Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I'm Back!!!!

We're Back
That's my boy...Franklin. He's a big part of the reason I've been gone so long.
I never meant to stop blogging...but somehow a few weeks turned into months.
Back on Labor Day weekend my little Franklin ruptured three discs in his back.
It was a terrible weekend. I didn't know he'd hurt himself.
It started with him limping a little on Saturday morning.
Saturday night when I got home from work...he couldn't walk at all and was in 
lots of pain. 
I rushed him to an all night vet where he stayed till Tuesday morning when I
was able to take him to a surgeon.
By then he couldn't feel his back legs any more.
He was paralyzed from mid back down.
The surgeon said there was a 40/60 chance he'd be able to walk again.
Even with those odds...I decided to try the surgery.
It was a rough go that first week.
He was still totally paralyzed but not in a lot of pain.
He had to be kept still in a pen for 8 weeks.
He was mad at me...he looked at me like..."Why had I done this to him?"
We made many trips back and forth to the vet and the surgeon.
He had a terrible bladder infection that made him even more miserable.
This video is one of the first times Franklin was out in the yard after the surgery.
This would be the first week after surgery.
He couldn't walk and couldn't wag his tail. 
About a week after the surgery he moved the tip of his tail for just a second.
That was monumental! Mom and I had him at the emergency vet once 
again because I was so worried about his ongoing bladder infection.
They had taken him to the back to try to get a urine sample and when he was brought 
back out to me...he moved the tip of his tail just slightly.
Mom and I both saw it and ww started yelling...
"He moved his tail! He moved his tail!"
We were crying and laughing and jumping up and down.

Everyone looked at us like we were nuts but it was our first glimpse that he might regain some movement.

The surgeon told me it could take 6 months...and that is about what it has taken.
Sorry these videos are all sideways. I don't know why I filmed them that way.
They looked fine on my phone but look stupid here.
But you get the idea.
This is Franklin in the backyard last week.

I'm so proud of how well he has done.
Sorry, my voice is so irritating on this video and sorry that the video is sideways.
I'll try to shoot a better one this week - turned the correct way.

I feel very lucky that Franklin has made such a great recovery.
He walks a little funny now but nothing slows him down these days.
He's a very happy boy again.

I've found now that I'm working full time as an interior designer...
it's really hard to get projects done around my house.
I did get french doors put in the breakfast nook off the kitchen.
About a week after Franklin was back home and recuperating in the breakfast nook in
a kennel...the back slider door fell off!
I had to live for about 8 weeks with no door while I waited to have one made and installed.
I had plastic sheeting up to keep out the weather. I lucked out as we had a very mild
fall and not much rain.
Mom would come many afternoons and check on Franklin during the first 8 weeks of his

I'm so happy to be back with all of you and will be posting again on a regular schedule.

We'll talk again soon!


  1. I have wondered about you Nita. I went through the exact thing with my weenie Sister when she was four. I was rushing to Stillwater just before Christmas in a snowstorm, crying rivers. She is back to normal though it was such an expensive procedure. Glad you had it done as most couldn't afford it. It was a traumatic time and I am glad it is behind you. We do love our weenies.

  2. Nita, yay you're here!! We've all wondered and worried about you.

    My SIL had to do similar surgery with her dachshund. Believe it or not that dog dragged her behind and was incontinent for probably two years but she has gotten better. She can actually run now. :) My sister in law loves that dog and has gone to the full limits with her.

    I'm glad you have an interior design job and hope it's one you love. Can't wait to hear more from you.

  3. I'm SO SO Happy that Franklin has recovered and doing well!
    and I'm Over the Moon HAPPY that you are back!

  4. So nice to hear from you again, Nita! I thought of you often during the past months, but I know how hard it is to balance work and blogging. I had no idea how much you were going through with Franklin, and I'm glad to see how well he's recovered. Isn't it amazing how quickly the weeks and months pass by? Welcome back!

  5. Wow! That's wonderful that Franklin recovered after so many months! What a process and a commitment. It is amazing what we do for fur babies. Congratulations on your full-time interior design career. That's wonderful! That's so strange how your door just fell off. When we restored the old windows on the front of the house they were all broken out from the process, taped with plastic and cardboard, until they could come and reglaze and install new. I would love to see the French doors in the kitchen.

  6. I am so glad to see ou again! And so glad your dog-baby is better. Maybe he will continue to have good health, now.

    The kids next door have a dachshund, a black one, and he seems rather small although I guess he is full grown now. He's very cute, called Bandit. It is fun to watch him play.

  7. Hi Nita,
    Thank you for coming back! I often wondered how you were. I also understand how hard it is to take the time to blog when so busy, my posts were far apart but I hope to be more consistent now too.

    What a hard thing to go through with Franklin, and what a relief that he is doing so much better! Like you, I've had some difficult times with my doggies health over the years. My two Silken Windhounds which are a year and half old now are doing well, we lost our two
    beloved Afghan Hounds last year.

    Wonderful to hear you are working as an interior designer now! Sounds like the perfect job for you!!! I want to do more posts about the remodeling we've done this past 8 months since we sold the new house we built and bought a 30 year old house on larger property.

    Welcome back!
    ~ Violet

  8. Aw, I'm glad your little one has recovered. Looks like a sweetie!

  9. Well hello! I'm sorry about all that you have gone through with Franklin. But I'm glad he's recovering and that you have a little less to worry about. I'll look forward to hearing more from you.

