Monday, July 15, 2013

Mod Mix Monday #110

Summer Lounge
I'd love to lay around in this space reading magazines and blogs.
I love how casual it is but pretty. 
very pretty

Summer is just moving right along...isn't it?

We've had a little cool down here.
It was only 74 degrees here today with rain.
A nice soft gentle rain instead of the tornadic monsoons we experienced 
not too long ago.

Here I am talking about the'd think I'd have something better 
to discuss.

I don't. 
I've been boring of late....haven't I?

Well, boring can be good.
Not good for a blog...but good for your life.

It's bound to get more interesting...surely...perhaps.

Here are my favorites from last week's Mod Mix Monday.
Louise of Louise's West Oxon World shared the gathered junk that adds 
to the atmosphere of her garden. 
Like this old ladder destined to be thrown away that instantly adds dimension and interest to 
her plants and patio.
The Weathered Door painted this jacobean buffet gray.
I'm a sucker for this kind of buffet as anyone reading my blog, knows.
Paint one and link it up on Mod Mix Monday and I'll pick it as a favorite every time.
I just never tire of them.
Curby's Closet had a great post on how to put together a 
layered sitting area in the garden.
Tanya of Twelve O Eight made a cool Mod Vintage Industrial 
sconce slash budvase. I love the mix of metal, wood and glass.
I don't usually pick a food item for Mod Mix Monday but look how pretty these cupcakes are!
I don't care how they taste...although I'm sure they taste great.
But they are the cutest cupcakes ever!
And they look totally edible.
So many cupcakes these days are pretty but don't even look like food or look like there is 
so much couldn't possibly really eat them.
These are from Tanya too of Twelve O Eight.
Cindy of Sunset Coast painted and reupholstered a little bench.
Love that makes a vanity bench that might be too sweet lots of fun.

Share your new mixes below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. Thanks for the party, Nita! Enjoy the boring life while you can. I'd take some boring right now, that's for sure! :)

  2. Thanks for hosting! I've been boring lately too. My creative juices really kick in during Fall...have no idea why. lol. Have a grand week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  3. Glad you're enjoying your summer. We've had lots of rain here so it's been nice and cool. I'll take 74 degrees over 94 any day!

  4. Good morning Nita. The weather here is delightful and not boring at all, considering sunshine is something we long for! Thank you for hosting once again and blessings to you, Patti

  5. So much eye candy here today! Those cupcakes really are adorable. I'm heading over there for the recipe. Have a great week, Nita!

  6. Thanks so much for hosting! I just linked up for the first time and I'm not a follower through GFC.
    Tuula :)

  7. I look forward to all of your posts! And repin often!
    Enjoy this reprieve with our crazy weather!

  8. Hi Nita, love reading your blog. Thanks for hosting. Have a great week.

  9. I know what you mean about it being nice to be bored, but not so nice for blog writing........or taking photos (ie: here's me sitting on the sofa. Here's me (again) without any makeup on because I can't be bothered to do anything but be bored)!
    However, I love the idea of using garden junk as a feature......and guess what? I actually do have an old wooden ladder in my garden that was destined for the rubbish dump - next project I think!!
    Thanks for sharing dear xx

  10. Great features and thank you for hosting Nita!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. I'm back to party! Thanks so much for hosting!

  12. Nothing new Nita. We are in new floor installation mode, but wanted to say HI and poke around the party a bit ;)

  13. I'd love to lounge in that room, so pretty! Thanks so much for hosting again this week. Laura

  14. Nita thank you so much for the features this week! What a treat to see this morning :) As always, thank you for hosting us, and I would LOVE a summer reading space like the one you shared, gorgeous!!

    xo, Tanya

  15. Nita,
    Thank you for your beautiful, heartfelt message you left me. You are correct, we go on and things are never the same. But...we have our memories and we are here to make more and smiles are much more fun than tears. Actually, I just wanted to thank you for commenting. You are somewhat of a celebrity to me. Isn't it funny, in this blog world, how one elevates a person to movie star status? You are one of my movie stars! Thank you again... Oh, and I did fix the email thing. I am afraid I need to work on many blogging technicalities. I am so interested in so many things that I have not taken the time to devote to my blog. I surprised myself with this one though, and figured it out. Hope you have a happy day... Love many of your picks but that outside garden with the wicker is speaking to me!

  16. Those cupcakes look delish!
    Your weather sounds cool and refreshing. It's hot and humid here.
    The kennel is packed to the max.
    We are even using the surgery runs.
    Everyone must have gone on vacation at the same time. I feel like I'm melting.
    I could use a little "boring" right now! :D
    Thanks for another pretty post.


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