for a visit if you get a chance.

  43. Oh my gosh...I LOVE these flowers! I will be following so I can learn how to make them!!!

    I invite you to come visit my blog....I'm giving away something pretty!

    Take Care,


  44. These are marvelous! I am looking forward to seeing your tutorial!


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