Friday, December 31, 2010

Snowy Cottage

Conghaile Cottage
Have you seen this home?
It's a new build. I just came across the blog of the owner today.

What a beautiful home and setting.
When I first saw this I thought for sure it was in Europe somewhere.
No, it's in Connecticut which might as well be Europe, I'm so far away from there.
But I just had to share.
This is her side door!

I love that she has a name for her cottage.
I've always wanted to name mine but have not been able to come up with a suitable one.
Her's is named Conghaile Cottage.
And after last night...perhaps I should name mine something similar.
Can you believe...we had a hail storm about 1:30 am this morning?
Craziness...I tell you.
I've never seen hail in December.
Although...we did have a strangely warm day yesterday.
It was in the 70's!
Today it's down to the 50's and suppose to be 36 tomorrow.
I guess I should feel lucky that we didn't get a tornado blowing through here last night with all 
that warm air hitting the cold air.
I guess I should feel lucky that hail is all we got.
But this is like the 4th hail storm at my house this year!
At least this one was pea sized and not the golf ball to baseball size that destroyed my roof, gutters, trees and plants last year.
I'm thinking I should name my cottage,
Hail Cottage.
Doesn't have quite the ring to it that 
Conghaile has.
Perhaps, Bonghail or Denthail or Expensivehail Cottage.

Now that Christmas is over...I could go for a little snow.
We haven't had any yet and I would like to be snowed in for just a day or two with the weenies.


  1. I would have guessed that house was from a story book. It's really enchanting.

    I've always wanted a name for my house too! I wanted it to be something humorous. I'm not sure Hail Cottage is right for yours but I'll see if I can come up with any suggestions!

    Happy New Year, Nita!


  2. What an adorable little cottage. I want a door like that something fierce.

    Erm, bonghail, that name does not make me think of hard icy pellets at all!

    Alicia {}

  3. Okay, here's how bad the weather is there. My comment wouldn't even go through! And I typed a really long one too. About how weather in Oklahoma is crazy as Betsy bugs. And how one year when my kids were young I had to pull up wet shag carpeting by myself with one arm in a cast, due to the weather! This one better go through or I'm going to be in a snit. Happy New Year! Hope you get your snow.

  4. Aww, it reminds me of Beauty and the Beast! I think that's my new dream home. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Ha ha! I like Expensivehail Cottage! :) I am glad too that you did not have big hail. It can be awful! Thankfully here in MT we see very little of the big stuff. (And right now we are quite snowed in!)

    Thanks for sharing that darling house. It's very much like a fairytale dwelling!

  6. You are So funny!
    how about Dachshail Cottage
    or Wiener Cottage, er, um- NO.
    I'm glad the hail is small and not damaging this time! The weather here was up in the 50's! All the snow melted and now the yard is full of "poop" landmines, Grrrrr
    I'd rather have snow. It's supposed to drop into the 20's tonight. That will mean slick ice!
    Oh well!
    Happy New Years!
    XOXO - Cindi

  7. Thank you Nita for showing my Cottage... You are So Sweet!
    Hugs to you, Donna

  8. I love the name Hail Cottage, or Hale Cottage. I would like to name my house as well but it is hardly a cottage so I have no idea what to name it. Any suggestions?
    Happy New Years

  9. I love her home, blog and style! It does look so European but also think it could fit nicely in your neighborhood or Florence Park here in T town. Regardless, it is absolutely a charmer. You just want to move in, don't you?

    Happy New Year!

    p/s Just read the post above, I'm not taking my tree down till Monday either.


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