Friday, July 8, 2011

Yard of the Month

 July's Yard of the Month 
for Edgemere Park
My neighborhood's yard of the month for July was an easy pick.
Once I and the rest of the committee set our eyes on this yard...we knew we had a winner.
I had such a good time visiting with the owner of this house and she graciously let me take lots 
of photos to share here.
This place has large containers filled with flowers and greenery everywhere.
All of that was in the front yard and porch.

Here we go around back.
I love this rounded back patio off the back door complete with the original iron railings.
Isn't this ancient icebox fun?
The current owner added the pool, outdoor kitchen, fireplace and pool.
I'd feel like I was on vacation everyday with this backyard.

Come back on Sunday when I'll share the inside of this home.


  1. Gorgeous Nita!! Tudors were always my favorite homes, looking forward to see more of this beauty! Martina

  2. What a luxury to have a fireplace and a pool in the backyard, I'd never leave :)

  3. Beautiful "YARD" and I"d kill for those windowboxes!!!! :)

  4. They must spend a lot of time watering all those potted plants to keep everything looking so nice in this heat we're having!

    I have one flower pot on my front porch - that's all I was brave enough to commit to keeping alive.

  5. Love the Mother-In-Laws-Tongues plant in the planter. I have a lot of that plant and it gave me ideas. It is a lovely yard and house!

  6. Nita, you are so blessed to live in such a pretty neighborhood. I love your posts when you share the gardens and open houses :D

  7. Wow! To have that backyard and pool would be a dream come true. I just told my husband that we need a pool. It's actually hot enough this summer to really enjoy it.

  8. Impressive indeed! I love the architecture of the home. And wow, that pool is sooo inviting...I just want to jump in. Happy weekend Nita!

  9. Very nice...loved every single picture!

  10. Lovely, I can't wait to see the inside! Xoxoxo

  11. Incredible! I just love her pots. They are so lovely! Thanks for the peek! Kit

  12. I'm sure you already KNOW what I'm going to say - I LOVE that pool!
    :) - Cindi

  13. What a charming home. She is a wizard with her pots. Thanks for sharing

  14. I love that backyard, its so hot today I could use a dip in the pool!!!

    hugs JoAnn

  15. Oh my gosh...I'm so glad you found me so I could find you! WHAT A JOY for me!!!!

    I'm going to go and peruse your site and take it all in! WOW!


  16. So resort-worthy! I'd feel like I was on vacation too! Beautiful landscaping and I love those window boxes!

    Hope you're having a lovely weekend, Nita! ;)

    Take care.

  17. Hi Nita!!

    So glad you stopped by..always nice to meet another Oklahoma blogger!! Hope you are not melting in this heat!!! My hydrangeas are holding their own..just keep pouring the water on them! So nice to met you..I am adding your blog to my list as well! Stay cool!


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