Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Let's Recap
It was a beautiful day at my friend, Shannon's house.
The table was set just so.
She had fifteen for dinner.
This is the dessert buffet.
I didn't take a photo of the dinner buffet but it included anything and everything 
you could ever want for Thanksgiving.
We had...
Two kinds of stuffing
sweet potatoes
mashed potatoes
broccoli and rice casserole
green bean casserole
grilled asparagus
corn pudding
home made rolls
assorted cheeses and fruit
cranberry fruit mold
red velvet cake
pumpkin cheese cake
chocolate cake
chocolate french silk pie
pumpkin pie
pumpkin roll
fluffy pink stuff

if you notice
my wild rice salad is not on the list

I made it last night while I talked on the phone.
I usually go to the Heath Food store to buy my wild rice.
But I didn't want to make an extra trip.
So I bought a mixture of wild rice, brown rice and texmati rice.
I often do half brown and half wild so I thought it would be ok.
And it probably would have.
But I talked for 20 minutes with my sister and then said I'd check the rice in another 10
and it should be fine.
Well, it wasn't. It was mush.
Turns out this rice I'd never used before was quick cook rice.
I always use regular rice.
This rice was done in 15.
So it was a mess.
I went ahead and mixed it all together hoping it would still be good.
It wasn't. By really was horrid.

So I ended up only taking asparagus.

I learned my lesson.
An inexperienced cook needs to pay attention to what she is doing in the kitchen.
We didn't need it any way. 
No one missed it.

So maybe I'll try again at Christmas.

I said it wasn't about the food but that IS why we were all gathered.
There was football watched.
Not by me.

There were furry friends underfoot.

I sat at the kid's table.
Kid's table.

These photos show the dining room I painted this past summer with Shannon.
It's not my style at all but look how great it looks with her things.
We should just call her house "Holiday House" because it does look so pretty 
all dressed up for the Holidays.
She had the back bedrooms already decked out for Christmas and will be doing 
the entire house this weekend.

I'll probably go by to see how it is coming along.
I'll take photos when it's all up.

When she is done, it looks like Santa himself lives there.

I hope your day went as planned.

sharing at


  1. What a wonderful feast. I thought these were magazine photos, what a gorgeous center piece.
    Don't worry about the rice, I am sure you were invited because you are wonderfully warm and creative friend not because of your rice dish.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Wow, what a setting! What a menu!! Sounds like a fabulous Thanksgiving. Can't wait to hear about your Christmas and see pics! Lynn

  3. Wow! Shannon's house looks like a magazine layout! Not my style at all either, but very festive! Thanks for sharing.

    Why were you at the kids table, lol?


  4. WOW! Absolutely beautiful! The colors remind me of my sisters home. She has everying done in rich warm colors (while I'm the Queen of White and Black).
    It does look like a magazine spread. It will be nice to more!

    I know what you mean about cooking something you've never used before, I once burnt the Pecan Pie that I was supposed to bring and my B-I-L pouting the whole afternoon!

  5. What a gorgeous house, and I want to snugggle up in that bedroom!

  6. wow. so pretty and like everyone has already looks like a magazine layout. just beautiful. what a wonderful friendship you two must have.


  7. What a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner!I always sat at the kids table for holidays, even after I had kids of my own. Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Shannon will love hearing all your wonderful compliments. I always tell her that her house looks straight out of a magazine. This confirms it. I should have told more about the dining room. The table is made from an antique door. It's fantastic. I'll show more soon when It's all done up for Christmas.

    That hutch that takes up the entire wall? She bought it without measuring. Most of her furniture comes from a store that imports antiques from around the world. It's just down the street from her.

    Beach Bungalow asked why I sat at the kid's table...because we had several grown up couples as guests so both Shannon and I sat at the kid's table. Not so was in front of the window and just to the side of the big table. So it wasn't like it was in another room.

    Back when we had huge Thanksgivings in my own family....I always had to sit at the kids table. Because I wasn't married...I was the odd adult. It got where my little cousins started to ask how old I was and why was I still sitting with them.

    Only the Thanksgivings that I brought a date to dinner did I get to sit with the adults. And you think there isn't discrimination towards single people? I'll let you know there is.

  9. I thought you were showing pictures out of a magazine! GASP ... what a beautiful table setting! And the menu, ohmygoodness!

  10. Your friends dining room and table is GORGEOUS! It does look straight out of a magazine. And after reading the list of dishes, my stomache is growling!

  11. Well, I'll join the club and say magazine worthy. I too, thought that's what it was when I first looked. What a gorgeous and yummy Thanksgiving dinner! I love her style. Kind of rustic but elegant classy. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Nita, what a great looking table and dessert buffet. That was a lot of food. Sorry your rice salad didn't work out. Like you said I am sure they didn't miss it.

  13. Thanks for sharing your friends house. Lovely! Love the garland over the bed.

    Sorry about your rice. We've all had mishaps like that! Asparagus was a good save.

  14. You were a good sport sitting at the kids table. I would have wanted to oggle over that centerpiece on the grown-up table!

  15. Ooooh! How elegant. I love your centerpiece.

  16. Rice has always been tricky to me and I fix it all the time. I bought a rice cooker for brown rice especially. This house is fab. Love the china cabinet and the table. I have always wanted one out of a door and we have lots of old doors.

  17. I know others have already said this but I really thought this was Better Homes and Gardens. I had to read on to realize you actually had Thanksgiving at this house! Stunning!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and loving my shower curtain as much as I do!

    Have a great holiday weekend!


  18. Yes Nita...I concur, when I was scrolling through I thought these were a magazine! Gorgeous, and oh what a feast indeed. We are still eating, and I am bursting!

  19. You are so funny ;) I've ruined things by talking while cooking, too. So when friends want to come over early for dinner, I kindly tell them no (unless they want rice mush, for example) and yearn for a kitchen with a door ;) I think they had enough food there, though. How was the kids' table? ;) Gorgeous Holiday house... that's for sure.

  20. What a beautiful Tablescape. The centerpiece is amazing! Glad you had a fun day with friends.
    You'll need to take more photo's for us when she is done decorating, she is very talented! Let her know we said thank you for allowing you to share with us!
    Have a great weekend.

  21. Stun-ning! I can't imagine it looking any prettier. LOVE the hutch against the wall, the table...

  22. Wow! What amazing decor! And the bedroom.... I rarely make it that far, by the time I get the main part of the house done... I'm done too! As for dogs.... we have two, both children brought theirs for the day also, so we had 10 people and 5 dogs!!! We put them in different rooms for dinner time and visiting though.... and we'll have the same 5 dogs for Christmas too. whew!

    ~ Violet

  23. Beautiful, beautiful table! The centerpiece is so lush!!! I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving!

  24. Wow, your friends house is beautiful. I love the wall (and ceiling) color -- so warm. Sorry about your rice but I liked the lesson learned. I need to remember this!

  25. Lovely centerpiece. Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving feast. Thank you for sharing your photos. Cherry Kay

  26. Her house is really red, for my taste, but you're absolutely right -- it shows off her furnishings to perfection. It looks very warm and inviting; perfect backdrop for holiday decor.

    I've been the odd adult at many celebrations and holidays, as I didn't marry until later in life. There is tons of discrimination against single women. Not so much men. I was viewed as an oddity, many times, for not being part of a couple. I understand exactly how it can make you feel.

    Sorry the rice didn't work out; but it might have been overkill considering just how much food y'all had!

    The Always Annonymous HollyM


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