Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Danger of Tissue Paper Flowers

They Seem Innocent Enough
I've had these tissue paper flowers hanging from the chandelier in my dining room for months.
I posted here about a hummingbird flying in through my back patio doors circling
the flowers and coming on into the living room over my head and around and back through the 
rooms and out back through the doors.

I was sure it was attracted to the large flowers it saw inside.
(You can read my tissue paper flowers tutorial here.)
So yesterday, I left the back door open for the dogs to go in and out because it was only like 100 degrees 
out instead of 110 as it had been.

After a bit I went to shut the door because all the weenies were in the house with me.

As I went into the breakfast nook I heard buzzing over my head. 
I thought it to be a locust that had flown in. 
I looked above and to my surprise it was a hummingbird!
Well, all the weenies followed me in there and hummingbirds are frightened of weenies.

I had moved my feeder away from the back deck after the first one flew into the house.
1. because I didn't want one flying in again and 2. because hummers are afraid of weenies so
I thought it better they didn't have to be so near them.

This poor little bird kept flying up to the ceiling because my ceiling is painted blue and 
I think she thought it the sky.
I didn't know what to do!
I went outside encouraging the dogs to go out with me...hoping she'd find her way out.
No...she rested on my little tole flower chandelier. She just sat there.
So that wasn't working. 
So I went back in and waved my harms hoping to direct her out.
She again flew up at the ceiling and then flew over to the corner hutch up and behind a large
pink cake platter that I have displayed on top.
I waited a few minutes for her to fly out. Nothing.

So I had to get a chair to stand on. Ladders were in the garage.
I removed the bowls and platter that was up there. And nothing.
I had to stand on my tippy toes to look up over the edge of the cabinet.
There she sat on an old paint rag that I'd inadvertently left up there when I painted.
It's really hard to see on I didn't know I'd left it. 
She was just sitting on the rag. I quickly realized that her wings were covered in cob webs.
hmmmm...appears I have a spider living up there.
I lifted the rag with her on it gingerly.
At this point the weenies had lost interest. I think they thought I was working on a project and they'd gone outside.
She sat there so calmly while I lightly and carefully removed the cobwebs from her wings.
I would have loved to have taken my own photos of her but I didn't want to stress her.
As soon as the last bit of cobwebs were gone she fluttered and bzzzzzzzzzzz
flew away!

It was the most amazing experience. 
But what if I hadn't seen her fly in? What if I hadn't found her?
She would have quickly died in my house.

I've never had this problem before hanging the tissue paper flowers so I promptly went in the dining room and cut them down. 

Yes, I loved having it look like a party was going to happen at any minute but not at the risk 
of little bird's lives. 

I'm soon changing the chandelier in this room anyway.

I just thought I'd warn you of the danger of tissue paper flowers.
They attract hummingbirds!

I will never forget how soft her little wings were and how calmly she sat while I cleaned them off. 
You would think she would have been fluttering about but no. She just waited for me to remove. 
I was afraid she was hurt, she sat so still. I was so thankful when she just flew away.
Have you ever held a hummingbird? 
I've seen quite a few videos on YouTube of people hand feeding them. 
They are such lovely little creatures.


  1. No, I have never held a hummingbird but I just love to see them when they come every year. We have a very popular feeder every summer and we love to watch them on summer evenings. Your story was so cute! I am so glad no hummingbirds, humans or weenies were hurt during this incident! ~Hugs, Patti

  2. NITA! How unbelievable! It's another message from above.

  3. Wow what a special experience!

  4. What an amazing story! So glad the little bird was OK and could fly away. Your flowers are very pretty!

  5. This is somewhat humerous to me....(: Hehehe

    But I'm glad that you found her when you did.....

    And I'm glad that no Weenie or Bird was injured in the event. (:


  6. Awesome, just double awesome. I have never held one but my husband has. Same experience as you, it was kind of trapped in the garage and it let him carry it out side to fly away. I have a feeder right outside my window here in my studio and they buzz out there all day long - I even have names for some of them. I would LOVE to be able to hold one. Lucky you and lucky birdie :)

  7. Oh Nita! I can just imagine how sweet that was. Hummingbirds are just special.

    We've had birds come in several times because I'm guilty of leaving the patio door open in the spring. Never a hummingbird. We have three hangers right by my kitchen window. They are swarming right now.

    Did you make it through the storms ok?

  8. What a sweet story. She trusted you because she instinctively knew that you were tenderhearted!

  9. What a sweet, tender experience you had! They are amazing and take my breath away! One day I was watering with a garden hose when a little hummingbird paused in mid air to get a drink, them off she went! Such touching moments! Thank you for sharing such sweetness!


  10. Yes, but what a beautiful danger! They are so bright and cheery. Great pix!

  11. That is the sweetest story, Nita. Nature is so amazing. I can't believe she wasn't afraid of you.! You must have a very gentle soul :)

  12. That's astounding! I have never heard of anyone holding a hummingbird. What an amazing story! Glad she's all right ;-)

  13. Wow Nita! First thing I thought of when you said she came in the house was your dad sending a message! And then it got so amazing that you rescued her!! That is just incredible!

  14. I am so glad you found her and she was not injured by the ordeal...and that the weenies behaved and went outside...Thank you for sharing this magical experience with us.

    Blessings Kelsie

  15. What a unique and extraordinary experience Nita. I believe it means something else positive. I'm glad the hummingbird was saved.

  16. I too, thought of your Dad when you started the story. While the Pom Poms might have been part of the reason the little bird flew in I can't help wondering if maybe this special moment was way of distracting you from all that you are having to deal with right now.
    And -Wow, what a beautiful tender memory that has created for you. :)
    XOXO - Cindi

  17. What an amazing thing to happen! Love hummingbirds!
    I remember visiting a wonderful Musem in CA; full of antiquities and treasures. But what amazed me and held my interest was a hummingbird nest near the reflecting pool. It had eggs in it-the size of peas!
    Nature is amazing.
    Thanks for sharing!

