Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Mantel

By the Sea
I'm a little late getting my summer mantel up....I know.
But I have a confession to make....I have not changed out my mantel in the living room
since last summer. I just did not have it in me.
So this is a good sign that I'm moving forward because I actually felt like changing it out.

My mantel is inspired by this large print of the painting called "The Giant" painted by 
N.C. Wyeth long ago.
It is a very favorite of mine. It usually hangs in my den/office but it's perfect for a summer
beach theme.
I kept the mantel simple since there is so much going on in the painting.
A closeup of the children on the beach.
And the giant strolling through the clouds...I imagine he's searching for Jack.
I filled a small cloche with shells and added silk hydrangeas to a mercury glass vase.
Needing more sea inspired accessories and having long admired beach glass bottles
adorned with seashell toppers.
I set out to make some of my own.
The two bottles to the right are new but I added a cloudy color wash to the inside.
The other I found at the flea market last week for only $2.
It already had the perfect patina.
These were so easy to make. 
I could have done a better job on the toppers but did not want to go out and buy supplies.
I used what I had on hand. Styrafoam for the corks...and hot glue to attach, then I painted with silver
paint over the hot glue. 
The seashell candleholder I've had quite awhile...a gift from my Mother.

Because several have asked - I'll do a tutorial on how to make the seashell bottles.
They are super easy.
sharing here too...


  1. Hi Nita! Love that print -- it's killer. I have a thing for kids on the beach. i haven't changed out my mantel since Christmas. I undecorated it after the holidays and never put anything back up. I hate calling attention to it as its sooo ugly. When I finally get a decent mantel, look out!! Love yours.

  2. It's so nice to be back and following everyone. It's been like a acid trip the last two months. I will let you know more when I can and please watch it, because I don't think I will have the nerve!!! Hf,K

  3. Well I wanted to mention that even though you might not change your mantle out I do notice when you change your header for the seasons, and the 4th of july look right now is so darling. YOu are sooo talented Nita! I love your style in a huge way!! Your mantle looks lovely and I am glad you are feeling the desire to decorate. Love all the shells!!

  4. It's so beautiful, Nita! I love the fresh beachy look you gave it.

  5. Hi Nita, This picture is one of my favorites too! It tells such a delightful story! Your mantle is fresh and light and summery. I just love the shell bottle stoppers!I thought they were soddered on. So pretty! You are very creative!
    Please join me for my brand new linky party, TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS. I think you pretty "sea inspired bottles" would be so popular! Linky goes live tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 8:00. Hope you will join in with this creative post!

  6. Oh! I LOVE your mantel!
    It's SO summery and beachy.
    Your bottle stoppers are great!
    I agree, they look soldered! Who knew.
    I'm so glad you feel like doing your mantel again, no one can do a mantel like you!
    XOXO - Cindi

  7. Beautiful summer mantel, and the photo of your mantel and fireplace is stunning! Turquoise tile...oh my!

  8. Nita,
    I have never taken the time to comment before but I am an avid follower. I love your mantle.....alone or decorated. Just lovely.

  9. I love everything about your fireplace and mantel!! It is beautiful. I just had to pin it!!! :)

  10. On its own, your fireplace is magnificent, but what a lovely mantel arrangement--it made me smile!

  11. I really love that print and the whole vignette looks quite nice and summery. xxoo

  12. Wow, I am impressed with your bottles!
    They look soldered. Way to go!

  13. Wow, your mantel is stunning, Nita! Love it!

  14. Love your mantle! The painting is amazing! And, the tiles around the fireplace - stunning! I dream of something similar for my beach house one day. . .

  15. It's so beautiful Nita, I love those bottles. I look forward to the tutorial.

  16. The print is interesting and CC has been reading to our wee guests a story called "Jack the Giant Killer" perhaps it is the fella in your print. I am so happy you feel well enough to play with your mantle.

  17. Glad you've the energy and desire to change out your mantle...and with such fabulous results! I know it's been a tough year for you and have had you in my mind and heart many a time over these months.

  18. So fresh and summery! Love it!

    Blessings, Grace

  19. The print is interesting and CC has been reading to our wee guests a story called "Jack the Giant Killer" perhaps it is the fella in your print. I am so happy you feel well enough to play with your mantle.


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