Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A New Direction

More Spring in My Yard
More Daffodils popping up.
My neighbor's huge pot of pansies and violas.
My little "White" Red Bud Tree.
This tree makes the perfect Easter tree but spring came early 
and Easter is late this year, 
so I guess it will have leaves on it before I hang eggs all over it.
Usually, it has blooms and eggs.
Of course I am still thinking about dining rooms a lot. Look at that collection of seltzer bottles!
I headed out this morning in search of the perfect fabric for my chairs.
I shopped a couple of places and didn't find anything that really made my heart sing.
I was thinking I'd do neutral.
Something similar to these. 
I really like it when the chairs are a different color than the table but my chairs are the same color.
So that made me feel like the chairs needed to stand out some how.
(built 1938)
I came across this house online the other day. You know how I love a tudor.
Hope you aren't sick of them. I am interested in them because they are similar to my house.
I really like this fireplace. Love the little pom poms on the window shades too.
Interesting how this home is decorated in a mix of neutrals, pink and black.
What do you think of this room? I love the black chairs mixed with the white. 
I like the black cabinet but in my opinion it needs to come down on the wall a bit. 
It's too high up. I like these window shades too.
So I searched for fabric this morning and then came home for a little bit. 
I was going to go back out and thought..
"I might as well look online for fabric to get a better idea of what I want."
And then a plan struck me, a marvelous, wonderful plan. 
All of a sudden, I knew what I was going to do. 
I found the perfect fabric online at
Instead of going back out to search all over the city, I just ordered online.
Ta Da! Done!
I'm going to do something unexpected. 
I can't just do what everyone else can I? 
What is the fun in that?
I do hope the fabric comes quickly. I'm excited about it now.
And this is the fabric I ordered! 
No...not really. 
But it is cute and now I'm wondering why I didn't order a yard to make a pillow or something.
Yes, I need some of this. But this is not what I am covering my chairs in.
Wait till you see! I think it's going to be divine and very Nita-ish! 

sharing at


  1. Hello Nita!I love the look of the flowers. It's so refreshing. Daffodils, pansies and violas rarely grow in my country. What we abundantly have here are bougainvilleas.

    I love the dining rooms you have featured too. Just perfect for wow us wednesday.

    As always, I wish you more happiness. :)

  2. Can't wait to see the fabric Nita! It is 32 degrees this morning again in Boston, I wish some signs of spring would come along here quickly. I do see about 2" of tulips trying to come up...all they need is some warmth to encourage them.

  3. This was such a fun post. I felt like I was jumping all around in your mind. I did get excited over that fabric because it is so adorable. But I know you will amp it up a bit with the Nita-ish style. And I never tire of looking at home tours. Keep them coming!

  4. I love that fabric! I've seen similar fabric elsewhere... I'm also looking at fabric to recover dining room chairs... I'm thinking of ordering from It's now my favorite place to buy fabric!

  5. Love all the inspriation pics..especially the soft pale blues so dreamy! That fabric is a panic and would be so much fun to have as a whimsical pillow or two. Well in NY it doesn't feel like spring will be here anytime soon...crazy weather! Glad things are blooming for you though.

  6. I love the white table with black chairs and the weenie fabric is too cute! I am sure you have the ability to wow us with the chair fabric. I love to feel fabric so I do not know if I could buy it on line.

  7. I have a oak table (quarter sawn I think) and black chairs and I get a lot of compliments on it. Truthfully, I just could never find chairs that matched close enough to it, so I decided it would be better to just do something completely different. You had me going on that fabric. It is cute, but probably not for chairs. Can't wait to see what you picked out.

  8. Beautiful pictures Nita!! Thanks for sharing them with us. Martina

  9. Always beautiful pictures here....
    hey, I think that buffet in one of the dinning rooms is the same color I have on my buffet.....sweet. {guess I'm not too crazy for picking that color =)
    Thanks for sharing

  10. Hey Nita...please don't keep us in suspense for too much longer! I can't wait to see the chairs. I just noticed that your grab button has little doggy tails wagging. I think it might be the cutest thing I have ever seen. Did you do that?
    If so I am WAAAY impressed! ~Ann

  11. I can't wait! Don't you love the internet! I hardly go to stores at all now.

  12. Never, never get enough "Tudor". My favorite style of house!! I'm lovin' your house tours, and I agree the gorgeous black cabinet is a little too high. Love your ideas for chairs, can't wait to see what you've chosen.

  13. That weenie fabric is too cute! I love when you show all the older homes. They have so much character and charm.

  14. Nita, you totally crack me up! I love the weenie fabric!!! :) Hey I'm with you on the black cupboard on the wall...too high and the sideboard beneath it should be darker and larger too? Anyway...your eye is right in my honest opinion....but they did a great job otherwise! I LOVE the picture of the cupboard with all the seltzer bottles on it!!! As always I love to come and visit your great blog. Thanks for adding my giveaway to your sidebar!!! :)

  15. I love seeing Tudors!
    (I still want the one at the end of my block! So you are NOT helping! LOL!)
    Love the photos. Now I want to paint everything turquoise again!
    Cute Cute Cute dog pattern fabric! I would be tempted if I were you to use it anyway!
    I think I might have found a fabric, maybe. It's pink paisley on white with gold and turquoise's screaming my name but my budget says to keep looking...
    I can't stand the suspense of your reveal! I hope it's soon! :)
    XOXO - Cindi

  16. I have that very same rabbit picture that is hanging in the photo of the fireplace. Please keep the Edgemere photos coming. I wanted to move there so badly, but we settled on a house in Edmond. I am so sad. There's nothing I love more than a Tudor home. Also, a note on a previous post ... I was happy to see the photos of that house that was for sale. I had actually viewed a few photos of this particular home online and was so intrigued, and was dying to see more. (It was out of my price range, or I would have bought it.) Then you gave us photos of every room! It made my week! I thought the house was spectacular, very much to my taste.
    Thanks again. I love coming to your blog for my Edgemere, Tudor fix!

  17. I was so excited when I saw the weenie fabric!!!! I thought it was perfect. Look forward to seeing what you chose!

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