Thursday, March 10, 2011

Time for a Giveaway!

House Numbers
The address numbers on your house are very important.
Of course this is how your mail gets to you or how someone finds your house.
But it's important that your house numbers reflect the style of your home.
I found a creative way to display my own house numbers by gluing 
metal numbers to a plaque I bought at Hobby Lobby.
You can read my previous post about it here.
An address plaque should enhance your home.
Which leads me to say, I was thrilled the other day when I was contacted by 
RAMSIGN asking if I'd like to giveaway one of their handmade enamel signs.
Click on banner above to go to there website.

This company uses a thousand year old stencil technique to create genuine glass enamel signs. 
All signs are made by hand to order.

They are perfect for a cottage style house but would look equally as good on a colonial or ranch and 
many other styles. Even though I have a house number sign already...I'd still love to win one of these.
I think I'd get the year my house was built 1931 to display somewhere inside.
I'm sure there are many uses for these number signs other than just for using on a house as an address.
Pick your lucky number!
I have a thing for 2's. 2's are my favorite number. I like 4's also.
My least favorite number? 8
I hate 8's and I always have. Because 8's are just mean and hateful. I kind of have a problem with 3's too.
I thought I was a little crazy until I learned 
there is a name for someone who associates personalities or colors with numbers.
It's called....
You can read about it on Wikipedia here.
Anyway...I associate colors and personalities with numbers and was shocked when I learned 
there is a name for this and that lots of people do it.
I've always hated 8's and 8's are orange. 

But I love 2's and 4's. 

 I can imagine putting this number on something, I just don't know what.

They also have other useful signs available like -
and this one that seems it would be especially useful.
I assume this is for dogs.

If you'd like to win a sign from RAMSIGN just leave a comment saying you are a follower.
And for a second chance to win...leave another comment telling me if you'd use it for 
your house number or what else you might use it for.
I think there has to be a lot of uses for these numbers. 
I'd like to hear your ideas.

I'll announce the winner on March 18.
And remember...NO POOPING!

UPDATE: 3/12/12
**** I was told my RAMSIGN that I need to clarify that this giveaway is for house numbers only
not for any of the worded signs.*****

Sorry if I misled in my excitement over the No Pooping sign.'s a super great giveaway. I'd love some numbers......


  1. "I assume this is for dogs" ha ha, that made me smile :). Great signs. I also associate people with colors and have favorite numbers. I see 2's everywhere, they have been a constant in my life but I also like 3's and don't have anything against 8's :)

  2. Aren't these signs great!!! I think it's neat how some neighborhoods (like in Carmel, CA) don't have house numbers, but they name their houses. I want my house to have a name. ;P

  3. Great giveaway! I am a follower no, thought I already was...

  4. Our last name is SEDGWICK and I think it would look great on an enamel sign, very Brtish. Our house numbers are generic and ugly I would love to change them. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!

    Best wishes,

  5. I had to laugh at the "I assume this is for dogs." I've seen signs done by this company somewhere else recently, but I can't remember where... I wouldn't use one for my house, as we're just renting and will be moving within the next year. But there are some pretty fun signs that aren't house numbers on their site.

  6. hi nita,

    sorry to say, i'm a 3. i have always identified with the number 3. i cannot escape it. i'm the 3rd daughter, have 3 sons, my bithday digits ea add up to 3. it's always been a prominent number in my life. anyway, i'd love to have one of those oval plaques with the gardeners cottage on it or a plaque that said go away. either one will work.


  7. I need one that tells doggies not to lift there legson my pot of flowers. One did last year and killedmy plants. I could use some cool numbers. No onecan find out home.

  8. I could use a new house number since people seem to have trouble spotting our home. The number that's up there now is so tarnished and faded it's hard to see.

  9. I'm a follower! Love your blog and style. I'm ok with the dog pooping as long as the owners pick it up. They gotta go someplace!

  10. I'd go with number "18", it's my lucky number... or even "7". I hope "18" doesn't fit in with your dislike of number "8" :)


  11. I am in desperate need of house numbers! A couple of years ago when the house was painted I took down the old numbers and decided I wanted a plaque that is placed in the garden instead. Oh it looks so sweet in the spring/summer with pretty flowers planted behind it. The problem that occurred this winter was.... several FEET of snow!!! No one could find our house during the months of Dec, Jan & Feb! Whenever I was getting a delivery or visitor I had to stand outside in the bitter-cold tundra waving them in. Needless to say, new numbers are of vital necessity.

