Saturday, July 20, 2013

July Yard of the Month

In Edgemere Park
I almost forgot I had the July Yard of the Month to share with you.
It was selected way back in early June so I completely forgot I had taken these photos.
This home was painted country blue when I first saw it eight years ago, including the rock.
The owners who bought it about seven years ago painted over the blue 
and took on the arduous task of removing paint from all the sandstone trim.
It went from being a so so house to an impressive one.
I love the variety of plants they have in their front beds.
Lots of different colors and textures.
Notice the nice iron trim around the front raised patio and the iron gate to the side too.
More variety on the other side.
They still had I was early June when these photos were taken.
Boxwoods line the cinder block fence.
I'd be tempted to grow ivy all over this fence.
Backyard gazebo includes a large gas heater making it useable much of the year.
Here one of their pooches sniffs around. She is a lab mix rescue and super super sweet.
Their other dog is a funny little pug.
And here we are back out front. They have a porch swing!
You don't see those much in my neighborhood.
We had one at my house when I was a child and I really enjoyed it. 
Till my sister hurt herself on it too many times and down it came.

That was pretty much the story of everything like that at our house.
We had a big swing set but my sister hurt herself seriously on it twice.
The first time Dad threatened.
The second time...he went out and pulled it up with the tractor.

I really didn't care....I was over it. I never played on it 
and honestly my sister didn't play on it right...she always played in a manner that
was going to get herself killed.

Oh...Mom was mad at Dad but I think he was right.
She'd broken her arm....and he let it go and then she broke off her two front teeth
and that was it! 
It was gone!

But I really would have liked to have had my porch swing back.

Have a Happy Saturday and if you have a porch swing....enjoy!

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  1. I can NOT imagine that house being country blue. (wish you had photos).That was so wrong. Country blue on a farmhouse or cottage but....just wrong.
    Nice garden.
    Love the tidiness of it.
    My garden is currently having a fierce battle with the weeds and it's just too hot to go out there and try to help it.
    Very cool gazebo.
    I need a cinder block wall like that! That would be a good deterrent for the neighbor kids.

  2. pretty yard and home too. i always love to see how people landscape and use a mix of plants. what are the bottle brush looking plants in the fourth photo called??
    also love that cinder block wall/fence. i am with you i would let the ivy go wild on it!
    thanks once again for sharing your little part of the world with us!

  3. oh gosh, I DO love a porch swing. I kissed many a boy on ours when I was in HS. And for painting rock blue? what were they thinking. LOVE the neutral color, it's a really pretty yard!

  4. What the new owners did to this house is wonderful compared to country blue. Sometimes, don't you just wonder what in the world people are thinking? My husband always teases me when we take walks because I am critiquing everyone's landscaping and homes. He will say, " They should have consulted you!" and then he just smiles. Anyway, the July home is great. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Vintage Girl -
    Are you talking about the large blueish colored one?...that is a dwarf globe blue spruce. The smaller plants all around it are a type of mondo grass, I believe.

  6. CeCe -
    Yes, the change in this house was amazing. The new owners also put in all the landscaping. It was quite an undertaking to remove all the paint from the stone. They would have done it to the brick but it would have harmed they painted it instead. It was not a pretty home before but now it sooooo is.

  7. Wow! I love all the different plant types. The variety of greens are amazing. It inspires me to put in different plants in my front and back yard!

  8. Beautiful! I have always wanted a house with a porch swing. There's just something comforting in it don't you think?

  9. Such a lovely and well-planned landscape! I'm intrigued by the cinder block courtyard. Also I notice that you seem to have much more of the original railings left in your neighborhood, ours, not so much. I would love to have some! there are so many good ideas here, what a great transformation of the house too!

  10. Truly a beautiful yard with lovely landscaping. Everything looks so lush and green.
    Mary Alice

  11. I so wish I did have a porch swing. Great yard and obviously devoted owners to remove all that paint.

  12. Such a smart lady to plant evergreens as well as perennials that way you have year round interest. I love all the gorgeous colors you have going through your yard. No wonder you won!

  13. Oh that is really a gorgeous home that truly has extraordinary curb appeal!

    SO glad you shared that with Inspire Me at Common Ground! Thanks for sharing.


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