Friday, June 22, 2012

Clam Shells in Decorating

She wishes for seashells 
from down by the seashore.!!!!!
Shells and mirrored furniture with gorgeous tile.
Does it get any better than this?
I'm kind of obsessed with huge clam shells at the moment.
I want one soooo badly.
That's amazing....right?
Love that wallpaper or stencil or whatever it is.
Brass fixtures never looked so good.
I'd be happy with one on my coffee table.
They look good with any kind of decor.
Real ones are super expensive.
But this faux one is on sale right now at Ballard Designs.
I actually like the fake ones better because that means the real ones stay in the sea.
Pottery Barn has one too
Their's is super big and only $99!!!!
This one looks to be of cement.
Very chic
So pretty in a bath.

I broke my rule about decorating with shells this year.
I usually think that you shouldn't decorate with shells unless you live somewhat close to water.
But I was tired of not getting to enjoy them in the summer.
So this year I broke out the shells.
Thanks mostly to several people who sent shells to me late last summer.
I have plenty to decorate my living room and dining room with.
I'll show soon.
Won't have a large clam shell though...unfortunately unless I make one out 
of chicken wire and paper maché. Which I think is totally doable.


  1. I can't think of one person that doesn't like shells. Kind of like sunshine. Everyone likes them!

  2. I have shells all over my home. We do live on the NC coast at the beach, but hey why not enjoy them regardless of where you live. Love the big shells too.


  3. um.....I might be that one person.
    But it could be because of flashbacks to a mean old aunt that had a lot of them. LOL!
    Anyway, I kinda like the last one that looks white and paper-y.
    But I don't like them as sinks at all.
    Oh well! we can't all like the same thing!

  4. I've never decorated with shells, but I love she'll encrusted things. Last year I bought 3 shell covered vases, little vintage ones, and they r very sweet. I also love the ornate mirrors I've seen encrusted. Christie Brinkley did her mantle in shells I think...she obsesses on them and makes sailor valentines. If I see a big clam shell I'll get it for you!

  5. Best. Sink. Ever. I love the unexpected and different so those sinks really speak to me.
    Is 6 hrs close enough to the sea?
    I live in the middle of the desert but have jars full of shells we bring home from travels and I love them.

  6. What gorgeous inspiration - I didn't know I needed one! :) Lovely post, Nita!

  7. There definitely isn't anything better than shells and these pictures are amazing! Have a *fancy* weekend and enjoy decorating your house with shells!

  8. Oh wow! Now I am going to be on the hunt for clam shells!!

  9. That's funny, because I debated for a long time whether to use shells in decorating our house, as we live a couple of hours from the ocean, but this summer I went for it, and I'm glad I did--I love it! I loved every picture you shared--and I really like the idea of crafting a large shell out of paper mache or concrete--they could be very lovely, and likely a lot less expensive. Thanks so much for sharing this with us, and have a great weekend!

  10. Lovely! We are shell people too : o) A little happy from the sea!

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