Friday, May 6, 2011

Feathered Nest Market

A Store Full of Fabulous Painted Furniture
Today I ventured out to a new shopping experience
at 63rd and MacArthur Blvd in Oklahoma City

I went because Denise of 
announced the other day on her blog that 
she has a new booth in this market. So I had to go see.
I took my camera, just in case. So glad I did.
I've never seen so much turquoise furniture. 
I've never seen in one store so much furniture I loved.
lots of scrumptious turquoise
Need a fantastic fireplace mantle and some great turquoise lamps?
Love this coat rack.
pretty turquoise and chicken wire terrarium
I love the way this buffet is painted.
great blue gray wardrobe
How about a super huge chalkboard? I bet this was 5 ft across.
Another great buffet
Love this super chippy table
I wanted this one.
lovely chandelier
gray console
I love this piece so much. Did I mention prices are really good?
I think this was $140 or maybe $160.
What a statement piece this is. I can imagine this being the focal piece of an entire room.
more turquoise
This one I so would have liked to have taken home.
It was not very expensive. 
I just don't need and my budget is not allowing for any furniture purchases at the moment.
Oh but I'd love these for my back deck. Complete with vintage cushions.

Really, I have never seen so many things I loved in a store. 
If you live near should definitely stop in.

sharing at


  1. Ahhh...just what I needed to see before I go to work today for more stress in my life!!!!!


  2. Very nice shoppe! Wish it were closer to me :)

  3. I want the "Belmont" lamp,
    the cabinet (above the turquoise mirror photo) with the crystal on the open top shelf (it would go nicely with my "Industrail" look) and the vintage patio furniture!
    Thank God it's NOT in my town or I'd be there shaking out my piggy bank.

  4. That store is a knockout! I can't remember seeing that many awesome things in one setting. I wish I lived out there. So inspiring Nita!! I now have a few ideas of paint finishes for a few new projects.

  5. I am so glad you took your camera, Nita. Thanks for sharing! I love seeing all the turquoise. I could see the coat rack hanging by your back door. It is so cute! Did you buy anything?

  6. oh i love those last 2 outdoor chairs - they are gorgeous as is everything else. lucky that it is so close to you!


  7. This is incredible! So many fantastic pieces. Maybe I need a jaunt over to Oklahoma! Thanks so much for the show!

  8. I want to live in the ;) Come by & sign up for my continual giveaway...this week a $100 giveaway! And a few of my recent posts about furniture and bird cages...and a hilarious story about me! ;) Meme

  9. Love love love the vintage patio set in the last photo. All of it is lovely but that set is just wonderful.

  10. What a great shop! I saw a bunch of things I loved too.

    kelley ; 0 )

  11. I know I would have left with a truck load of new things to behold...very nice...

  12. I LOVE turquoise the store is just beautiful I am so glad turq. is popular again. I hate to give away my age but I received a turquoise wool, satin piping bathrobe to take to univ. in 1959 lol I also still have the turquoise samsonite luggage I used even the round hatbox I have always loved this color. thanks Nita for showing us the pics. several items would be great in your home!!!! hugs JoAnn

  13.! I think my pocketbook is very fortunate that I don't live close enough to visit this place!! you are absolutely right!

  14. I want it all. How fabulous is that outdoor set with the original cushions?! Why can't I live closer, waaaahhh!!!

  15. Well, it is clear I would love everything featured in every photo! AHHHHH . . . . beautiful!

  16. OMGoodness!! What a great place to shop! I love everything that I could see. I want that last set of patio furniture, it would be so perfect on my patio!!!
    Thanks for letting us see!
    HUgs, Cindy

  17. Great Pics! I love all the turquoise!

  18. I see lots of great stuff. There are some well done painted chippy pieces. A lot of times they aren't done that well.

  19. You had me at the painted furniture, but when you added in the vintage lighting and the buffets, well, gosh, I'm just drooling everywhere!!!

    Happy PS and Happy Mother's Day!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  20. Oh I love this POST, NITA! And thank YOU for coming by to visit with me and my blessed you are to have yours. Have a PERFECT WEEKEND and celebrate all the beauty you see.


  21. What a YUMMY store! I'd love to see it in person. And have money to burn!!!!

    ~ Violet

  22. Nita what an awesome shop that is!!! I would stay lost in there for hours on end!! Thanx for letting me know abt the chalk board. It does look fabulous! Hugs!

  23. There were some great things at that place... so glad you took your camera. Thanks for sharing.

  24. These photos are all so yummy and fabulous.
    Kristy @ 4 the love of WOOD


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