  18. I adore your tissue paper flowers! I made some recently for my daughter's 6th birthday party, they were such a highlight, but they didn't attract any hummingbirds. How beautiful, such amazingly tiny birdies. The paper flowers are now adorning both my girls' rooms, they are pure delight because they never wilt and die. Hx

  19. That is really cool Nita!
    Those paper flowers are adorable! I always make me smile!

  20. Oh Nita, Hummingbirds are one of my most favorite things in the whole world. I've never held one, I am so jealous!! Just kidding, but we always have them, every year. Today, I was just bending down to plug my phone in the charger and outside my office window there it was!! I seemed like it stayed there forever, but it was only moments and GONE! I was so thrilled! Love them, that makes you special!

  21. You and the weenies have the best adventures. You may have to write a book.

  22. Well at least you heard it and went investigating. I would hate to think of the smell after you discovered a not so humming hummingbird!

    Love the tissue balls! Off to check out how you made them!


  23. lol poor little guy! he couldn't help himself. they were so pretty

  24. What an amazing experience! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  25. I've held other birds, but not a hummingbird. Once when I was a child, I thought my dogs attacked a bird, so I picked it up. They dogs hadn't gotten it, but it allowed me to hold it for a few minutes.

    Then a few months ago, my Mom accidently disturbed a nest with baby birds. Thank goodness they were almost ready to fly anyway, because the nest was destoryed, so let's just say they had to learn quick because we have weenie dogs too.

    I wouldn't have thought about the tissue paper flowers attracting the humming birds, but I know they are attracted to bright colors. Bright pinks and reds are what they go for in our yard, so it makes sense that they would see that and think food. Thank goodness you were able to rescue it!

  26. thank goodness there was a happy end to this story, nita! i was worried there for a minute! ;-)

  27. That was the most intriguing tale I've heard about a hummingbird...and it was TRUE! My husband is an avid hummingbird lover and is going to be so envious of your experience.

    You life saver you!


  28. I have held a hummingbird before. We had huge windows in the house I grew up in. A hummingbird got in and was on one of the beams across the top part of the window. The bird was stuck. I got a chair and gently took her in my hand and then took her outside and let her go. Before I let her go I saw that she had a fushia head and bright green on the wings. Wow the colors were amazing. I'm glad you were able to save your bird too.

  29. We don't get hummingbirds in Australia but what a sweet sweet thing. How delicate nature is... how lucky we are to have interactions such as this.

  30. Wow, Nita! I am so thankful you found the little guy! So......what are you planning on doing to your chandy?

  31. If I were a hummingbird....I would do the same thing...just to get a closer look at you adorable home.
    Happy day

  32. What a sweet story, Nita. I'm so glad you saw the tiny visitor before it was too late.
    I have never held a hummingbird, I know they are very mean to each other.
    So glad you were able to hold it and remove the cobwebs.
    What are you going to put up in place of the dining room chandelier and where will you put that chandelier?
    Hugs, Cindy

  33. What a neat experience! I'm glad you were able to save the hummingbird!

  34. Wow! That is AMAZING! I had not idea one could hold a hummingbird, and how interesting that yours sat there calmly while you removed the cobwebs. To see one up close with wings so still must have been magical.

    I think you saw the hummingbird photos I took, posted on my last blog post, arent' they just delightful creatures to behold?!?

    ~ Violet

  35. That is an amazing story. Poor bird but I am sure it stress you too worrying about her. Glad all turned out all well.

  36. This is definitely a unique experience. Every time I look at our paper poms, I think your story will resonate in my mind.
    I'll be sure not to hang them near a door or open window!


  37. No, I haven't had the pleasure of holding one. I was lucky this summer just to get a few pics of some. You lucky girl you!

  38. Nita you are the bomb diggity when it comes to helping animals and people...we love you for this rescue darling...admirably, Dawn Suitcase Vignettes xoxoxo

  39. Such a great story! I live in Edmond and we have had a lot of hummingbirds this summer too, which is kind of surprising, with this heat and all. Just the other day, a little hummingbird flew straight toward hubby's (somewhat large) belly and hovered their for a moment, aiming it's beak at the big, bright, round, orange OSU emblem located right in the middle of hubby's solid white t-shirt. It was so funny. Apparently these little birds are attracted to brightly colored, round objects.

  40. What a sweet post !

    Growing up in the '60's and early '70's, those tissue paper flower/poms were all the rage. I had a bunch hanging in my bedroom at home and we made them to decorate for every birthday and holiday party !

    thanks for the memories !!!!!

    Tomorrow is the last day of my STINKY Give AWAY on Lavender Hill - I hope you can pop over and check it out !


  41. I love hummingbirds I could watch them all day! They are so fast while at the same time so graceful, I can't believe one flew right into your house! I do know they LOVE reds and purples so anything bright like those adorable little tissue flowers they are gonna love! :)

    ~ Thanks for the smiles

  42. How amazing, and I'm glad it had a happy ending. It's also a great compliment to your tissue paper flowers! x Sharon

  43. WOW, what a great story!
    Saved a humming bird, scored a paint rag, getting a new chandelier... the only loser here was the spider.

  44. What an amazing experience! They love your pink! Incredible that that little sweetheart sat there in your hand. Loved hearing this! xoxo Debra

  45. Mom has tons of hummingbirds at the farm..She has this one that is a bully and when the other hummingbirds try to go to the feeder he whizzes them off and swoops them! Who knew they had personalities, but that one is mean! lol


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