  12. I would definately choose house numbers - I've wanted some for so long!!!

  13. So true about the house number reflecting the style of the house.I LOVE your cherub!! It seems spring is a good time to spruce up the home's exterior. I was just visiting Linda at Coastal Charm, she's showing a cute planter that can be personalized with a house number. Hugs

  14. I'm a follower.Thanks for sharing.

  15. I think it would be fun to do one with the year my husband and I were married.Subtle but poignant.Thanks.

  16. We live in a 7 year old development..not brand new..but old just yet. People paint, plant flowers, put up fences, but it's interesting to me that EVERYONE has the SAME house numbers that the builder put on the houses 7 years ago! Time for a change! I'll start the new trend!

  17. I love the "no pooping" sign. Everyday my neighbor's dog uses my front lawn for his business so maybe if I had this sign I could educate not the dog but the neighbor. LOL.


  18. I am a follower!

  19. I would use it for a house number

  20. Nita,
    I already have a Ram sign so please exclude me from the giveaway but I just wanted to you let you know that I love mine...ON MY HOUSE THAT IS NUMBERED 8!

    I got the black circle with a number 8 so it looks just like a pool ball. I think it's kind of funny. A bit of humor on the face of my serious historical house.

    The quality of their signs is great. Anyone would be thrilled to have one!

  21. I'm a follower! I've always been attracted to number 2s.

  22. I would use my number as a decoration somewhere inside my house...I have numbers kind of hanging around everywhere.

  23. I would love these as a house number or as a decoration.

  24. I love these signs and would use one on my front porch with my house number. I took the old plastic numbers down maybe ten years ago because they looked so tacky and I have never replaced them!

    ~ Belinda

  25. I sure would love a house number but...since I move too much, I'd probably use one for decorating inside.

  26. I'm enjoying finding new blogs. I wouldn't do my house number because I know I'm not in the house I want to stay in. I thought about doing one about our marriage year but I think I'd simply do a "6" for the number of people in the family. Thanks!

  27. I would put the number on my deck. Fun gift Nita.

  28. I would want a house number since ours is too small anyway, and totally lacking in character.
    Thanks again for a great giveaway!

  29. Thanks for the nudge; I had my house painted a few months ago and still have not got round to putting the house number back up. That's a job for the weekend.

  30. OMG....what a great post! I have to look thru more of your blog. VERY interesting about your love/hate of numbers and colors. I'm going to have to look into that. I've added myself as a follower. Hope you come by my blog sometime! Happy Spring from Houston, tx

  31. Hi Nita, Follower for sure. I would use this as a number for my front door! I have a sideways house, so our number is on the side of the house that faces the street. My front door is more of my cottage side anyway with my roses and catmint and gravel walk, so I think this sign style would look perfect there.

  32. Hi Nita! I'm a follower!!

  33. I'm a follower! And thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!

  34. I would use the numbers for our house address!! We had to take the old one down as it was crumbling and I have yet to replace it...I am so sick of trying to describe my house to visitors and delivery men!!

  35. I think I would use this either for my daughter's playhouse or for the front of our house! We are in desperate need of new house numbers!

  36. I've been hunting for some new house numbers. But then I discovered that I loved the ones I had - they just needed to be freshened up with some spray paint. Made ALL THE DIFFERENCE. So - I think I would go with a sign.

  37. I think I'd get the house number! Ours needs some updating I think!

  38. Oh, and we just moved into a new home. The house numbers are something I've been wanting to change since we signed the lease agreement. It's a costly thing to do but it would really update the look of our home and take it back to the look it's supposed to have. Someone tried to remodel and update our home some point in the 1990's and that's an update we've been trying to remove since we moved in. I would love new house numbers so much. Great giveaway!

  39. I'm a happy follower! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!

  40. I'm a follower. I love your blog.

  41. I would love to win the numbers. I would definitely use them for house numbers for our house. We have some generick looking numbers and it would be so nice to have some pretty ones! Thanks for this great giveaway.

  42. Yes I follow you =) love numbers....their numbers remind me of things I saw in France....
    Great give away =)

  43. I just got a house number assigned last week, so I probably would choose a number..or perhaps a name sign..Love them!

  44. Follower- would love one of these pretty signs!

  45. I'm a follower!
    And in need of some updated house numbers.

  46. Nita, I am CRACKING UP about the No Pooping!! So funny. I follow you and this is a wonderful giveaway!

  47. I would love to add a little personality to my house exterior with a number sign! Thank you for the chance, Nita!

  48. And I just love signs and numbers too! Would love to win-fingers crossed!


  49. I'm a follower! I heart your blog!

  50. I would use these numbers in my son's "big boy" room.

  51. Count me in!
    I am a follower too.
    Had no idea that synethesia even existed! I think that is so interesting!

  52. I am a follower too!
    I would have loved the "no pooping" sign but some new house numbers would be great too. :)


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