Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Garden Urns

I Urn for You

I love great big garden urns stuffed with a variety of plant materials. 
I'm planting my little herb garden today. 
But I'm searching for some urns to fill with flowers.
I'm so happy that true growing weather is upon us. 

My Mom and I celebrated her birthday yesterday.
I told her we'd do whatever she wanted.
So we spent two hours in Hobby Lobby checking it out leisurely.
Then we ate Indian food at the best Indian Buffet in town.
Mom thought it too spicy. 
I didn't think it was, so I was disappointed that she thought it too much. 
Then we ate chocolate muffins I baked with whipped cream and 
short glasses of milk. Followed by watching "Dancing with the Stars".
Mom loves "Dancing with the Stars" and I have to say,
"Go Kirstie!"
Make all us fat women proud. 
You are big and lovely and funny and you couldn't be any more beautiful, smaller.
So just keep it up.

Shabby Apple Giveaway is Still Going On!

You get to choose which dress.....
I'll choose a winner on April 15.
Just go to this post to enter.


  1. Hello Nita! I love the first picture. I love color blue.

    Belated happy birthday to you and your mother! It must have been so fun to celebrate your birthday to the person who gave you your birthday!

    I also love the way you celebrated your birthday, so laid back and easy going. I wish you more happiness!

  2. Gorgeous planters! Love Kirstie, she is a lovely woman period,at all sizes she has been,

    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    31summers giveaway

  3. Those urns, over-stuffed with gorgeous flowers, are delicious! Have fun planting today! Our growing season is not yet upon us.
    GO KIRSTY GO! Happy Belated Mum!

  4. Wow my heart is beating fast at the sight of all those exquisite pictures!! That first picture literally took my breath oh wow is that gorgeous!

  5. Hi Nita their all so beautiful but I would have to say the last picture is my fav!! Martina

  6. These photos make me want to run straight to the garden center and spend way too much on plants! Too bad that I can't really do that right now. Great inspiration!

  7. Yes those urns are inspiring, but usually they have big castles or mansions behind them. ugh. Anyway I think Kirstie rocks, she is hilarious, and hubs and I laugh at her funny comments. Happy Birthday to mom~did she take the Roscoe chair home?

  8. It's so nice that you spent a easy fun day with your Mom. I think that sometimes a simple day together with someone can be so much more special that a big elaborate celebration. Happy belated B-Day to your Mom!
    I love those urns, I never thought of planting hydrangea in them! I can't hardly wait for the day after Mothers day....the "safe" planting day for us here in the Midwest!
    (I'm so excited to see your home! The parade has been so fun to peek inside everyone's home! :) )
    XOXO - Cindi
    Oh and I agree "Go Kirstie! But take it easy on poor Max! LOL!"

  9. What a lovely little spot you have here.... I so adore all these images..such a pretty place. Off to take a peek around and become inspired. xoxo happy day.

  10. I love the urns but our weather is way too cold yet for planting...
    I also am rooting for Kristie I think she has an elegance the other people cannot second fav is the karate kid lol. Hubby and I sit and watch and comment on every costume,dance and music, I hate tues. nites when they start with the guest acts...who are they? lolol before my time I guess. Happy Birthday to your Mom.. hugs JoAnn

  11. I too love the big urns.... especially with the hydrangeas!!!

    We're fortunate to have a "cement" store just across the Canadian border... only 20 or 30 minutes away. One of those old places that has all kinds of cement urns, fountains and garden figurines for sale. Some have been in their sales yard so long they LOOK vintage! I got my little garden gnomes their last year and plan to get a couple of urns for my front porch pillars this year... This post was quite an inspiration!


  12. I went to a garage sale last summer and the guy had about forty planted urns for sale. Many heavy tall ones for one hundred dollars or less. I bought one large one with a cactus so I could essentially ignore it. You would have loved those urns.

  13. Lovely photos..I love the urns and beautiful plants in each of them. Wanda

  14. Love these! They remind me of the house in the movie Atonement (with Keira Knightley and James McAvoy).. especially that first picture.


  15. That first image is unbelievable. It has to be a huge arrangement of hydrangea for some gazillionaires wedding or something in Newport, RI.

    I love the black urn in the middle of the pea gravel path. At least that's something that's attainable.

  16. beautiful pics of flora filled urns. the blue hydrangea, in particular, is spectacular.

    sounds like you and your mum had a lovely day.

  17. Isn't there just something so addicting about urns? I could have them everywhere, inside and out. But if I planted in all that I'd love to own, I'd have to water them all! Yikes. The ones you show are gorgeous. And yes, Kirstie is fantastic and it's fun to watch her.

  18. Hello Nita!

    I found your blog browsing among many, and I stopped to admire the pictures vessels and combinations of plants and colors fantastic! Thanks for the suggestions I have found so many ideas!

  19. I LOVE URNS! There is so much inspiraton here.

  20. I love flower filled urns. Beautiful photos, Nita! I also love that turquoise table. Happy Birthday to your mom. It sounds like you had a lovely day celebrating. I'm pulling for Kirstie, too. I love her personality, sense of humor and her upbeat attitude.

  21. *dreamy urns* I will be planting mine next week :D

  22. Can't go wrong with an urn or two!!
    Got one of mine from a council dump, broken in pieces, then got my boyfreinds dad to put it together again, now it looks just like one of the fabulous one flanking the doorway in your last picture!
    You can see it here

  23. OMG Nita! I have seen your lovely blue eyes as well on other friends' comments pages, and then suddenly here you are, and here I AM! YOUR BLOG IS GORGEOUS!!! Dearest, thank you for visiting me and I am so glad to find you as well. I AM A FOLLOWER TOO and you are on my blog roll as well. Gosh those pictures are fabulous! I am enjoying myself looking at your posts which are filled with much joy. I love your profile and how it describes your home. I am originally from Los Angeles where there are many tudor homes built in the old style HOLLYWOOD inspired cottage. What fun to get to know you. Fondly, ANITA

    And to some friends, I am also called, "NITA"!!!


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