Sunday, August 14, 2011

Open House Sunday 16

Renovated in Style
Today's open house comes from the pages of the Fall 2011 Issue of 
Renovation Style Magazine.
This home is in Birmingham, Alabama and dates back to the 1880's.
Pandy Agnew a decorator and shop owner saw this house's potential even if no one else did.
It had been abandoned for three years.
In the kitchen she used reproduction french chandeliers suspended by rope.
The home is only 1,250 square feet. Pandy made the small house work better for her needs 
by repurposing rooms and moving the kitchen from a small narrow back room to one of 
the middle bedrooms. 
I especially love the back deck.


  1. LOVE the interior of this place! I want those bar stools.

  2. Thanks, that was a lovely tour of a beautiful home - she has done a wonderful job!

  3. Wow! Now THIS I love. Everything is so unique and perfect.
    I want those french chandeliers tied with rope.

  4. wow nita. love this. i adore the colors used. i want it all!!!!!!


  5. HI Nita, I got that mag and I think it is the Fall 2011 issue (not 2010). My FAV thing is the beaded chandy with the rope!! I adored how that looked...anyone can add a length of fat rope to their plain wire...wait till Funky Junk gets a look at this one!!

  6. I am soooo with you about the back pretty!!! xo

  7. Love this home. I also love the bar- stools. I think they are from Noir furniture line in L.A. Joni from Cote De Texas used Noir in one of her designs. Check them out. They have great furniture- Trade only...

  8. Love the kitchen. It is fabulous. Great little house and beautifully redone. Hugs, Marty

  9. Hi Nita Sweetie...
    Oh I simply adore this post. Isn't this a place you would SO love to move into. I love the kitchen, that little chandy hung by a rope? TDF. Love it. Love those bar stools as well. Just gorgeous.

    That shower is gorgeous as well. Love the rock/pebble trim. So pretty.

    Thank you for taking me away today. I so enjoyed my tour.

    This is the Miracle Weekend makeover. I am one of the hosting sites. For every comment left, Guideposts magazine will pay a dollar, to the next cancer makeover patient. Please stop by and read the story about 9 year old Charlie, and bless me with a comment. Out goal between the 4 or 5 blogs is 5,000. I know we can do it. I would appreciate it, if you pass the word around to as many friends as possible.

    Thank you sweetie for a wonderful post. I love it. Have a glorious weekend. Country hugs from Phoenix, Sherry

  10. I love this house. I would love to find a little cottage like this one to make into a perfect getway.~Ames

  11. Beautiful...I always love looking at pictures like these...lots of inspiration.
    Have a wonderful day

  12. That is such a sweet little house. It looks to be so much bigger than it is. It has very high ceilings.
    I love the exposed beams, I wonder if they are original to the house?
    She has done a fabulous job of keeping it true to its roots, I think.

  13. That is a darling little cottage! How wonderful that someone took the time and love to make it a home again!~Hugs, Patti

  14. Cindy -
    No the beams are not original and she raised the ceiling in all the rooms so it would appear bigger.

  15. Ok, they seriously have the best taste in lighting ever. Wow every room is my favorite. And yes the deck is dreamy!


  16. Love love love it. It's small but really nice. That part about living within her means is pretty radical--wink wink.


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