Thursday, July 11, 2019

Of Rain Chains

and such...
 Last week I finally got around to 
hanging my rain chain I bought months ago.
I decided I must have one after viewing them
hung from the gutters of a bungalow not far from me.
I'll show that bungalow below.
I got this rain chain at ROSS for $9.99!
I was thrilled at the price till I went to hang it and realized it
was about half the length it needed to be.
I didn't have a spot for it from my gutters anyway.
Now it hangs from a tree in my front yard. 
I think it makes a nice feature.
I've struggled with bare spots under my yaupon holly 
tree in the front flower bed for years.
The roots are so thick...I can't plant anything there.
I finally got smart and realized I could put containers
on top of the root filled soil.
It's a shady spot so hostas and ferns are happy 
in their pots under the tree.
 This little dragonfly I bought at a local art festival.
He's made of vintage silverware.
 Ok, so here is why I needed a rain chain. 
I happened upon this bungalow one day last spring.
It was just before Easter. These photos show large Easter Eggs
here and there. The trees were just starting to bud out in these
A few weeks later I was driving buy and 
saw the owners out working in the yard.
I pulled over so fast - they thought I was a crazy person.
I just had to tell them how beautiful their yard is 
and how lovely their bungalow is painted.
 They hadn't taken the covers off their patio furniture yet.
Isn't that the cutest rain chain?
I told them how much I admire their bungalow and 
they said they tried to make it look like a bungalow that you 
would find in Oregon or northern California.
They added the stacked stone.
All the bungalows here have brick rather than stone.
I told them I loved the color combination they'd done for 
the exterior paint.
They said several of the neighbors complained about 
their paint choice when they first did it.
They thought too wild. 
I think it's just right.

The day I stopped the owner had just planted her container
a top the pedestal.

A sweet path.
I could have spent all afternoon on this porch.
 The owner planted purple irises in honor of the
previous owner who'd lived there many years.
Her name was Iris.
This house and yard is such an inspiration for me.
The owners have done all of this themselves.
And were full of gardening knowledge.
I was so glad I stopped on the spur of the moment to chat 
and take photos.


  1. Am heading to Tuesday Morning to find a rain chain. So glad to be reading your blog again!

  2. This is a beautiful home, and garden. As a Californian, I'd say they did very well! We have a rain chain, but not much rain as we live in Central California. My husband turned it into a fountain for me, with a pot. Love them all, no matter how they're used.

  3. It makes me so happy to see you back again...I just adore your blog, reading about your life and adorable home, and the way you find inspiration everywhere. Thank you so much for sharing yourself with all of us!


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