Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

It's not the food, its the company...
Does not matter what you eat
It might be something as simple as
and toast
Perhaps a pretzel and a jelly bean
What matters is who you share it with.

I hope you are sharing your Thanksgiving with those you love.

My family used to have huge Thanksgivings centered around my paternal Grandmother.
After her death in 1997...gradually everyone scattered.
But when she was with us on Thanksgiving, just after we all sat down to eat but before we
COULD eat...she'd make each of us go around the table and say what we were thankful for.
My father and uncles hated this.
One of them would always say,
"I'm thankful this year wasn't any worse".

That's how this year has been - not a lot for me to be thankful's been a rough one...
and yet it could have been worse.

 Thank you to all of you that read my blog and offer encouragement and pick me up in spirit
when I'm feeling like no one cares about the stuff I care about.
You care.
I'm more thankful than you could ever possibly know.


  1. I love that - "I'm thankful it wasn't any worse" - that sounds like my Irish family right there! Nita, I hope you have a happy day today, and a wonderful year in between this and the next Thanksgiving, so you can look back and say, "I have much to be thankful for." I am thankful to have found your blog this year!! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.

  3. Hey Nita,

    I'm so sorry that this year's not been such a great one for you, my friend.

    Here's to the next one - may it be filled with love, fun and laughter.


  4. I'm thankful that I found you and your blog!
    I'm wishing you and your furry gang a warm and happy holiday!
    and you are right, while it sometimes seems like we going through tough times, we do have to remember that it could be worse.
    XOXO - Cindi

  5. I am thankful to have met you this year Nita. Have a fabulous day with your friends.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving, Nita. Hang in there, you're due for some good times!



  7. Nita, so grateful to have you as a blogger friend, I know things will be better in the New Year...

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Art by Karena

  8. Happy Thanksgiving Nita. You make a lot of people happy.

  9. and *I* am thankful for your beautiful blog. your posts are some of my favorites to see on my dashboard.

  10. I just got back from Thanksgiving dinner and I'm almost nodding off. As I rub my tummy, I'm thinking - It is a "little bit" about the food.

  11. I'm thankful for blog friends like you! :)

    Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the weekend!


  12. Happy Thanksgiving, Nita. Thank you for blogging and sharing your life with us.

  13. It can always be worse. But I am wishing it will be better this year for you.

  14. Great post Nita...and your father sounds SO much like my dad, that is just what he'd say!! Which probably has something to do with why I am not re-married!! lol.


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