Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Carol's House

This is the house of a client of mine, Carol.
I designed several rooms in her home.
On my first trip to the house to measure the rooms
she said to me. "I hate my house.
It's not my style at all."
She had only been in the house a few years and 
I laughed and asked - "Well,
why did you buy it if you didn't like it?"
 Well turns out this little newish craftsman house 
sat right next to her parent's house.
That's why she bought it.
But she likes things very modern and more sleek.
She had added the large rectangular concrete planters
in front of the home. Which I wondered that first day why the 
landscaping planters were so modern when her house was so not!
I asked if she was open to painting the brick and she said
yes that is what she had been considering but didn't know what
I suggested white or black. 
I took photos of the house and told her I'd present photoshopped
photos of how it would look in either color.
This was the first one I showed her imagining it in white.
At this point I was trying to keep costs down and only suggested painting all existing.
 Or it could be painted black. 
The garage door would be a wood tone.
She loved the white. 
She wanted a modern garage door and front door.
I photoshopped that in. 
At this point I realized she was prepared 
to spend some money on making it the house of her dreams.
So I suggested enhancing her porch with additional beams.
She found online a porch swing she fell in love with.
 I made suggestions in September/October and by Christmas 
she already the house painted and new posts and beams up.
Here is the new swing in place.
 The house as it appeared last December. 
She was going to replace the mailbox but in the end kept it
and just painted it white.
I recently called her and asked it she'd take a current photo for me
and she did. Now she has the modern front door in place too.
The only thing she didn't do that I would have liked to see was
little black vents added into the gables.

  I'd really like to see that small detail added.
 Carol was just the ideal client. 
I'd make suggestions and she'd jump right on it.
Afterwards she thanked me for giving her the ideas that
made her love her home. 
She actually said, "I love my house, now!"
I adored working with her!
Her Mom did the plantings in the yard.
The pink flowers are such a nice compliment to the white and black.
Notice the black and white cushion on the porch swing.
She now has the most stunning house in the neighborhood.


  1. That was an amazing makeover and your ideas were awesome! I always have a hard time designing for a modern look because I personally don't care for it, so hats off to you Nita!

  2. Fabulous transformation. Like Amy, I am not a huge fan of modern but done well, I appreciate any style. This transformation is amazing. To me, it is the best of modern and bungalow. Great ideas, Nita!

  3. So pretty! Love the painted brick!


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