Thursday, August 22, 2013

Harvey Bing a Ling a Ding Dong Dog

Yes, Harvey Bing!
Love, love, love this pudgy little dog.
He's actually lost quite a bit of weight.
I know he still looks plump...but he's way smaller than he was and getting smaller.

I love him from the tip of his pink spotted nose to the white tip of his tail and all the good parts in between.

Toenails got trimmed right after this photo shoot.
He HATES for his toenails to be cut!

All my dogs do.
It's so bad that when I pull out the human clippers to cut my own toenails...they all immediately
run away.
They are afraid they are next!


  1. What beautiful markings. LOVE dogs. They are my absolute passion!

  2. oh what a pretty baby! I just want to give a big hug!!! Pedro says hi to ya! :)

  3. Harvey looks GREAT! Franklin has had a good affect on him. Have you noticed Obie on Facebook? He has lost so much weight he looks like a different dog!
    Keep up the good work Harvey.

  4. Charlie runs when he hears me getting the dog shampoo and towels out.

  5. What a cutie. I just hopped over to your sidebar links and read about each of your dogs. You really are a family! We had a dachshund, Pokey (named after the children's book) for 17 years, so I know what individual personalities they have. It must be fun having so many!

  6. I am so SO happy to see that Harvey has slimmed down! While he was adorable roly poly, it's so much better healthy-wise for him to be slim and then of course, being a Dachshund, I know you must have worried about his back.
    Most of my dogs are pretty good about getting their nails cut except Twinkle. She starts SCREAMING when you just pick her up and have the clippers in your other hand.
    and Blue absolutely refuses to let me near him and "hides" under the kitchen table, so I always have to have the vet techs at work do it. In the beginning, it took 4 people and a doctor to do it. Now he's fine with just me and one tech...but he adores having everyone around him, loving on him while they cut them.
    Love this post. :D

  7. I love every bit of him, too! (Don't tell Violet!)

  8. Such a cutie pie....he just melts my heart :o)

  9. lol
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  10. He's looking great and so much healthier. :)

  11. He is looking slimmer! All of your dogs are just precious. Thanks so much for stopping by Heather is doing really well. Better than she's ever done after surgery. I just hope to gosh that this is the last one!

  12. He looks adorable. Harvey makes me miss my dachshund Chase. I loved him so much.

  13. Just want to give Harvey a very smushy hug! So cute!! :)
    xo J~

    PS- Ginger hates to have her nails cut's the end of the world when it happens.

  14. Harvey is so cute here with his little "I don't care" air about him. He is obviously to sexy for his nail trim. But he is totally adorable.


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