Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Mod Mix Monday #190

I often think that double sinks are not very pretty in a bathroom. 
They usually involve a very large cabinet.
This is a great way to get around that dilemma.
This is two double sinks that still feels light and airy.
Love the marble...love the mirrors...love the basket...love the faucets...love the sconces.
Love it all!

Let's take a look at my favorites from last week's party...
Su of Butterfly and Bungalow gave us a tour of her sleeping porch.
I'd love to sleep on that bed and enjoy cool spring breezes...with the weenies of course!
 Jamie at So Much Better With Age shared her sources for her wonderful kitchen reno.
 Tabatha of Chic by Tab painted an old piece in a pretty shade of gray. 
Don't you love the gold pulls on this? I love gold with gray.
 Amy of Maison Decor showed us how to create this one of a kind floral chair.
Do you recognize what this is? Of course it's a miniature mannequin.
The sort that you display jewelry on...but look closely...do you really know what it is?
Or rather what it's made of? 
Diana of Adirondack Girl at Heart made this little mannequin with very ingenious household supplies.

Please join in this week's Mod Mix Monday!
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. Thank you Nita for Mod Mix Monday 190. Great features, always.

  2. I love that double sinked bathroom, and thank you, Nita, for featuring my sleeping porch among the other wonderful features. xoox Su

  3. I like what they've done in the bathroom with the double sinks also.
    Thanks for the party.
    Have a great week.

  4. Thanks for hosting your lovely party week after week, Nita. And thanks so much for featuring my mannequin craft!

  5. Thank you for hosting this party each week Nita! Have a great week!

  6. Thank you for the feature Nita! Love coming to your party. Have a great week.

  7. Thank you for the party dear Nita. Nice features too.
    Have a great week.

  8. I love that bathroom. Thanks for another great party and have a nice week.
    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

  9. I always enjoy your features. Thanks for hosting the party. Enjoy your week. Ann Marie @ Iris Abbey www.irisabbey.com

  10. Hi Nita! First of all, I want to thank you for featuring my drop leaf potting bench last week. We ended up going out of town and I left blogging behind for a week so I didn't even see it. Secondly, I am in love with the bathroom you shared this week.I want one! Thanks for hosting my friend and blessings to you,

  11. Hi Nita,
    Thanks for hosting. It was fun to join in on your party this week. Have a great week.

  12. Thank you so much for featuring my new kitchen source guide! Hope you have a good week ;)
    Hugs, Jamie

  13. I've wondered lately if double sinks will fall out of style someday? Not that I don't love mine, and I don't even share my bathroom with anyone. But I often think that they look awkward. If it weren't for resale value I think I would like to replace mine with a great single one put into a vintage cabinet.

  14. Thanks for sharing my chair Nita. I love your party and the guests you attract. Always cool projects and lots of inspiration. I had to look for about a minute and then realized it was a palmolive bottle I think for the mini mannequin! How inventive! xox

  15. I thought I had commented.
    Hmmm, must have just read through.
    Love all your picks
    and while I don't need a double sink, I do love that one!
    Hope your are having a good Mom's day with your Mom and hopefully you went to brunch somewhere fun!
    Hug your fur-babies for me!


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