  10. Well hello! I'm sorry about all that you have gone through with Franklin. But I'm glad he's recovering and that you have a little less to worry about. I'll look forward to hearing more from you.

  11. Glad you're back, Nita and that Franklin is doing so well! I did miss you but family (fur baby) always come first and blogging stuff can wait!

  12. So happy to hear that Franklin is healing and recouping so well. When I saw that you had a new post I was so excited!! Then when I read the first few sentences I was worried...but the good news is so wonderful!
    You and the pups have been MISSED!
    I know life has been topsy turvy and busy but I am so happy to hear that all is well and you may have time for sharing life's little news with us again.
    I saw an article recently about Oklahoma bloggers and did not recognize one of first thought was where is Nita? :)
    Happy March.
    Hugs to Franklin and his siblings.
    Welcome Back.

  13. Hi Nita, I'm so glad Franklin is doing well and that you are back! We missed you.

  14. I am glad you are back. Poor little Franklin. Rough surgery but so rewarding. We love those fur babies. Not to have a door in the winter would be hard. Hugs

  15. Ahhhh so happy your sweet fur baby is much better....I know how it feels when our fur babies are not well,.,.
    Welcome back...


  16. Happy that you are back! And so glad that Franklin is doing better.
    Funny, I just posted for the first time in months, too.

  17. WELCOME BACK NITA! And the gang! So great to see Franklin back to his chipper self! How wonderful! Can't wait to see the french door. Looking forward to reading all your new posts.
    Your pal,

  18. OMG!! I was so excited to see your post pop up! I am glad your doggie is doing so well. Oh what stress that must have been on you. I look forward to hearing all your updates. Take care, Kit

  19. awwww poor baby! So sorry to hear what happened but I'm happy it all worked out in the end. Very happy to see you back blogging again!


  20. I am so sorry to hear about Franklin but glad he's doing better. I am also so glad you are BACK. Have missed you.

  21. So glad you are back! Franklin looks great compared to your first video. Our little rat terrier hurt her back and we have had to keep her calm and in a room where she can't jump up on anything this week. I sympathize with what you have gone through with Franklin! The sun is out today in OKC and I'm so thankful that spring is almost here. Have missed your beautiful posts!

  22. Franklin looks really good! All your TLC payed off. I can imagine how happy you & your mom were when you first saw his little tail move.
    It's great to see you back.

  23. What a touching story. Good for you and for Franklin! Thank you for loving him so much.

  24. Yay back to blogland finally! We have all missed you, and even if you have no time to decorate, I love the images you always find to inspire on your Mod Mix parties. So maybe some posts like Nita's Picks.....and then we can all drool together.
    Glad Franklin is improving and I hope he gets to 100% again.

  25. So happy you are back. You have been greatly missed. Such craziness with Franklin, but wonderful to hear he is on the mend. We have missed you lots!

  26. I'm excited to see you back Nita! I've missed your style :) I am so glad you were able to get help for your pup and that he is doing so well. Welcome back my friend :)

  27. So glad you are back! I've missed you and your beautiful posts. It's certainly understandable when life has priorities. So sorry to hear what you and Franklin have been through but happy that he is getting better. Hugs!

  28. Welcome back, Nita!! I'm so happy for you and Mr Franklin that he is well. I worried about you and I knew from your note to me that it was going to be a long haul to get him well! But you and your mom have done it!! What a sweet face he has!!

    In the meanwhile, I had to euthanize my beloved Purrll I'm not over it and won't ever forget she's gone. If I see something white, I, for a second, think it's her coming to greet me. She was sick with kidney failure and the time had come for her to not suffer. I have 3 other animals in the house that need my love and nurturing, but I am missing her. I know you know exactly what I'm talking about!! So I am rejoicing with you that Franklin has done so well!!

    We all missed you!!

  29. Welcome back, Nita! I was thrilled to see your post and very happy for your little Franken-Weenie and his recovery. Isn't it just so hard when our fur-babies are sick?

  30. I'm so glad you're back, Nita and with such a moving story aboout Franklin.

  31. So glad Franklin is on the road to recovery!
    The poor little thing-it's so heartbreaking to a pet go through something like that- his recovery is a credit to your love and care

  32. So happy to have you back. Glad Franklin is doing well. Missed all your decorating adventures. Take care and have a wonderful Easter.

  33. Soooo glad all is well! You were missed!

  34. I'm so glad you are back. Have been wondering what was going on with yo. Glad things seem to be turning around.

  35. Welcome back - you have been missed! Life and loved ones come ahead of blogging.

  36. I'm so glad you're all doing well, and so happy to see you post. we've missed all of you!

  37. Nita, I've been so absent that I missed this, Franklin, bless his heart! Oh that sweet boy, I'm so sorry that he's been through all of this, and you too. I know it's been a labor of love but what a time you've been through. Your videos speak volumes of all the care that has gone into his recovery, I know that his courage and spirit have had a part in it too. Bless you both and take care, all of you!

  38. Hi Nita, I have been in your boat with the absentee postings, but an back, too! So happy your little Franklin is on the mend! Glad to see you back. Come visit when you have a chance!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Hi Nita. I am very happy that Franklin has had a great recovery. He is obviously a tough little guy and you must have giving him wonderful care. I too took an unplanned break from blogging last year and my reason was dog related too. I started fostering rescued dogs, mostly puppies but now I am back blogging too. Welcome back.


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