Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

This is who I am celebrating New Year's Eve with -
Yes, I'm at home with my friends over at Bravo at the Bravo New Year's House Party.

But I used to go out seeking the biggest and best New Year's Eve Party ever....
After many years of disappointment, I've decided it's best to just stay home.

A word of caution about New Year's Eve.
Be very careful when opening those bottles of champagne.
Once a long time ago my friend Pam and I planned on going to a great New Year's Eve Party.
I had the most gorgeous dress to wear.
It looked straight out of the 50's - black velvet with a black tulle underskirt that made it stick out.
Totally like something Rosemary Clooney would have worn in "White Christmas".

So, Pam and I decided we needed champagne to drink while getting ready. 
We got out the cork screw and I tried to get it open with no luck. 
Pam said for me to go take my shower and she'd work on opening it.

All of a sudden I heard a loud explosion and Pam say,

I ran in to the room to find that the bottle had exploded and one of her fingers was barely attached.

We did not know that you are not suppose to use a cork screw with champagne.
You are to pop the cork...but we were young and stupid and we did not know.

There was a wild trip to the hospital where they checked her in and scheduled her for 
surgery early the next morning.

I still went to the party...after she was checked in...(well, there was nothing I could do).
But it was a dud and I quickly left.
Pam had to do weeks of therapy and that finger has really never been quite the same.

I absolutely will not open a bottle of champagne to this day.

(Happy New Year, Pam!)

sharing at


  1. hi nita,

    i really like you! i love the way you tell stories. we just went night skiing and i about froze to death. now i'm safe and sound under an electric blanket where i belong.


    clink clink

  2. Night skiing! clink clink to you too Janet. I'm so glad to have gotten to know you this year. Now I'm having a drink with you my friend....isn't that nice?

  3. Oh my the poor thing! How awful! I hope you and your friend still drink the stuff just not the open part! I am celebrating with 4 crazy 10 and 11 year olds. It is my son's birthday today! No champagne for me, ok maybe just one!

    Happy New Year to you!


  4. Happy New Year to you, Nita! I'm glad to have met you this year and thank you for your help with finding my wonderful snow woman decoration. I wish you good health and happiness for 2011.

  5. LOL!! I mean, it wasn't funny yet it was. So bizarre! I'm glad you're staying away from those dangerous champagne bottles theses days. :) HNY!!


  6. Oh Nita! Life is too short not to drink Champagne! But I agree, let someone else open it! I had to chuckle about you going to the party...I was laughing because how could you NOT go when you had a dress like that!?
    I broke down and went to my sisters (it was fine, ya know, just OK) I only went because she sounded so disappointed when I first said that I just wanted to go to bed but....
    anyway, Happy New Years!
    I'm off to bed!
    :) - Cindi

  7. THAT is an incredible and horrible story. Crazy things can happen!
    Happy New Year to you. It was just brought to my attention that today is 1-1-11

  8. Omg, Nita, what a set up to that dress, what an ending! Even when telling a finger-loosing story, you still make me laugh. Have the greatest new year, with lots of love and laughs...

  9. I started out at the Bravo party too but I only made it to 11:00. But that was after I had a few friends over, we all made dinner together which was fun--and a little champagne--and they left at 9:30 because they were tired!

  10. Happy New Year Nita! I wonder what will happen for us this year? Its always exciting to think of what may tell the funniest stories even when the circumstances were less than fun. The dress sounds so pretty, I remember getting all excited for the big night out. Last night I was tucked in bed as hubs worked the midnight shift. So it was the dogs and me ringing in the new year sound asleep. I would have liked checking out the Bravo party, but I forgot about it. I'll be taking down my tree today, my annual tradition, while hubs gets his sleep. Looking forward to more adventures with you Nita!

  11. Good grief...I had no idea it would actually break the glass! I thought at most it would pop out and put an eye out or knock you silly. Wow, I have a whole new respect for champagne bottles. So glad you had a quiet evening, inside nice and safe.

  12. Wow! I knew there was a good reason to avoid champagne!

    However I do love your champagne bottle picture! And I can just imagine how fabulous the Rosemary Clooney dress was...

    Happy New Year,

  13. Oh no! I'm glad that she survived it! We spent the evening at home too. All snuggled in.

    Happy New Year, my friend! Wishing you happiness!


  14. I've given up making a big deal out of it too. I went to bed around 10:00! I've even given up eating blackeyed peas for luck. I seem to have a better year without them! Happy New Year, Nita!

  15. The hazards of opening champagne...scary stuff!
    I spent new years eve with Andy in the Bravo clubhouse too.
    Happy New Year!

  16. Oh my gosh, now that is an unforgettable New Years story! I had champagne last night but I always make my husband open it while I go and hide...I have huge fears of being shot in the eye with the cork!

    Happy New Year to you and all your furbabies and here's to a wonderful 2011:):):)

  17. OH NO! Severed fingers have a way of dampening the party spirit. Your dress sound stunning.

    I planned on celebrating last night with Anderson Cooped, but I fell asleep before he even came on.

    Happy New Year! La


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